Justice or Nihilism

Schematic of Man’s Conception of
Good and Evil from the same tree

I read an article on Facebook in which a college-age woman confronted an open-air preacher asking why does not God just forgive everyone? To answer her question means we must understand the underlying assumptions hidden in her question. It is these types of questions many Christians cannot answer because they do not look at assumptions and implied consequences. Continue reading “Justice or Nihilism”

Fruits of the Spirit is Forgiveness


This Representation of Forgiveness
Christ the Sinless One Forgiving Men

One of the most misunderstood teachings of Christ was the washing of the Apostles’ feet (Jo 13:5-20). Over the centuries many have argued for this ceremony to be included in church ordinances; however, Christ gave no such injunction. Christ did say we are to “wash each other’s feet” but not in actual washings. He was urging His Apostles, and us, to practice His metaphor, not perform His metaphor. Christ washing the feet of His Apostles was a metaphor of forgiveness which can only come from the Logos of God and each born from above person has the indwelling Logos of God (2Co 5:17).
Continue reading “Fruits of the Spirit is Forgiveness”

Empathy’s Goal – Tyrannical Equality

George Orwell Popularized this Term
Modern Culture uses Doublethink

Our brief look at empathy now looks at its practical application in our lives under the guise of equality. What is equality? It is the quality of being equal. What does this actually tell us about the concept; nothing! Continue reading “Empathy’s Goal – Tyrannical Equality”

Satan: Asking the Wrong Questions?


Since Satan a Major Agent in Sanctification
Is he then our Friend?

In our last two posts I have laid the foundation to ask the question, “Is Satan our friend or foe in our sanctification?” This is the forced conclusion of the two suppositions: 1) Man has no free will and 2) Satan the major agent in testing us, preparing us through the sanctification process. Continue reading “Satan: Asking the Wrong Questions?”