Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World

Wilderness Separation: Whose Light is Guiding?

Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World;
But, Is Egypt Type of the World System?

Nothing is more quintessential Jewish and Biblical than the Hebrew people marching out of Egypt after God humiliates Pharaoh through the Ten Plagues. Their glorious exodus from slavery to freedom is resurrected in modern times via the motif of black versus white racism that refuses to seek peace in Christ today. Indeed, it is the center piece of Critical Theory Wokeness ushering in The Great Reset, New World Order. But, what if evangelical Christians were not the only ones to get this metonmy incorrect? What if deception were the point to keep all of us from understanding the Wilderness’s Truth: It is about Separation. Continue reading “Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World”

Duality Systems at War

Duality is found in all of nature
Duality is also found throughout the Bible

Duality in the Bible means difference. Depending on context the difference may be mutually beneficial or completely at odds. In ancient kingdoms duality was believed to be mutually beneficial even though different; such as  Yin and Yang. There is duality running throughout the Bible. There is God’s system and Satan’s or sin’s system. Continue reading “Duality Systems at War”