How Moses Broke Socialism

Pharaoh’s Government was Socialism
But via Moses His Government Loses ALL

In our last post I discussed how Joseph was instrumental in developing socialism, our modern term, in ancient Egypt {How Joseph Developed Socialism}. In this post I want to discuss how Moses broke that socialism and the insight it gives us into how God deals with the governments of earth. The fundamental assumption is that all governments are of Satan who worked through Cain to establish the first government (Ge 4:16-17). This quickly became violent and nearly wiped out all opposing views in the antediluvian world. God intervened with the Cataclysm {Flood} but saved Noah and his immediate family (Ge 6:1-8). Postdiluvian man quickly returned to the ways of Cain and Nimrod established the first king-priest government over all mankind (Ge 10:8-10; 11:1-9). God intervened resulting in the dispersion of people over the all the lands. Egypt, Mizraim {Two Kingdoms}, was the most enduring of these very ancient kingdoms. One man was both: King of Egypt, head of the government, and Pharaoh, head priest of their works-religion. When a ruler arose who did not know Joseph; i.e., did not appreciate Joseph’s accomplishments, he enslaved the Hebrews who were more free than his own subjects. After several hundred years of this oppression, God heard His people and Moses was developed to be God’s agent to deliver the people; this is the early chapters of Exodus (Ex 6:1-13). Continue reading “How Moses Broke Socialism”

Law: We Love to Hate It!


Man Both Love and Hate the Law

Ever since Cain went to the land of wanderers to become their leader he found himself forced to develop a system of laws (society) to ensure survival of the city he had built (Ge 4:16-17). Herein is the contradiction; Cain who had murdered his brother in violation of God’s admonition to control himself (Ge 4:6-7) now found it necessary to develop a system of laws so that other people who had rejected God could be prevented from murdering each other Continue reading “Law: We Love to Hate It!”

Understanding True Jewry – Talmud Education Day in America

Talmud Defined

The Twin Foundations of Talmud
Not Understood by Many Christians

Many Christians are under the impression that Jews, especially the “religious” Jews, are strictly bound by the Old Testament Pentateuch; however, this is far from the truth in that most forms of Jewry are governed by the Talmud. Continue reading “Understanding True Jewry – Talmud Education Day in America”