Science: Hubris of Ignorant Control

Science: Hubris of Ignorant Control;
Ignores Science’s Limits Embracing Ignorance

Today’s mantras “Follow the Science;” or “Science says;” and even “Scientists says” which are supposed to shut down those who appear to oppose Science. I submit that those who repeat such dribble are themselves guilty of the ignorance they ascribe to their detractors. Each of the mantras above, so common in journalism and everyday conversation today, contain logical fallacies. Man, since the age of Modernity, has surrounded himself with the religion of Science in order to justify his ignorance of God. Thus, the true Modern Man: Hears nothing from God; Sees nothing of God in nature nor Speaks nothing about God for Science is his only god. Modern Man uses Science to justify his rejection of God while vilifying those who exhibit faith in God. They put their ignorance on display while decrying the Christian’s ignorance (Ro 1:18-28; 2:1-5). Those who worship Science require more faith to cling to their ignorance than those they oppose. Continue reading “Science: Hubris of Ignorant Control”

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization

Social Contract Redefined in Great Reset

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization!
Pandemic Relief Linked to Globalized Financial Goals?

Conspiracy Theory is a pejorative to delegitimize opposition without having to logically defend one’s position; hence, it becomes a logical fallacy that shows the weakness of one’s true position. This is the purpose of secretive plans; to prevent detection until such time as detection no longer matters; or, to put it more succinctly, “Resistance is futile!” Our last post, The Social Contract Myth, discussed the foundational mythology to keep the masses distracted while Control was slowly consolidated through various mechanisms. Hence, conspiracy theories abounded. I would not be surprised if the powers that be were not also encouraging these to keep you distracted from the ultimate goal. Now however, these powers that be are writing the articles revealing, in stages, their immediate goals for you. The Conspiracy Theory turned Reality in your time! Continue reading “When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization”

Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopian Reality

Entryism Reflexivity Fertile Fallacies Strategy

Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopia;
Revealed in Metropolis Movie; Ignored by Masses

As I discussed in my previous post, Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today,  Entryism is the infiltration of a major group by a lesser group to achieve the lesser group’s goals. Entryism works in conjunction with Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies, both of which are lies, so that people’s action are altered to make the lies become true; self fulfilling prophecy. Let us apply Entryism to Robotics to determine the true goal from the propaganda goal designed for your acceptance of your own enslavement (Ro 6:6-11). Continue reading “Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopian Reality”

America: Home of BioTerrorism

Most Modern Weapon of Mass Destruction

America: Home of BioTerrorism;
America Allied with Communist China

Americans have been taught by public education to believe that the United States was the home of the brave and by extension, the free. Public education, coupled with information control {Propaganda} has been the home of Gramsci-style Socialism throughout the 20th century while masquerading as free. Two great Socialism powers, America and Communist China {ChiCom} partnered to give a natural virus unnatural abilities. The basics can be found in Dr. Richard M. Fleming’s book, Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? {Skyhorse Publishing. New York. 2021.}. “We have met the enemy and he is US” {This Day in Quotes. Pogo Comic Strip.}. Continue reading “America: Home of BioTerrorism”

What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?

Dr Faucci Awarded AHA Award??

What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?
Why Did American Humanist Association Reward Him?

To answer these two questions requires we understand the Modern Age to grasp what is occurring in our Postmodern period and its relationship to science, scientism and science fiction; oh yes, there is a smattering of philosophy along the way because it is man’s wisdom guided by Satan that pushes this process to his ultimate conclusion (Jn 8:44). Ancient man through Medeival Man was primarily ruled by overt religious beliefs. Primarily these beliefs were anti-God because one’s sin nature hates God and rejects God’s Truth in any form (Ps 51:5; Ro 1:18-28). Early Christianity, Roman Catholicism (RCC), absorbed Augustine’s Neo-Platonism and Valentinus’ Gnosticism while later RCC imported Aquinas’ Aristotelianism. The merging of these various competing philosophies was known as Scholasticism. Then the Renaissance threw off all forms of god-type beliefs focusing on Man: The Measure of All. The Modern Age began. Continue reading “What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?”

