Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System

Peer Review Stifles Innovation {Appeal to Authority-Majority}

Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System;
Peer Review Uses Logical Fallacies to Maintain Matrix

Public education has been one of the greatest assets to developing the Industrial Revolution Middle Class society that raised mankind out of millennium of grinding poverty. It has also become one of the most potent weapons of the Oligarchy to return societies willingly to the crushing burden of socialism based on ignorance masquerading as science. This is Modern Man’s latest iteration of the Hermetic Dialectic but you would know it better as Scientism. Let us look at two aspects of Science used to drive you into accepting Socialism in the name of Progress. Continue reading “Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System”

Propaganda: Illusion of “Elitist” Normalacy

Understanding Role of Propaganda and Self-Delusionment

Propaganda: Illusion of “Elitist” Normalacy;
Changing Not Knowing You are Changing!

Why is it so difficulty to enlighten people as to the Critical Theory Hermetic danger engulfing them, changing society right before their eyes with their own consent! In other words, why is Satan able to establish his Simulacrum Delusion Subjective Imagination Non-Reality when God’s Recalcitrant (Objective) Reality so obviously contradicts it (2Th 2:3-12)? I believe the Gaussian, or Bell, Curve gives us the best illustration or schematic to understand the how and thus the why this Delusion progresses despite its constant failures to explain Reality. We will use the above graphic in our discussion. Continue reading “Propaganda: Illusion of “Elitist” Normalacy”

Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God

All Philosophy is Antichrist Religion

Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God;
Foundational of Non-Salvation Belief Systems

Star Wars masterfully blended science and Hermeticism into Postmodern Western culture preparing people to accept Hegel’s Dialecticism in the guise of Critical Theory behind the facade of fictional sci-fi escapism. Obi-wan’s quote in Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, is quintessential Hermeticism as Perspectivism; “What I told you was true, from a certain point of view.” One can almost hear this flowing from Satan to Woman to Man legitimizing knowing apart from God to be as god(s) (Ge 3:5). This statement is true though it flows from a false premise; that one can know whatever one’s point of view. Indeed, question of Lost and Saved, True and False, Reality and Fantasy comes down to one’s starting knowing point. Understanding is not possible until one grasps this fundamental concept. Continue reading “Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God”

“As Above, So Below” Ignores God

Digital Ourboros

“As Above, So Below” Ignores God;
Denying God’s Truth Proves Bible’s True

The line, As Above, So Below, is a simplified version of the opening text from the Emerald Tablet, by Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice glorified. Sir Isaac Newton, considered the Father of Astrophysics, was a serious student of Hermeticism and translated this document, among many others. Those modern people who claim to be ruled by science must admit that scientists are ruled by their religious beliefs, like Sir Isaac Newton who disbelieved in the Trinity believing that Roman Catholicism had long ago been corrupted by Gnosticism which viewed the physical as inferior or negative. Hermeticism views the physical in a positive manner with God, as it defines, the source of all energies rather than another property of matter under certain conditions. This views acknowledges the mysterious property of energy which modern scientists tend to ignore while waxing eloquently about energies based on their properties and ignoring its actual essence. Science springs from Hermeticism because its early practitioners, such as Newton, believed it while forming their theories of how the world worked; i.e., natural philosophy. It is always about religion! Continue reading ““As Above, So Below” Ignores God”

Difference Between God’s Stewardship and Satan’s Socialism?

Own Nothing? Control Everything?

Difference Between God’s Stewardship and Satan’s Socialism?
Under Each System You Own Nothing!

For the past several posts I have described Satan’s Simulacrum, distorted Dystopia of God’s promised Utopia. However, I do not want to commit the logical fallacy of confirmation bias, only giving one side that supports my conclusion. This is a common practice and usually involves other logical fallacies such as false dilemmas to make my conclusion appear rational and competing conclusions irrational; common propaganda, political and news ploy to guide your thinking to reach approved conclusions which are usually promoting unreasonable conclusions. Let me state up front that both systems promise that you will own nothing and be happy! Will you? Continue reading “Difference Between God’s Stewardship and Satan’s Socialism?”

Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice

Equality the Root of Modern Simulacrum Deception

Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth:
Your Choice Guided by Your Faith of Truth

Occam’s Razor, developed by the 14th century friar, William of Ockham, stated that out of competing logics/solutions/philosophies/conclusions the simpler solution was preferred. What brought him to this conclusion which has been embraced by modern scientists but not so much by modern peoples who seem to embrace the complex and reject the simple or narrow path? His underlying premise, “God’s existence cannot be deduced by reason alone.” As I have oft written this is because God is beyond empiricism while Man via his five senses can only make empirical measurements (Jn 4:23-24). Man is always faced with the choice that is not really a choice because of one’s Lost or fallen, sinful nature God’s Truth is automatically excluded (Ro 1:18-28). Modern 19th-20th century peoples sought to embrace the French Revolution error that Reason alone can lead to true knowing which only led to greater complexity, failure evidenced by increasing degradation and violence. Twenty-first century elites have returned to the ancient knowing that faith underlies any change. The much heralded, Great Reset, is based on faith; i.e., the integration of all faiths undergird by equity or equality. Continue reading “Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice”

Your Simulacrum’s Deceptive Purpose: Enslavement by Consent

Don't Think Just Feel-Do
Your Simulacrum’s Deceptive Purpose:
Enslavement by Consent

My last post, God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum, laid the logical framework revealed by Christ and the Bible. However, I also wrote that the appeal to logic must fail because logic flows from Scripture, “…come let us reason together…” (Is 1:18). People from the very outset are antichrist building their simulacrums, worldviews, rejecting Christ. Historically, people have appealed to works-based religions to justify why their understanding of events do not correlate with Recalcitrant Reality {See above article for detailed definitions}. Indeed, what historically has worked more effectively than logic-reason have been the logical fallacy of appeal to purpose and feelings. This post will seek to illustrate why this is more potent and why people demand enslavement under the guise of equality. It begins with the above mantra popularized in Star Wars; “Feel, Don’t Think.” Continue reading “Your Simulacrum’s Deceptive Purpose: Enslavement by Consent”

God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum

Reality vs Sinner's Simulacrum

God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum;
Why Purpose Defeats Reason

Since the Enlightenment people love to label themselves as reasonable; yet, time after time history proves that the purpose-driven emotional approach trumps reason everytime. Why? This post will provide a very modern approach to explain a very ancient problem. However, since itself is a reasoned explanation its acceptability will be restricted to those who have already been biblically saved (Ro 10:9-10; 2Th 2:3-12). Continue reading “God’s Reality vs Sin’s Simulacrum”

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real:
Demanding the Lie over the Truth (2Th 2:3-12)

This post builds immediately on two previous posts {Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect. How Churches and Nations Ruin Themselves Securing Security}. Whereas these posts looked at specific techniques used to undermine true faith in Christ, this post analyzes the overall plan of deception at work since Garden of Eden and Original Sin (Ge 3:1-8). Simulacrum simply means a copy of the original; however, Satan’s copy distorts God’s original Truth-Reality because sin (Ro 3:10-18). This is the Principle of Contrasting Dualities throughout the Bible highlighting the differences between Faith in Christ and Faith apart from Christ. I derived my current understanding from Sovereign Nations Mere Simulacrity Conference and Dr. Lindsay’s presentation, The Negation of the Real. Continue reading “Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real”