Allure of Reflexivity at a Distance
Reveals its True Nature Once Ensnared
In my studies of the New Perspectives on Paul (NPP) (The New Perspective on Paul A Historical, Critical, Appraisal of a New Approach to Judaism and Paul. Chris Reeves.) I recognized the philosophical underpinnings of Reflexivity and its attendant Fertile Fallacies which I had previously discussed (Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate and Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism). Americans tend to think in discrete boxes; however, as I previously discussed (Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview), Satan works multidimensionally weaving his tentacles of deceit into a reinforcing framework of thought legitimizing his cause: show God as the author of evil {Theodicy}.
I believe Postmodernism is simply a code word designed to obfuscate the deceit that work effectively in societies which also are built on deceit (You are of your father the Devil…there is no truth in him… (Mt 4:8-10; Jo 8:44)).
World War One (WWI) revealed bankruptcy of Marx’s Socialism/Communism theories. Marx expected workers of the Industrial Revolution, free enterprise and free markets, to rise up against capitalists, those who made free enterprise effective. However, the Industrial Revolution was responsible for the greatest increase in people’s standard of living in history! The workers did not rise up against capitalists or government; they were ardent nationalists fighting each other in support of their respective governments, preserving their middle class status. The agrarians rose up in societies that had yet to embrace agricultural industrialization, history’s biggest use of slavery due to its inherent labor intensity. With the failure of Marx and his disciples to understand this, and the need to rethink their failed theories, Antonio Gramsci pointed the way via Cultural Marxism.
Cultural Marxism Used Polymorphous
Perversity (Freud) to Breakdown Society
As Cultural Marxism details, Germanic rejection of God (The Essence of Christianity. Ludwig Feuerbach. 1841.) fitted Marx’s theme that man is god (Ge 3:5). Marxism is a religion since all political systems define and regulate their brand of morality: religion defines their morality. When Marxism was in danger of obsolescence, Gramsci’s cultural Marxism ensured its revival. Marxism would infiltrate, rather than directly confront, societies via: educational systems, cultural entertainment systems, religious systems and finally takeover political systems at the behest of the people; i.e., voted into office. Very early in the 20th century Freud’s bankrupt polymorphous perversity theory was used to attack biblical sexual morality. This legitimized all forms of sexuality which today has become the LGBT… movement. Education, entertainment and liberal religious institutions all support this movement legitimizing it with the fallacy of majority (Democracy).
Yet, despite the success of Gramsci’s cultural Marxism through such groups as Frankfurt School (The Birth Of Cultural Marxism: How The “Frankfurt School” Changed America), Fabian Society, Club of Rome, etc. there were still Christian factions staunchly resisting its infiltration. A methodology was needed to change morality through religions. The Social Gospel movement and its later sibling, the Social Justice movement, were attempts to force this change but these movements worked from the outside-in. Gramsci wrote that one must infiltrate the actual institutions and work from the inside-out gradually to effect change. After World War II (WWII) this movement quietly began in the academia of mainline Protestantism. As I wrote (Was Paul a Rogue Disciple?), the NPP did not seek to rewrite the Bible, they sought to redefine Paul’s notions of Grace and Law-Works to reinforce the changing societal standards already developing in other societal institutions.
Cultural Nomism of NPP is Religious Marxism
Recreating Societies Along Cultural Moralities
Using 1st century Judaism as its template, and incorporating Roman Catholic Church (RCC) liturgical principles, grace became defined as admittance into the society of God’s people. People were admitted into Judaism via circumcision. RCC later substituted baptism as the means to enter the RCC society of God’s people (Replacement Theology). Works were then redefined as the means by which one maintained one’s identity with the society; i.e., atone for transgressions against the society to maintain one’s position. The doctrine of individual salvation was dismissed as a caricature of Paul’s doctrines by Luther’s personal battles with the RCC and Erasmus which infected subsequent Protestantism. The NPP’s Emission was to reverse this false interpretation of Paul and return to cultural nomism (Culture Law) which is the true interpretation of Paul’s writings.
The NPP did not work openly in society but quietly worked through academia training new theologians, reverends and priests in this new perspective on Paul. It was rarely discussed openly keeping it out of the light away from those who would sound the alarm. They believed, and rightly so, that the majority of people would not care as they were too busy chasing their favorite diversions (movies, television, music, art, readings, etc.) that were already changing their views. But, those who attend RCC and Protestant mainline denominational churches were being changed over the years. Redefining salvation in cultural terms means that being against cultural norms means that one is against the culture; therefore, one is the enemy of the people. Before people even knew there was a battle raging, the war was lost. The true Gospel of Christ was being marginalized. This new societal worldview embraces atheism and secular humanism as they accept the view that man is god and God is an evil dogma meant to control people and keep them from experiencing their true freedom and potential.
Evangelicalism was the last bulwark against this perversion of the Gospel. However, Fertile Fallacies and Reflexivity, at work in other aspects of Cultural Marxism were used effectively against the false teachers at work in this movement. First came the incorporation of scientisms, psychology and sociology, to redefine spirituality and then society in the same manner: tyranny of the Group. As societal norms changed more evangelical institutions embraced the concept of societal salvation according to these new values: one could be a Christian and still have the same societal values of others. Those who did not have the same values were outside God’s people and need to be brought in as their values were basically the same now as the group’s values. True Christians who do not embrace cultural nomism are the true enemies of society.
Christ as the Cornerstone is as foreign today
As it was to the Judaizers of Paul’s day
The NPP movement is also forging ecumenism with both Judaism and Zionism under the simple, but misleading, label of Jewish. Since WWII any opposition to the philosophy of Zionism and Talmudic Judaism is considered tantamount to anti-semitism. Thus, taking an orthodox view of Paul’s writings based on the normative hermeneutical technique is quietly being labeled as anti-semitic as it states that Jews who reject Christ as Messiah are lost. While this is true on an individual level of all peoples, the NPP views this at the cultural level; thus, one is attacking an entire Jewish group. At the heart of the NPP is not just ecumenism among those who are of the various church denominations; it is also ecumenism with Judaism, and Zionism which is conflated with Judaism, which outright rejects Christ and the New Testament. Thus, the NPP philosophy is simply another form of Cultural Marxism seeking to forge ties with disparate beliefs along the common line of rejecting Christ and substituting its own truths for God’s truths (Ro 1:18-32). Notice how all the tentacles of cultural Marxism reinforce the same conclusion remaking society in their own image. When one turns to churches to verify biblical truth this refuge has also been infiltrated. When one hears the same truth from nearly every source one believes it must be true. This is the lie Paul warned about that would blind societies who choose not to believe the Gospel (2Th 2:9-12). The true Gospel produces peace (Ro 12:15-21; Ep 6:15). False gospel produces greater degradation, violence and death (Ro 1:18-32). At some point Christians will be labeled the enemies of this modern society and then will come the fiery trials as occurred in the 1st century; do not be surprised for it heralds God’s coming testing of man’s societies that reject Him (1Pe 4:12-17).