Normalization of Opposites of Change

Schematic of Hermetic's Dialectic Both-And Illogic

Normalization of Opposites of Change;
Alchemy: Turning Good into Evil

This post seeks to illustrate the various abstract concepts of the past several hermeticism posts using modern events. One cannot persuade others simply by abstract deduction since most people do not think in such terms and few are able to see how their own actions and thoughts have incorporated Dialectic Hermeticism altering their worldviews. People follow information conduits that support what they already accept as true; i.e., confirmation bias logical fallacy. So let us examine several current events to identify how the Dialectic Both-And illogic changed society’s view on several major trends. Continue reading “Normalization of Opposites of Change”

Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness

Star Wars Hermeticism Destroys Logic

Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness
In One Star Wars Moment: Did You Catch It?

I want to continue the thought that I ended my post, Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God, in which I discussed a portion of this Star Wars prequel germinal  dialogue, “Only a Sith deals in absolutes,” {Revenge of the Sith}. I want us to understand that this moment its when Logic was given a death blow and replaced by ancient dialectic hermetical inclusiveness to thunderous applause. This is the moment when intentionally or unintentionally, George Lucas changed how people perceived their world. After this movie, the viewing public of all ages were pounded by this theme in other movies, television, entertainment venues of various genres including music. News-information-propaganda mediums legitimized this change without ever mentioning the change was occurring. It seemed right so many people unreservedly accepted it as fact and altered their worldviews to match. Within twenty years societies began preparing  for a major top-down revamping known as The Great Reset to match this bottom-up change. Let us examine this simple dialogue to understand what fundamentally changed in your thinking. Continue reading “Demonization of Modern Logic for Ancient Inclusiveness”

Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness

Overt Propaganda Message: Be Happy in Poverty

Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness Propaganda
Preparing America for Today’s Future

Listening to YouTube’s conservative pundits pontificate over Disney’s wokeness propaganda while opining over the tradition, read conservative, values of yesteryear made me wonder if they really understood Hollywood’s true role since its inception? D.W. Griffith’s, Birth of a Nation (1915), singlehandedly revived the Neo-Klu Klux Klan from the Whitehouse to the everyone’s house until the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the late 1950s into the 1960s Western cultural revival. Hollywood has always been a propaganda mill to educate the masses in right-think. Let us briefly examine the 1939 classic, Wizard of Oz to understand how Hollywood is the propaganda tool of choice for influencing America and the World. Continue reading “Wizard of Oz’s Wokeness”