Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God

All Philosophy is Antichrist Religion

Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God;
Foundational of Non-Salvation Belief Systems

Star Wars masterfully blended science and Hermeticism into Postmodern Western culture preparing people to accept Hegel’s Dialecticism in the guise of Critical Theory behind the facade of fictional sci-fi escapism. Obi-wan’s quote in Star Wars, Return of the Jedi, is quintessential Hermeticism as Perspectivism; “What I told you was true, from a certain point of view.” One can almost hear this flowing from Satan to Woman to Man legitimizing knowing apart from God to be as god(s) (Ge 3:5). This statement is true though it flows from a false premise; that one can know whatever one’s point of view. Indeed, question of Lost and Saved, True and False, Reality and Fantasy comes down to one’s starting knowing point. Understanding is not possible until one grasps this fundamental concept. Continue reading “Set of Man’s Knowing {Ouroboros} Excludes God”

Prison of Silence

Indoctrination Leading to Death

Prison of Silence Rest on Social Indoctrination;
Not Discussing Religion and Politics is a Trap

Several people were bragging about how they avoided interpersonal conflict to achieve a wide circle of friends. They simply refused to discuss religion or politics; even going so far as to brag about not even watching the news to avoid any discussions that might lead to conflict. As these people patted each other on the back for their wisdom, they reminded me of hens who pecked the ground bare and congratulated each other on their thoroughness of creating dependence on the farmer for free food. The outcome unfortunately will be the same for both. Only the hens have an excuse as they are the actual dumb animals. Continue reading “Prison of Silence”

Religion of Science Behind Science

Food Pyramid Scam

Religion of Science Behind Science;
Illustrated by America’s Food Pyramid

Science is a defined as a methodology of unbiased investigation to obtain facts to understand the subject under study. Since the French Revolution Science, or Reason, has been touted as the only means to understand the world apart from religion which is non-science; which is true. This implies that Science will give actual facts making it more reliable than faith which is subject to interpretation and manipulation. The modern Food Pyramid promoted by U.S. Department of Agriculture {MyPyramid} is the shining example of science that is not science but faith making is a scientism; a scientism actually backed and promoted by a religion: Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA). Continue reading “Religion of Science Behind Science”

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action. Continue reading “Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion”

Social Justice: The New Religion

Scientific Method Encapsulates
Failure of Modern Rationalism

Years ago I was enrolled in a Master of Science (Nursing) program at a well known major university and was struck by two important teaching points forcibly driven home by the professors. One, we were not there to learn how to think; we were there to regurgitate back exactly what we were taught; no more. Science could neither prove nor disprove any nursing theory making all theories, no matter how contradictory, correct or non-falsifiable. The fact that they taught the Machiavellian theory of nursing leadership was a tip off that they would brook no dissent; and they did not. I voiced the observation that if knowledge could neither prove nor disprove any theory then nursing research was not a science but a religion; I soon had to leave the program, of course. This was my professional exposure to postmodernism as it was transmutating into today’s reflexive social justice religion. Continue reading “Social Justice: The New Religion”

Americanism and Religion

Americanism is the Religious Fervor
Justifying American Expansionism

Americanism is a custom, trait or belief peculiar to the people of the United States {America} ( This post will examine several major religious events that impacted American and world history; probably not for the better. Continue reading “Americanism and Religion”

Science as Religion

Science as a Definition of Truth
Abandoned on Shore of Faith

Natural philosophy began in the Enlightenment to define the “truth” of physical reality apart from God (religion). As discussed in our last post (Evolutionary Morality an Oxymoron) scientific attempts to explain morality have been futile. This post will show that the concreteness of science is an illusion fed to the public as an antidote against religion when in fact, science is itself a religion. Thus, atheism which claims to be scientific and distinct from religion is a religion! Continue reading “Science as Religion”

Economics-Mid Nation-State Development


Marx and Engels Economic Philosophy Appears a Failure
Yet, the Ideas Developed During the French Revolution

Led Directly to the Communist Revolution in Moscow

Understanding economic influences is key to understanding the power transitions that have occurred, are occurring and will occur as long as sinful man, and Satan, seek to impose their flawed philosophy on mankind to destroy the Gospel of Christ leaving man no hope of Heaven. Continue reading “Economics-Mid Nation-State Development”

Economics – Early Nation-State Control


Adam Smith Father of Modern Economics
Adam Smith Did Not Write of Economics

Adam Smith, considered by many as the founder, or father, of modern economics did not write about economics in the book featured in the above graphic, his most famous work; he actually wrote about how to develop a modern society so he was truly developing a philosophy of control to best direct a modern society, in his estimation. Continue reading “Economics – Early Nation-State Control”

Omniscience of Atheism

Atheists Proof

The Paradox of Atheism
Knowledge of the Metaphysical
Logical Fallacy of Shifting the Burden of Proof

I was thinking about the “Liar’s Paradox” this morning when I realized its application to atheism. Essentially the Liar’s Paradox says, “This sentence is false.” However, if it is a lie then the sentence is true! If one says, “This sentence is true,” then it is also a true statement. When taken without context the statement is true either way. The same can be said for atheism. Continue reading “Omniscience of Atheism”