Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand

Nothing New Under the Sun: Socialism

Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand;
Monarchy: Form of Socialism-Central Control

Bible teaches that nothing is new in history! Everything we experience today is simply repetition based on rejection of God’s truth for Man’s lies (Ec 1:9-12; Ro 1:18-28). Ancient Israel demanded a king like the other nations (1Sa 8:4-20). In essence, they were demanding a strong centralized government over the limited local government they had since God led them out of Egypt. Why? Because they believed that it afforded them protection, security, while remaining in rebellion against God. This is Socialism by another means. The Covid-19 pandemic has raised similar demands in non-socialistic countries. People demand strong centralized healthcare to force people to receive questionable health treatments or suffer consequences.. This reinforces veracity of the Bible and its relevance to today’s issues. Continue reading “Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand”

Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control

Government Purpose

Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control: Exemplified by Jefferson

Americans hold dear the delusion that they have the ultimate form of government: of, by and for the people; no delusion could be further from God’s truth (2Th 2:9-12). Governments have always been against God since formed by the first murderer who rejected God for rejecting his rule as messiah, anointed, over all mankind: Cain (Ge 4:1-17). This was apparent in the Wilderness when the Hebrews, freed from slavery by God’s intervention, rebelled against God to set up their own government around the Golden Calf (Ex 32:1-9). Religion cannot be separated from government as it is the basis for government’s control: Control of morality (2Th 2:9-10). God warned Man as to the purpose of governments and it holds as true today as then (1Sa 8:9-20). Continue reading “Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control”

History: Preparing You for Their Future

History as Propaganda

Government Eugenics Propaganda;
Repackaged as Family Genetic Testing

In our study of Control and Power in the Bible involving both God and Satan; we must include one of the oldest uses of propaganda, information control; i.e., History: Preparing You for Their Future. By Their Future I mean the Elitists for Satan and his demons. The Elitists who are merely physical puppet stand-ins believing they are in control when in fact they are simply trading their services for scrapes from Satan’s coming rule via his primary slave; Antichrist (Re 13:1-10). Remember, whatever you worship is the source of your moral values; it is either God or Satan (De 32:17; 1Co 10:20). There is no third option; one either walks in the Light or is captive to the Dark: shades of gray are merely degrees of Darkness (Jn 1:1-18). Continue reading “History: Preparing You for Their Future”

Which Justice Does One Follow?

Government Laws Legitimized by Justice

Conservative Americans See Justice as Government;
Liberal Americans see Government as Justice Agent

In order to answer the question in our title, “Which Justice Dose One Follow?“, one must first define justice less we also violate the Law of Identity and conflate justice with whatever goal is desired; a common and often intentional error of politicians, reporters and so-called change agents. Merriam-Webster defines justice as, “…maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments.” As impressive sounding as it appears this definition does not define justice; it simply kicks the can down the road by using the word, just. The reader still must read his, or her, own meaning into the definition. America’s Department of Justice (DOJ) defines its mission, “…enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and…” blah, blah, and blah. Again, this is not a definition of justice, only rhetoric about enforcing government’s laws in a just manner. My son had the clearest definition, “To retaliate against those who break the laws of government equally;” or Lex Talionis, law of retaliation or claw though most often known as, “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.” Often quoted from the Bible (Ex 21:23–27) though no examples of its implementation are found; yet, it is a prominent feature in Hammurabi’s Law Codex. Continue reading “Which Justice Does One Follow?”

Is Constitution a Piece of Paper?

Either Constitution has inherent authority or it does not

Law of Excluded Middle: Either the
Constitution Does or Does Not Work

Is Constitution a piece of paper? Every school child has been taught that the Constitution is inviolate. Nearly every president, Congress and Supreme Court has determined that the Constitution is anything but inviolate! The modern debate vacillates between these two extremes. As Lysander Spooner aptly pointed out, either the Constitution is the source of our government or it is simply a template without power except as given to it by its current interpreters. There are no other options, this is the Law of Excluded Middle. One is either saved or one is lost, there is no other option in the Bible would be another example of this law. But, we must satisfy the Law of Identity; that is, we must define our word Constitution and look at its historical source through the eyes of those who wrote the document.
Continue reading “Is Constitution a Piece of Paper?”

Slavery of the Gods: True Nihilism

Babel is NOT Confusion of Languages:
Babel IS Confusion of

My previous post discussed how philosophy sought to define truth since God’s truth had been rejected (Freedom to be Gods: Nihilism). Our conclusion: philosophy had been used to deceive the people; to hide the truth from them. This post looks at government as the sole purveyor of truth. It began with Cain, one who killed his brother. Cain became a ruler over those who rejected God {Nod: Wanderers} and built cities. Cities implies organization for labor and supplies; in addition, it also implies force to control those who are rebellious at heart {definition of sinners}(Ge 4:17-22). Government’s one constant is: Force. Cain’s descendants laid the foundations for all cultures: industry, agriculture, music, etc. Cain also laid the foundation for the violent spread of his civilization; his success threatened to destroy God’s people and coming Savior so God caused the Cataclysm {Flood} to reboot the world. Continue reading “Slavery of the Gods: True Nihilism”

Purpose of Governments: Control

Cain, Murderer Established Government to
Control Sinful People to Perpetuate Government

The inherent problem in discussing which government is better is ignoring both: the condition of people and the fundamental purpose of government. Before Man and Woman sinned there was no need for government. These two people spontaneously lived God’s morality, without government. However, sin, rebellion to God’s morality, destroyed this harmony. This quickly culminated into violence when Cain, the designated Messiah (by his mother), murdered his weaker brother rather than protecting him. Journeying to the land of Wanderers {Nod} Cain built the first cities; thus, he established the first government to control channel sinful impulses to perpetuate government and society. Continue reading “Purpose of Governments: Control”

The Happy Chained American

Just as Scrooge Could Not See His Chains
Neither Can Most Americans See Their Chains

I love the scene in the Christmas Carol (Dickens, Charles. 1843) when Marley, Scrooge’s deceased business partner, confronts Scrooge on Christmas Eve seven years after his death encumbered with heavy chains and money boxes. Marley tells Scrooge that his chains are even more ponderous. Scrooge looks at his hands and says he sees nothing. Marley informed him that they will be invisible until the moment of his death; i.e., the accumulation of his life’s work will then be irreversible. Welcome to today’s America where the combined effect of national socialism has been invisible until the day of its revelation.
Continue reading “The Happy Chained American”

Faith Affects Government, Always

What You Were Never Supposed to Learn
How Evangelicalism Ruined America

One of the most important factoids I learned from reading Murray Rothbard’s book, The Progressive Era (Mises Institute. 2017.), was the impact of faith on government. In short, the joining of morality and government power to create a godly society is the history of America. In a nutshell, this is postmillennialism put into practice, this is America today gone wrong. Continue reading “Faith Affects Government, Always”

What is Truth in Politics?

Christ Questioned by Pilate about Christ’s Kingdom of Truth – What is Truth, Pilate asks?

At the trial of Christ Pilate asks Christ about the charge of being, “King of the Jews” (Jo 18:33-38)? Christ replies that His kingdom is not of this world; therefore, by implication, it is not a threat to Rome. He, Christ, has come to bear witness to the truth of His kingdom. Pilate makes the famous statement, “What is truth?” Every person’s worldview answers this question; however, the validity of the answer reveals whether one has sought the only absolute truth or has fabricated his, or her, own truths in support of their now agendas. Continue reading “What is Truth in Politics?”