Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself

LGBTQA+: Does Life Get Better?

Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself;
Has It Made Life Better or Incoherent?

This pleasing to the eye graphic is an example of Conversion as described in After the Ball: How America Will Conquer It’s Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s. This book did not begin the gay revolution; however, it did give activists the blueprint on how to use Bernays-style psychological driven propaganda methods to force acceptance of the Gay Agenda over time. Necessity makes strange bedfellows, pun intended, and in their quest for legitimacy the Gay activists joined with allies to increase their impact. These allies will not only devour the Gay Movement, they will Reset society according to their global governance agenda. In the end it will be the straight white powerful males who intend to gain power over everyone thanks to Darwin’s evolutionary foundation. Continue reading “Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself”

What Jumanji Teaches Today

Jumanji demonstrates the power of movies
as propagators of approved cultural values

Movies not only emulate culture but they also presage culture based upon the worldviews of the producers, directors, writers and actors. Movies from their inception were used as powerful propaganda purveyors {Birth of a Nation. 1915.}This movie appealed to President Wilson who promoted the goals of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) giving it impetus that nearly dominated American culture into the 1950s. Such is the power of movies!
Continue reading “What Jumanji Teaches Today”