Insanity: Expecting Good from Depravity

Beheading of John the Baptist
Example of Depravity on many levels

A friend asked me to help him prepare a lesson on human corruption as demonstrated by the guests of Herod’s who did not condemn him for ordering the beheading of John the Baptist and thus became partners in his demonstration of sinful depravity (Mt 14:1-12; Mk 6:14-29). Continue reading “Insanity: Expecting Good from Depravity”

False Premise: Some Leaven is Good

False Premise: Some Leaven is Acceptable
Question: How much sin is allowed?

Continuing our discussions of sin and false premises let us apply what we have learned to our time. Christ told a parable, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened (Mt 13:33).” This highly controversial parable is often taught as leaven being a good metaphor; however, this ignores the fact that leaven everywhere else in the Bible is considered a metaphor for sin {“Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth”} (1Co 5:6-8). Continue reading “False Premise: Some Leaven is Good”

Fallaciousness of Autonomy

This Painting: Temptation of Eve
Depicts the Lack of Clarity of this Sin

When Lucifer encountered Woman {Eve} in the Garden she was in her pre-sin state. Her mind, unlike ours, was unclouded by sin. She could reason more clearly, more fully, than we can possibly envision; therefore, the question becomes, “How was she deceived?” Herein lies the tale that affects us especially today in our 21st century postmodern worldview: the fallaciousness of autonomy. Continue reading “Fallaciousness of Autonomy”

Postmodernism Not So Modern After All

Postmodernism: Redefining Reality
Justifying Sin – Revealing Nihilism

The more I study the Bible the more I realize that modern philosophy, especially postmodernism, is not so new revealing the wisdom of the Preacher, “…there is nothing new under the sun” (Ec 1:9-11). Postmodernism is nothing more than existentialism (method of defining oneself by oneself (2Co 10:12)) and nihilism (result of existentialism (Ec 1:14)). Continue reading “Postmodernism Not So Modern After All”

Animalism of Modern Philosophy

Animalism is Philosophical Viewpoint
All Men are Basically Animals – Evolution

Let us obey the First Law of Logic (Identity) and define our term. Animalism is the philosophical doctrine that humans are animals in their essential identity and are persons only through their contingent (conditional properties) properties (Free Dictionary). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy discusses that being human does not necessarily make you human; i.e., you can be an animal but not human such as those in a persistent vegetative state or a fetus to give two examples. Continue reading “Animalism of Modern Philosophy”

Empathy’s Goal – Tyrannical Equality

George Orwell Popularized this Term
Modern Culture uses Doublethink

Our brief look at empathy now looks at its practical application in our lives under the guise of equality. What is equality? It is the quality of being equal. What does this actually tell us about the concept; nothing! Continue reading “Empathy’s Goal – Tyrannical Equality”

Empathy as Insanity

One Definition of Empathy Capturing
Its True Essence-Man is Animal

I believe the above graphic captures the true essence of empathy which is rarely so clearly documented giving us the understanding why empathy is clearly insanity according to the Bible. Continue reading “Empathy as Insanity”

Anti-Immigration Phenomenon, Again


Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Common in U.S.

The storm of anti-immigrationalism sweeping not only America but Western Culture in general is nothing new in itself but the forces behind this smoke screen are ominous indeed. The controversy seems to center about differences between the nativists {those who are already in place} and the immigrants {those who want to join those already in place}. Continue reading “Anti-Immigration Phenomenon, Again”

Satan: Asking the Wrong Questions?


Since Satan a Major Agent in Sanctification
Is he then our Friend?

In our last two posts I have laid the foundation to ask the question, “Is Satan our friend or foe in our sanctification?” This is the forced conclusion of the two suppositions: 1) Man has no free will and 2) Satan the major agent in testing us, preparing us through the sanctification process. Continue reading “Satan: Asking the Wrong Questions?”

Beware Satan’s Power! What??


Religion Views Satan and Christ Vying Over the World
This Gnostic Representation is Westernized Yin and Yang

Most people, saved and lost, have the worldview of Satan having power as great as Jesus and both contesting over the souls of people. The image of each of them sitting on your shoulders whispering temptations into your ears is classic, even in the older cartoons and literature. Continue reading “Beware Satan’s Power! What??”