Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance

Graphic shows the presuppositions of
All movements based on Critical Theory

In my last post (Social Justice: The New ReligionI showed that Social Justice, and Critical Theory from which it is based, is hardly a new philosophy but a very ancient spurious  paradigm sprung from the lost person’s sin nature which rejects God and any truth associated with God. It has gained traction in many previous societies under the guise of paganism, gnosticism and even Christendom religions that wandered from the biblical Gospel into worldly philosophies. The Bible predicted such incoherent musing as gaining traction because people rejected God and His truths and actively decided to follow myths according to their own passions (2Th 2:9-12; 2Ti 4:3-4).

Example of a Critical Theory Subgroup
Oppressed via Injustice and Inequality

Notice, the above graphic telegraphs its presuppositions by referencing the Frankfurt School of Disciplinary Social Theory; seeking to unmask oppression based on social injustice, inequality and exploitation. Social justice assumes the moral high ground by presupposing these elements are already dominant and must be eliminated based on their knowledge to negate current education and societal authorities; this automatically assumes such authorities conspire to keep certain groups oppressed by actively denying them justice and equality. Notice, none of these terms are defined, violating the Logic’s Law of Identity. One is expected to know the truth of these terms and thus agree with them even though their definitions are not clear. This is the usual methodology since Critical Theory and those movements based on Critical Theory, reject as oppressive the Laws of Logic, factual knowledge and historical perspectives; i.e., nearly any discipline that challenges their self-derived myth of active, ongoing oppression. The development of oppressed subgroups began with feminism, expanded to include the LGBTQA+ groups and today includes compliant groups such as self-defined black populations, immigrants: both Hispanic and Muslim, and any other groups that can be portrayed as minority and oppressed regardless of the facts. Their goal is to fragment and then oppress those who are identified as today’s societal authorities and majorities: usually the self-defined European “white” society; Western Judeo-Christian cultures to be specific. Why?

Judeo-Christian culture based on Bible
With Absolute Good and Evil Values

Though imperfectly implemented, as will always be the case as mankind imperfectly understands God’s truths, Western culture became based on the Gospel and thus the Bible. The Bible is clear: good and evil are absolutes with evil seeking to destroy any who believe in God beginning with the murder of Abel by Cain (Ge 4:1-8). The Gospel was at work bringing many to salvation who sought to live godly lives based on their new nature which replaced their sin nature at salvation. However, neither Christ nor any of the inspired Scripture writers authorized Christian governments; i.e., theocracies (2Ti 3:16-17). This anomaly grew out of sinful men perverting the Gospel combining it with government to force nonbelievers into submission: pietism. This became the methodology of the Roman Catholic Church, Greek Orthodox Church offshoot and later the Protestant mainline denominations as they quickly became associated with newly forming nation-states. Pietism always produces injustices because sinful people are twisting Scripture to suit their ends forcing the less powerful into submission or elimination. This has always occurred as history has demonstrated since very ancient times. However, in Judeo-Christian cultures, there has always been a remnant of believers vocal about removing such injustices and promoting equality of opportunity in both receiving the Gospel and benefits of a rising standard of living; i.e., middle class development. It is the reliance on absolute biblical values that Critical Theory proponents sought to eliminate since truth and facts reveal the fallacy of their beliefs. Postmodernism was their weapon to eliminate absolutes.

At its core, Postmodernism promulgates the belief that there is no absolute knowable truth. Since all knowledge is transmitted by language which is defined by each person’s experiences there is no means by which another person may know absolutely what truth is to the communicator and thus unable to challenge that knowledge as true or untrue. Thus, all knowledge is true from the communicator’s perspective; unless the communicator is a member of the dominate element of society; though a coherent explanation of this qualification of knowledge is never adequately explained, it just is. The above graphic of the black women educator who is teaching her truth from her minority perspective as a woman, though women are in the majority, black and thus oppressed by definition without proof of her particular state of being, and an American, which makes her an oppressor according to these self-same definitions applied throughout the world which sees America as the major oppressor of all cultures today. The more oppressed qualities a person possesses the more their truths cannot be knowable and thus challengeable. Where these oppressed qualities intersect is called insectionality. The greater her, and anyone else’s, intersectionality the more truth they possess that cannot be knowable by those who are not oppressed. This relativism does not explain why it is superior to historical data, facts or absolute biblical truths; it is taken as a given. Those who reject such reasoning are automatically defined as guiltily of oppression: this is called kafkatrapping {damned if you do and damned if you do not}. This is why such philosophies reject rational analysis and synthesis, or thinking. These are faith-based philosophies or theological religious tenets that must be accepted with question. They think to imitate Christianity but God said, “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord… (Is 1:18). It is works-based pietistic religions that ban reasoned responses to discover truth; God always invites mankind to discover the truth of His word(s).

Epistemic Exploitation is Considered
Oppression or Abuse to Prevent Knowing

Epistemic exploitation, “…occurs when privileged persons compel marginalized persons to educate them about the nature of their oppression.” Thus, not only can you not know or challenge anyone’s views, their interpretation of knowledge, you cannot even ask to be educated about what you do not know! This is the perpetuation of ignorance to eliminate any search for the truth or veracity of such knowledge. This willful perpetuation of ignorance hides in centers of higher education and masquerades as advance knowledge. Many of its disciples are ignorant of their own ignorance because of these tenets. They are resistant to facts, historical data or even elements of truth as being the meta-narratives of the dominate societal group just to keep them oppressed. This is a return to the very ancient and ancient cultures whose myths and ignorance was eventually challenged first by God’s Ten Words (Ex 20:1-17) and later by Christ’s Gospel as it percolated throughout the ancient world destroying paganism before becoming engulfed by gnosticism and pietism in the medieval Dark Ages.

The true goal is the elimination of all knowledge of God and His Gospel with the willing return of the world’s population back to serfdom, slavery, to the dictates of the few elites who control such power as may continue to exist. This is nothing short of a return to medievalism and the initiation of a new Dark Age. Modern man has the technology and power to implement this on a world-wide scale as never before. Information technology concentrates information in the hands of a few people who control access to information according to their own philosophy; i.e., religion. Power can be focused anywhere in the world in 24 hours or less forcing entire countries to bend to the demands or truths of centralized power brokers like the United Nations which is neither united nor representative of nations but of international socialism implemented in increments such as advocated by the Fabian Society, and other similar groups of power brokers behind the national scenes. The use of entertainment to keep people focused on pursuing fulfillment of frivolous lusts purchases the consent of the people to their own enslavement. However, the Gospel cannot and will not be squashed since it is the power of God; thus, there is hope as the curtain descends again on a new age of ignorance, on a new dark age of hopelessness for those who reject the truth of God’s Gospel for eternal life.

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