Who Are You Voting For? A Savior?

The American Savior: The President

I have heard the same rhetoric in American presidential politics for forty years. The only thing that changes is the crisis that requires Americans to vote for the “right” candidate so we are not destroyed outwardly or inwardly. We only need the right person to guide us into the Millennial Age of peace and plenty. So, I ask the Christian, “Who are you voting for?” “A savior?”


I was not surprised during the Iowa caucuses when charges were made about Senator Cruz’s campaign using questionable methods to discourage people from voting for his apparent rival, Dr. Carson. Christians were largely silent on the matter, though I was to surprised. Pragmatism is the American philosophy so if we can remove the greater evil from the White House then we can ignore the questionable methods used to obtain the office. Why do we accept such notions as, “Two wrongs make a right” when the Bible teaches something quite different!

I am not surprised that people competing for the highest office of the land stoop to less than savory tricks to sway voters. The Bible teaches that there are “none who seek after God, no, not one.” I expect it since those who run successful represent the vast majority of Americans; that is, they are not Christians (though they may profess to agree with Christendom). I do not expect the lost to do what is right. I do expect the Christian elders of the land to speak loudly about the behavior that deviates from the Bible. But then I am no shining example in my life of always doing the right thing so I am in no way casting stones. I am more reflecting on what Christians expect to accomplish with this election, or any election for that matter.

Our time is one of inversions.  Republicans loudly proclaim the “right” to fly the Confederate Battle flag, a symbol of the Democratic South whose aim was to keep people enslaved. Minorities demand tolerance to say and do anything they wish all the while practicing intolerance against those who do not share their values! The Christians share the stage with government and place the documents of government on par with the Bible even though the men who wrote said documents publicly and demonstrably hated the Gospel of the Bible!

I am not interested in the Left and Right (not my terms but popular terms used today as code words for those of certain beliefs) having common solutions to problems. I expect there to be strife as these people hold divergent and strong opinions about how to “solve” certain problems. The expectation that both sides will be in agreement to solve problems is like asking the Christian to stop speaking the Gospel in order to maintain peace with those who disagree! There are suppose to be disagreements because people have different beliefs about the source and solution to certain problems. The demand that everyone agree to the same basic solutions is tantamount to establishing a tyranny, rule of one group.

Whenever one person, group or organization is unopposed or gains overwhelming power oppression quickly ensues. Any study of history shows that the persecuted church quickly becomes the persecuting church when overwhelming power is gained. It is the nature of sinners, remember our Bible verse, to oppress those who are in disagreement. It is only when nearly equally powerful groups engage in discussion that equitable solutions may be achieved. But the goals must be realistic!

I am not interested in the Left and Right (not my terms but popular terms used today as code words for those of certain beliefs) having common solutions to problems. I expect there to be strife as these people hold divergent and strong opinions about how to “solve” certain problems. The expectation that both sides will be in agreement to solve problems is like asking the Christian to stop speaking the Gospel in order to maintain peace with those who disagree! There are suppose to be disagreements because people have different beliefs about the source and solution to certain problems. The demand that everyone agree to the same basic solutions is tantamount to establishing a tyranny, rule of one group.

Whenever one person, group or organization is unopposed or gains overwhelming power oppression quickly ensues. Any study of history shows that the persecuted church quickly becomes the persecuting church when overwhelming power is gained. It is the nature of sinners, remember our Bible verse, to oppress those w

For Christians to expect utopia, or at the very least the Millennial Kingdom, from the lost or even from Christians while in the flesh it not only unrealistic but dangerous. The Bible is clear, there will be no peace while man is in the flesh. Even when Christ returns to establish His Millennial Kingdom, man in the flesh rises up to destroy Him, Jerusalem and all who follow Him. If Jesus cannot establish an utopia on this physical, material earth, why do we expect the next elected official to do so?

Instead, this unreasonable demand that the government protect citizens from any and ALL threats is the single greatest reason that both Left and Right are joining forces today! Citizens who look to government for their safety and security will find that they have neither safety nor security but not from forces without but from the very government from which they demanded protection! In order to achieve the high level of protection demanded requires a high degree of control in every aspect of life. And when something slips past the barriers, a black swan event, a hue and cry goes up demanding a sacrifice to atone for such failure; excuse me, a ruined career for allowing such an event to occur.

The Christians are supposed to be the “salt” of the earth. We are to bring “balance” to the insanity of the lost because we understand the forces at work behind the empirical, physical, forces of the world. WE have the BOOK that tells us what to expect, what the problem is and how to teach others what the true solution for hope is. Yet, WE are running around like “Chicken Little” leading the pack toward panic. Christians are so willing to find their savior in the next President that they join forces with the lost, with those who knowingly hate the Gospel, in order to achieve “peace on earth”. The only one who promises to bring peace on earth is not Christ but the Antichrist, and the Christians are actively helping him toward his goal!

Boot on Throat

Government is the Ally of the Antichrist

There is no hope in man. There is no peace in the rule of man. There is only death and destruction through the actions of the modern nation-state. The move toward regionalism is simply an evolving of government into ever more powerful forms in order to conquer more people. Yes, we do hope for peace in our time but only if it is in the will of Christ. Remember the peace of Stephen, Paul, Peter, Abel, Zechariah and countless others to include Christ! Why should we expect anything less! I know of several Christians that will do anything to avoid conflict with others, Conflict arises from differences of beliefs. To avoid conflict means one must either squelch one’s beliefs or accept the beliefs of others. It is never lost man who changes, he cannot. If there is to be any decrease in conflict then the Christian must abandon their position on the Gospel. This is the goal of the world and it appears to be the accepted position for many Christians. So when you vote think about the Gospel and not about your taxes or safety, leaves those to the Lord Who is mightier than any President!

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