Worshipping the Sun on Easter

Christians Annually Worship Paganism
Ignorantly Claiming to Worship Christ

I allowed myself to be talked into attending an Easter sunrise service this year. It was pretty much as I expected. Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) praising each other for praising Jesus, attendance cards to gather more people into the mega-church holding the function and a sermon designed to bring converts into the church via a simplistic, feel-good message of salvation. Since it was a cloudless day I received an added bonus: sun shining directly into my eyes so I could not see very much. Though I was blinded by the sun, it saddened me to think how many people were being blinded by the service into thinking they were worshiping the risen Christ when in fact they were actually worship Satan (1Co 10:19-22). Continue reading “Worshipping the Sun on Easter”

Looking at Labor on Labor Day

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient
World probably since days of Cain

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient World for one very salient reason: many occupations were not productive unless a large and cheap labor force was available. Agriculture, mining, artisan production and even wealthy households could not function without a cheap labor supply. With the emphasis on cheap slave labor was the usual source of cheap labor. Certainly it was one of the goals of conquest to capture a large labor supply for the conqueror and any surplus was sold abroad. Life for a slave could range from very brutal conditions, gallery oarsman, to very comfortable conditions, steward of a wealthy house hold like Joseph in Egypt (Ge 39:1-5). Without slavery the Ancient World would not have developed and our lives would be very different today. Continue reading “Looking at Labor on Labor Day”

Gnostic Holiday of Spring-Easter

Another Holiday and Another Fruitless
Tirade About Christian Gnosticism

When I first entered nursing, long time ago now, I realized that facts do not change behavior, belief changes behavior and this includes this less than celebrated holy day known as Easter, Resurrection Sunday or simply ignored.  There are many varied and contradictory articles about the origin of this holiday and its possible pagan roots {Easter is not named after Ishtar, and Other Truths I have to tell you and How Passover became Easter}. But, the clear truth of the issue is that Christians just do not care.
Continue reading “Gnostic Holiday of Spring-Easter”

Father of Christmas Past, Present and Future

Popular Cartoon of Santa Claus by
Thomas Nash 1881 in America

Nothing is more enduring in America today than the gnostic mythos of Santa Claus and the supposed holiday {holy day} of Christmas. I could opine about the gnostic values of Christmas being antithetical to biblical Christian truths but no one, saved or lost, cares as long as they can wax nostalgic on this holiday {Merry Gnostic Christmas}. Facts concerning this pagan celebration are lost on even the most pietist believing Christian who worships the power of the state to bring about God’s kingdom on earth. This is probably the basis for Christians and non-Christians uniting around this mystic figure. Continue reading “Father of Christmas Past, Present and Future”

Thanksgiving is Meaningless Without Christ

True Thankfulness
True Thankfulness

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17 ESV). This simple verse defines the American day known simply as Thanksgiving. Yet, without the revelation of God in the Bible there would be no understanding of giving thanks. Continue reading “Thanksgiving is Meaningless Without Christ”