Deconstructing the “Melting Pot”


Sin produces division based on bias and
Prejudice; Postmodernism codifies bias

Bias and prejudice did not begin at the Tower of Babel when God miraculously divided one unified society into at least three distinct groups who then separated from each other (Ge 11:1-9). Bias and prejudice were present at the first sin when Man blamed God and Woman; Woman blamed the Dragon and the Dragon blamed no one, at least directly (Ge 3:8-19). Today bias and prejudice are becoming codified both philosophically  and legally legitimizing both as weapons against shared problem solving. America self-described itself as a melting pot {a place where a variety of races, cultures, or individuals assimilate into a cohesive whole} of cultures as a means to end the near constant European warfare based on cultural differences. Today this approach is being rejected in favor of permanent but artificial divisions designed to promote violence based on bias and prejudice. Continue reading “Deconstructing the “Melting Pot””