Socialism’s True Face: Fascism

Hegel's Dialectical Trinity of State Socialism

Socialism True Face: Fascism;
Hermeticism Demands a Control god

My previous post, DARVO: The Old-New Method of Moving the Hermetic Dialectic Synthesis, I examined the essential need of the Oppressor to assume the Victim role to gain support of the Masses. This is part of Socialism’s Infiltration strategy replacing the Force strategy used by Lenin and Mao with disastrous consequences. Wars tear down leaving one weaker rather than stronger which is counter productive when trying to enslave a world. Now I want us to step back a bit to understand that Socialism is simply another layer to the con game of Fascism in which everyone but the very upper tier of Elites become the true victims. Continue reading “Socialism’s True Face: Fascism”

Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!

What is the Cantillon Effect?

Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!
Another Force Present: Cantillon Effect

Though Adam Smith gets the lion’s share of the credit for defining modern economics, he takes a back seat to Richard Cantillon who laid the framework which made Adam Smith’s theory possible {Richard Cantillon: The Founding Father of Modern Economics. Mises Daily Articles. Mises Institute.}. His only surviving treatise, Essai sur la nature du commerce en général, {Essay on the Nature of Trade in General} predated Adam Smith’s, Wealth of Nations, by forty years. One of his most intriguing concepts has come to be known as the Cantillon Effect which is the subject of this short post. Not only is it unknown to most non-economists, it is obscure even to most economists; Austrian, Keynesian, Chicago School or otherwise! But first, we must obey Logic’s Law of Identity and define some banking terms and operations; it will not be long or boring but it will be surprising! Continue reading “Why Adam Smith Does Not Work!”

China and the Great Reset

China Key to U.S. Economic Ruin

China and the Great Reset will be an Economic Battleground
U.S.’s Trillions of Dollars of Debt will come due with Cryptocurrency

China and the Great Reset is not some fantasy pipe dream but an integral link in the plan to control America via economic means. Mr. Hayek warned of this in his work, Road to Serfdom, written in 1944. Western nations were warned that crony capitalism {today’s terminology} and uncontrolled spending would result in slavery via socialism. This is the lesson Mr. Hayek learned from Mr. Hitler’s Germany and which the Western nations devoutly ignored. The Great Reset will not be a military coup; it will be first and foremost an economic coup that will quietly replace literal currency with digital cryptocurrency. Once the means of economic transactions are controlled, the nation is controlled. That is expected to begin in 2021 regardless of who wins the presidency. Continue reading “China and the Great Reset”

Myth of Oil Scarcity

Scarcity of Oil is the Myth
Driving Global Governance

The modern world was built on petroleum fuels and the myth of oil scarcity has been the single largest contributor to keeping prices inflated in relation to the prevailing economy. The myth of scarcity was invented soon after the Geneva Congress on Organic Nomenclature, 1892, defined organic chemistry. Some believe that Rockefeller paid his scientists to argue for the label fossil fuels since petroleum was organic; i.e., hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and therefore must have come from once living things (Fossil Fuel Hoax). However true the reality is that the label fossil fuel stuck. This liquid and gaseous stuff was made by the death of dinosaurs and the associated plant life that occurred in the past and will never be repeated. However, from the beginning of the 19th century petroleum productions were being produced by man. James Young began what today would be called fracking to collect crude oil from sandstone cave roofs and distill it into petroleum products. He was unencumbered by the myth that would soon enslave the world for over a century: the myth of the scarcity of oil.
Continue reading “Myth of Oil Scarcity”

How Bad Doctrine Enslaved the World

Replacement Theology and Poor Hermeneutics
Distorted the Concept of Usury Enslaving the West

Usury is the “loaning of money for interest” {Jewish Moneylending. My Jewish Learning} though today the concept has changed, “the loaning of money for exorbitant interest,” in order to allow reasonable interest on loans or else no one would lend any money. God, through Moses, instructed Jews to not charge interest on loans to other Jews but they could charge interest on loans to Gentiles {strangers} or goyim {Hebrew} (De 23:20).  Hermeneutics is the art and science of biblical interpretation to understand God’s wisdom contained in the Bible. Replacement theology is the concept that God has transferred His promises to the Jews to the Church because the Jews executed Christ. The Roman Catholic Church (RCC), ignorant of Jewish culture, poor hermeneutics and erroneous theology banned any usury between Christians during its medieval control of Europe. We still live with the results today. Continue reading “How Bad Doctrine Enslaved the World”

Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians

Karl Popper Defined the Tolerance Paradox
Setting Limits to the Ideas of Others (1945)

Dr. Karl Popper, one of the early philosopher/economists at the London School of Economics (See: Progressivism to Gradualism to Socialism to Globalism), defined the limits of tolerance in what he called, The Paradox of Tolerance (1945). This was his major contribution to the furtherance of Open Societies {originally developed by Henri Bergson (1932)}. Dr. Popper taught that one cannot be tolerant of  ideas opposed to the development of the open societies concept. Thus, he sought to legitimize intolerance to the ideas of others becoming one of the major stratagems used today, especially by the political-media complex.  Continue reading “Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians”

Economics Without Christ – Globalization


Regionalization: Waystop Toward Globalization
Government Does not Control Everything

It IS Everything

When General Eisenhower gave his speech to the troops about to participate in the D-Day landings he used the words, “united nations”, euphemism for globalization. The success of these landings not only spelled the end of the NAZI government but also the end of all national governments. That day the world changed and no one noticed. Continue reading “Economics Without Christ – Globalization”

Economics – Early Nation-State Control


Adam Smith Father of Modern Economics
Adam Smith Did Not Write of Economics

Adam Smith, considered by many as the founder, or father, of modern economics did not write about economics in the book featured in the above graphic, his most famous work; he actually wrote about how to develop a modern society so he was truly developing a philosophy of control to best direct a modern society, in his estimation. Continue reading “Economics – Early Nation-State Control”

Economics – Hidden Power Through the Centuries

Economics 101

Power of Control Ignored is
the Power to Control

As I was doing my series on ignorance I had an epiphany concerning economics. Nearly everyone I asked had the same reaction to economics as I; i.e., it is too difficult to understand and best left to the “experts”. Continue reading “Economics – Hidden Power Through the Centuries”