What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?

Dr Faucci Awarded AHA Award??

What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?
Why Did American Humanist Association Reward Him?

To answer these two questions requires we understand the Modern Age to grasp what is occurring in our Postmodern period and its relationship to science, scientism and science fiction; oh yes, there is a smattering of philosophy along the way because it is man’s wisdom guided by Satan that pushes this process to his ultimate conclusion (Jn 8:44). Ancient man through Medeival Man was primarily ruled by overt religious beliefs. Primarily these beliefs were anti-God because one’s sin nature hates God and rejects God’s Truth in any form (Ps 51:5; Ro 1:18-28). Early Christianity, Roman Catholicism (RCC), absorbed Augustine’s Neo-Platonism and Valentinus’ Gnosticism while later RCC imported Aquinas’ Aristotelianism. The merging of these various competing philosophies was known as Scholasticism. Then the Renaissance threw off all forms of god-type beliefs focusing on Man: The Measure of All. The Modern Age began. Continue reading “What is the Desolating Abomination of Daniel?”

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?

Rousseau Government's Truth

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?
It is the Heart of Rousseau’s Concept of Truth

I have dealt with this concept of General Will beginning with, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, Rousseau. History is the key to understanding today but Satan is the master of delusion; is the concept of General Will valid or relevant for today and if so, under what label does it persist? Postmodernism claims to be new but in fact its lie was evident in the first sin when Satan deliberately misrepresented God’s words to Woman creating doubt in her mind to tempt her to substitute her truth for God’s truth (Ge 3:1-5; Ro 1:18-28). Today it flies under the radar by another name, worldview. It is in this iteration that it has entered Christianity to wreck havoc in the Church {Pergamum and Thyatira for examples} (Re 2:12-29). Rousseau would have been proud of his work. Continue reading “Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?”

Ancient Battleground: Tree of Knowledge

Tree of Knowledge Swallows Itself

Ancient Battleground: Tree of Knowledge
Fought by Lying Words of Eternal Death

The usual interpretation of Original Sin revolves around the fallacy that God withheld knowledge from mankind whilst Satan, Prometheus, promised man the gift of knowledge to make man, and woman, equal with God. This is certainly coherent with a simplistic reading of the text Ge 2:17; 3:1-5, 22). This pits God against Man over Control of Knowledge. When Man attempts to obtain knowledge, God punishes all mankind with death; physical death now and eternal death later. From this mythology enters modern man with Enlightened Science which finally promises to free the Chosen Few from the bonds of death while they enter a glorious future of their making. The heroes of this myth are Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Newton and Einstein which its fundamental villains are Bible believing Christians wallowing in superstitious ignorance trying to hold mankind back from their Star Trekian future; or Star Wars for the more Gnostic minded. But, is any of this actually true? Continue reading “Ancient Battleground: Tree of Knowledge”

Shadows of Deceit

For a Society supposedly based on Science
Science is routinely rejected for Scientisms

I was struck by the awful truth of this statement coupled with my personal experience of trying to convince my contemporaries that they should obtain their Coronary Artery Calcium Score (CAC) rather than wait until they have that premature heart attack that permanently injures the heart. Nearly everyone I talked with scoffed at this even though I explained that I obtained my CAC and discovered I had significant Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) though I never had a single chest pain! People would rather die than exchange their truth, their worldview for a fact based truth. This holds true in every facet of this life. Plato understood this over two millennium ago.

Continue reading “Shadows of Deceit”

Social Justice: The New Religion

Scientific Method Encapsulates
Failure of Modern Rationalism

Years ago I was enrolled in a Master of Science (Nursing) program at a well known major university and was struck by two important teaching points forcibly driven home by the professors. One, we were not there to learn how to think; we were there to regurgitate back exactly what we were taught; no more. Science could neither prove nor disprove any nursing theory making all theories, no matter how contradictory, correct or non-falsifiable. The fact that they taught the Machiavellian theory of nursing leadership was a tip off that they would brook no dissent; and they did not. I voiced the observation that if knowledge could neither prove nor disprove any theory then nursing research was not a science but a religion; I soon had to leave the program, of course. This was my professional exposure to postmodernism as it was transmutating into today’s reflexive social justice religion. Continue reading “Social Justice: The New Religion”

Deconstructing the “Melting Pot”


Sin produces division based on bias and
Prejudice; Postmodernism codifies bias

Bias and prejudice did not begin at the Tower of Babel when God miraculously divided one unified society into at least three distinct groups who then separated from each other (Ge 11:1-9). Bias and prejudice were present at the first sin when Man blamed God and Woman; Woman blamed the Dragon and the Dragon blamed no one, at least directly (Ge 3:8-19). Today bias and prejudice are becoming codified both philosophically  and legally legitimizing both as weapons against shared problem solving. America self-described itself as a melting pot {a place where a variety of races, cultures, or individuals assimilate into a cohesive whole} of cultures as a means to end the near constant European warfare based on cultural differences. Today this approach is being rejected in favor of permanent but artificial divisions designed to promote violence based on bias and prejudice. Continue reading “Deconstructing the “Melting Pot””

Tentacles of Reflexivity Remaking Your Society

Allure of Reflexivity at a Distance
Reveals its True Nature Once Ensnared

In my studies of the New Perspectives on Paul (NPP) (The New Perspective on Paul A Historical, Critical, Appraisal of a New Approach to Judaism and Paul. Chris Reeves.) I recognized the philosophical underpinnings of Reflexivity and its attendant Fertile Fallacies which I had previously discussed (Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate and Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism). Americans tend to think in discrete boxes; however, as I previously discussed (Modern Man’s Delusional Worldview), Satan works multidimensionally weaving his tentacles of deceit into a reinforcing framework of thought legitimizing his cause: show God as the author of evil {Theodicy}. Continue reading “Tentacles of Reflexivity Remaking Your Society”

Illusion of Choice: Delusion

The Illusion of the Matrix was Choice
The Illusion of its Ending: One Had Choice

Neo, acronym for one, believed he would find choice if he could leave the Matrix. By becoming the One the Architect told him that his choice was already predetermined, even if by his own nature; thus, he still did not have choice. By dying he thought he was insuring choice for mankind’s survivors; however, they too were bound by their own natures. Thus, choice is always an illusion. This is the carrot of Lucifer, that the Lost have choice; unfortunately, the stick is that they have no choice for the things of God are rejected by their own natures as being foolish (1Co 2:14). Continue reading “Illusion of Choice: Delusion”

Churches Tolerance of Sin

Modernism equated to Enlightenment
Yet, it ushered in Postmodernism Darkness

Modernism simply put is the philosophical position that man does not need God though it stole its ethical morality from the Bible. Though equated to Enlightenment the Modern period ushered in Postmodernism which is simply spiritual darkness and its attendant confusion of morality. Churches were to be the bulwark against the encroaching darkness of the world; however, true to the church letters of Revelation churches are succumbing to then promoting the morality of the darkness. This confusion is evident in the Revoice Conference (Dangers of The Revoice Conference. Sovereign Nations.). Continue reading “Churches Tolerance of Sin”

Postmodernism Not So Modern After All

Postmodernism: Redefining Reality
Justifying Sin – Revealing Nihilism

The more I study the Bible the more I realize that modern philosophy, especially postmodernism, is not so new revealing the wisdom of the Preacher, “…there is nothing new under the sun” (Ec 1:9-11). Postmodernism is nothing more than existentialism (method of defining oneself by oneself (2Co 10:12)) and nihilism (result of existentialism (Ec 1:14)). Continue reading “Postmodernism Not So Modern After All”