America’s Confusion of Liberty or Equality:
Rejection of the Excluded Middle?
The hubris of all societies is their absolute belief they alone possess absolute, inherent, common sense Truth! When this is coupled with religious faith, which all governments are based on religious beliefs governing their definitions of right (good) and wrong (evil), wars against differing beliefs are inevitable. Modern Americans guided in their beliefs by public educators whose sole focus is to teach what government deems to be true in essence prize ignorance above knowledge and slogans above intellectual comprehension. If the reverse were true propaganda would be much less effective. Today’s struggle of liberty versus equality appears new with the latest generation siding with equality, socialism, against the older generation confusingly siding with less equality and even less liberty. John Randolph of Roanoke (Virginia) whose quote is furnished above was not such a man. He spoke with clarity, eloquence and truthfulness. Perhaps if we were more educated in our own history we would be less susceptible to its rewriting by politicians and financiers shepherding us along to their Great Reset. Continue reading “America’s Confusion of Liberty or Equality”