Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice

Equality the Root of Modern Simulacrum Deception

Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth:
Your Choice Guided by Your Faith of Truth

Occam’s Razor, developed by the 14th century friar, William of Ockham, stated that out of competing logics/solutions/philosophies/conclusions the simpler solution was preferred. What brought him to this conclusion which has been embraced by modern scientists but not so much by modern peoples who seem to embrace the complex and reject the simple or narrow path? His underlying premise, “God’s existence cannot be deduced by reason alone.” As I have oft written this is because God is beyond empiricism while Man via his five senses can only make empirical measurements (Jn 4:23-24). Man is always faced with the choice that is not really a choice because of one’s Lost or fallen, sinful nature God’s Truth is automatically excluded (Ro 1:18-28). Modern 19th-20th century peoples sought to embrace the French Revolution error that Reason alone can lead to true knowing which only led to greater complexity, failure evidenced by increasing degradation and violence. Twenty-first century elites have returned to the ancient knowing that faith underlies any change. The much heralded, Great Reset, is based on faith; i.e., the integration of all faiths undergird by equity or equality. Continue reading “Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice”

How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion: Hardened Heart

How Satan Hardens Your Sin Nature

How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion:
Hardened Heart in Continuous Rebellion Against God

Satan does not draft you or trick you or even have you agree to enter his kingdom; you were conceived in iniquity and already under a sentence of eternal death (Ps 51:5; Ep 2:1-3). Satan’s major effort is the continual Delusion of mankind keeping people from learning of the Gospel of eternal life in Christ (Ep 2:4-10). I will discuss the modern techniques and use modern examples discussing Satan’s processes. The goals of these attacks are to ensconce you in your innate sin nature so you inherently reject God and His Gospel; to sway the immature saved in Christ who do not learn from the Bible and to prepare Mankind to demand and receive his coming rule; i.e., agitate for Satan’s Delusion as something good when it actually will deliver Death, Disease, Famine and Distress.   Continue reading “How Desensitization & Jamming Prepare You for Conversion: Hardened Heart”

Seeing Through an Enigma

This book reveals in the political realm
Truth Bible revealed centuries ago

President Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time;” because he succeeded in fooling all the people all the time using the hammer of war against those who would not believe the lie. President Lincoln’s control of the press was blunt: he destroyed presses and imprisoned thousands for exercising their right of free speech {DiLorenzo, T. Lincoln Unmasked. Random House. 2006.}. The government learned that lesson well and continues to control the press today, though less heavily handed than President Lincoln.
Continue reading “Seeing Through an Enigma”

Beware Satan’s Power! What??


Religion Views Satan and Christ Vying Over the World
This Gnostic Representation is Westernized Yin and Yang

Most people, saved and lost, have the worldview of Satan having power as great as Jesus and both contesting over the souls of people. The image of each of them sitting on your shoulders whispering temptations into your ears is classic, even in the older cartoons and literature. Continue reading “Beware Satan’s Power! What??”