How Can I Know God?

How to Know God?
How Can I Know God?
By Yourself: No! In Christ: Yes!

John begins his revealing of the vision received from Christ via a heavenly messenger, angel, by acknowledging Christ as the Faithful Witness above all other qualities. At first blush one may assume that Christ is faithfully transmitting the revelation He received from the Father and is giving to John. However, it is this type of narrowly focused thinking that gets readers confused when reading the Revelation of Christ. My mind wandered back to John’s Gospel, which I had studied a couple of years ago, and I realized that there was a much larger concept at work in this passage that transcended this apocalyptic revealing of Revelation. Indeed, it lay at the foundation of the Bible and the question of this post. Continue reading “How Can I Know God?”

Possible Basis of Islam – Noahide Laws

President and Congress Bound America to the Noahide Laws

The Noahide Laws are unknown to most Americans and unfortunately certain groups have shrouded the Noahide Laws in myth and conspiracy. Understanding this Talmudic Jewish concept of world order will help you in clearly decoding the rhetoric you will encounter when you research this topic. Continue reading “Possible Basis of Islam – Noahide Laws”

Fractals Killed Scientific Atheism

Mandelbrot Changed Man’s Perspective
About Science more than he realized

Benoit Mandelbrot, Polish Jew, was the man who developed the concept of fractals and singlehandedly changed how man would view science. His family moved to France pre-WWII and he specialized in mathematics. He had the ability, talent, to view algebraic formulas in three dimensional figures. Continue reading “Fractals Killed Scientific Atheism”

Science as Religion

Science as a Definition of Truth
Abandoned on Shore of Faith

Natural philosophy began in the Enlightenment to define the “truth” of physical reality apart from God (religion). As discussed in our last post (Evolutionary Morality an Oxymoron) scientific attempts to explain morality have been futile. This post will show that the concreteness of science is an illusion fed to the public as an antidote against religion when in fact, science is itself a religion. Thus, atheism which claims to be scientific and distinct from religion is a religion! Continue reading “Science as Religion”

Fallacy of Free


This is an example of a Logical Fallacy
The False Dilemma Excludes

Another Possibility: Fallacy of Free Will

To discuss this issue we must first define the term, “free”. There are many nuances to this word but probably the ones that are most pertinent to our discussion are: not affected by a given condition or circumstance or to be without control or constraint of any influence {Free Dictionary}. Continue reading “Fallacy of Free”

Beware Satan’s Power! What??


Religion Views Satan and Christ Vying Over the World
This Gnostic Representation is Westernized Yin and Yang

Most people, saved and lost, have the worldview of Satan having power as great as Jesus and both contesting over the souls of people. The image of each of them sitting on your shoulders whispering temptations into your ears is classic, even in the older cartoons and literature. Continue reading “Beware Satan’s Power! What??”

Economics-Mid Nation-State Development


Marx and Engels Economic Philosophy Appears a Failure
Yet, the Ideas Developed During the French Revolution

Led Directly to the Communist Revolution in Moscow

Understanding economic influences is key to understanding the power transitions that have occurred, are occurring and will occur as long as sinful man, and Satan, seek to impose their flawed philosophy on mankind to destroy the Gospel of Christ leaving man no hope of Heaven. Continue reading “Economics-Mid Nation-State Development”

Ignorance That Kills

Ignorance is Dangerous

Ignorance is Dangerous Because
The Ignorant Control What You Believe

In last week’s post (“What Is a Human Life Worth?“) I spoke of the doom of ignorance. This week I will attempt to show that everyone is ignorant to some extent in their worldview. There are those who are ignorant because they have not been exposed to truth, there are those who understand their ignorance and seek to alleviate their ignorance which is a lifelong process and there are those who are ignorant but believe they have ALL the truth. Continue reading “Ignorance That Kills”

Omniscience of Atheism

Atheists Proof

The Paradox of Atheism
Knowledge of the Metaphysical
Logical Fallacy of Shifting the Burden of Proof

I was thinking about the “Liar’s Paradox” this morning when I realized its application to atheism. Essentially the Liar’s Paradox says, “This sentence is false.” However, if it is a lie then the sentence is true! If one says, “This sentence is true,” then it is also a true statement. When taken without context the statement is true either way. The same can be said for atheism. Continue reading “Omniscience of Atheism”

Enslavement at the Political Springs of Meribah

US Hat Money Fountain

America’s Spring of Meribah

The Hebrew people were slaves in Egypt for some significant time when God led them out of Egyptian slavery into the wilderness. Of the many things He would teach them in the wilderness, the earliest lessons involved the recognition that they were not worshiping Him but a god of their own choosing, a god who would meet their every whim, their every desire, without any responsibility or work on their part. In other words, they still had the slave mentality. The waters of Meribah, quarreling or rebellion, showed them, and us, that man really seeks a “santy claus” as god. Are we any different today? Continue reading “Enslavement at the Political Springs of Meribah”