Deceit of Nationalism

Deceit of Nationalism: Take Your Pick;
Nationalism or Socialism are Both Evil

In my last post, Zionism: Control Staff of Satan, Zionism was defined purely from a socialistic viewpoint. However, this ignored the inherent contradiction of Zionism as a nationalistic movement until today it is viewed strictly as a nationalism force against socialism and aligned with America, the bastion of nationalism in the world; especially under President Trump. As I investigated this seeming contradiction I discovered that, “…we have all of us been deceived!” {Apologies to JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.} Zionism is not the force of linkage between Socialism and Nationalism; it is the quintessential example of the similarities between these two concepts. This linkage can be seen even in America which is the great example for Zionism’s masquerade. Continue reading “Deceit of Nationalism”

The Government We Deserve

International Best Seller Defining
Utopia of Military Socialism

Government is a true religion: it has its dogmas, its mysteries, its priests. To submit it to the individual discussion is to destroy it; it is given life only through the national mind, that is to say, by political faith, which is a creed” {Joseph de Maistre}. On this Memorial Day when Americans claim to mourn those who gave their lives defending America it is only fitting that we who are alive clearly understand what this holiday really means. Continue reading “The Government We Deserve”

Economics and Christ – Currency


Currency – Most Recognizable Aspect of Economics
and the Least Understood Element of Finance

I have subsumed finance and currency under the general subject of economics using the term, “tangible means” of control. I did this to maintain simplicity and to stay on the trail of economics as a means of control of people on a macro scale. However, simplicity can raise confusion by appearing to ignore and/or unaware of various influential elements. Continue reading “Economics and Christ – Currency”