Hubris of Satan, Man and Scientists {Priests}

Alfven Understanding of Peer Review

Hubris of Satan Man and Scientists {Priests}
Scientists, Our Priests, Want Security Not Truth

What is a scientist? Simplest answer is, “person who practices science!” In essence, every person is a scientist because each has developed a hypothesis of life {Worldview}; consistently tests and alters the Worldview based on experience and changing circumstances and resists innovation that may challenge or falsify the Worldview. The Modern Era coupled with the Industrial Revolution has elevated a certain elite group of people to priestly status of guidance and truth. But, some rare few have resisted this allure of power such as Hannes Alfven, a man central to our discussion but unknown to most people. Yet, I digress to gain your attention. Continue reading “Hubris of Satan, Man and Scientists {Priests}”

Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You

Energy Control Based on Scientism

Fallacy of Science Truth and
Scientism’s Control of You

Modern ecology movement, green earth utopia, targeted so-called fossil fuels as a major contributor destroying earth. It was further demonized in Climate Change models by contributing carbon dioxide (CO2) which supposedly abnormally warmed the earth leading to catastrophic death of Man and the environment. We have a serious problem as fossil fuels provide the energy to power industry that lifted Man from slavery to Middle Class as never before in history. In fact, petrochemicals are the basis for nearly every aspect of modern life and health. Since the 1960s people have been sounding the alarm that we are selfishly using up a non-renewable resource to leave future generations to shiver and die in the misery and cold because of our selfishness. But, is their basic assumption correct? Are petrochemicals derived from fossil fuels? Are these resources nonrenewable and thus limited? What is the science? Continue reading “Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You”

Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement

Melting Pot Concept Not Defined

Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement;
Myth of America’s Melting Pot Unification

In my previous post, Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?, I introduced the revolutionary concept of Satan pitting different General Wills against each other to obtain the strongest General Will or government for his purpose; enslavement of Man. While we see this play out on the world stage as national socialistic governments are being merged into regional socialisms on the path to globalization; I make the case that this modern experiment was first begun by Satan with the colonization of America. Satan, ever the experimenter, tested the feasibility of this concept in our country using the Melting Pot Concept, just as he used America’s Constitutional “United States”  to test the feasibility of the future United Nations globalization government first advanced by President Wilson as the League of Nations. Let us see history through God’s eyes (2Th 2:3-12). Continue reading “Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement”

Father of the Never Ending Revolution

Rousseau Government's Truth

Father of the Never Ending Revolution;
Blood His Writings Shed Greatest in History

Jean Jacques Rousseau is embraced as the Father of the French Revolution; in truth, he is the Father of the Never Ending Revolution. Much of my material comes from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and a discussion between Tom Woods and Professor Jared Casey who authored, Freedom’s Progress? {The Totalitarian Jean Jacques Rousseau. Tom Woods Show.}. The vast changes occurring in Western cultures, especially America, are not random but flow directly from Rousseau’s disjointed and confused ramblings embraced as philosophy. Within eleven years of his death the French Revolution occurred based primarily upon his ramblings and it has never ended though it has hidden away only to arise in various forms from time to time: Soviet or Lenin’s Revolution, Marcuse’s Liberation Movement philosophy and Postmodernism. Today we know it as Social Justice but its slogans come from Rousseau’s confused writings. Continue reading “Father of the Never Ending Revolution”

NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda

NASA Climate Propaganda

NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda;
Control Information: Control Obedience

Recently I became aware of NASA’s Global Climate Change blog. I grew up in the early days of space exploration with NASA being the epitome of science: pure and applied. However, we should not and cannot forget that NASA is a government agency and that for the greater portion of the 20th century government has been slowly Controlling scientific research via funding. This means that government only funds those projects that it believes will support its agenda. The Space Race was not about putting people on the Moon; that was for public consumption and support. The Space Race was about weaponizing space for intelligence and war since the days of Sputnik {How Did Sputnik Affect the Cold War? Find Any Answer.}. NASA was born in those early days and its basic agenda has not changed: Intelligence and War. This is the reality of government and Space and Science: Control. Continue reading “NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda”