Sin Always Implies Violence {Pain, Anger}
Euphemism for Love-Making is Struggle
Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and Violence; is evident from the inception of Satan’s sin (Ez 28:16-17). Christ affirmed that sinners mimic their father, Satan, a liar and murderer from his first sin (Jn 8:44). History is the recording of organized violence on the governmental and ethnic-cultural-societal levels; i.e., mechanisms of Control. Therefore, Control seeks to woo its adherents to their fate via Lust of Eye, Lust of the Flesh and Pride of Life {Carrots}; however, force {Stick} is always available should people refuse Control (1Jo 2:15-16; Ja 4:1-4). Expecting peace from sinners is the very essence of insanity for the peace of God is beyond their understanding; and ours if we be honest (Ro 5:6-11; Ph 4:5-7). Continue reading “Sin’s Concealed Threat: Pain and Violence”