Brutal Truth of Control Ignored
Until It Comes for YOU
Brutal Truth of Control is lost on most people because they live in the illusion of safety; this is the fruit of subtle propaganda. In several previous posts I have alluded to the more brutal aspects of control without conveying its true individual costs {Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and Violence. Sin’s Hidden Reality: Control-Enslavement.}. Paul wrote that every sin is outside the body, directed toward others, but sexual immorality is directed at you; it is even more tragic when you become your worst enemy (1Co 6:18). When sexual immorality is inculcated upon the defenseless youth it perpetrates a brutality that seeks to keep the soul imprisoned for eternity. Satan’s goal is to free himself and keeping you imprisoned in your sin. This enslaves you to him in perpetuity. Your body is your prison. Continue reading “Brutal Truth of Control”