Understanding True Jewry – Their Words


Misunderstanding Jewry
Is Death to Everyone

Without a doubt, the Bible is a Jewish book either directly or indirectly; therefore, a correct understanding of biblical Jewry and historic Jewry is essential to proper hermeneutical interpretation of both the Old and New Testaments. Continue reading “Understanding True Jewry – Their Words”

Living the Rules or How to Fail

Ten Statements & Cross

Ten Statements Lead to the Cross

People view religion as a set of rules designed to keep people from having fun in order to please God, or at least their idea of God. However, the Bible does not teach living by rules. The Bible does give some rules but not as a means of pleasing God in order to get to “heaven”. So, how did nearly everyone miss the boat on this one? Continue reading “Living the Rules or How to Fail”

Jewish Conspiracy or Consistent History?

JFK Jewish Quote

Truth or Wishful Prejudice?

I have been studying Jewish philosophy as part of my studies of human philosophies to understand the truth of the Scriptures. I have been aware for nearly the totality of my Christian salvation experience, nearly 40 years, of the belief in a vast world-wide Jewish Conspiracy. This supposed quote by John F. Kennedy, I could not verify he actually said this quote, seems to legitimize the conspiracy belief. Continue reading “Jewish Conspiracy or Consistent History?”