FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World

Many heads of the Great Reset Hydra

FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World;
Cut Off One Head, Two More Appear-But Which One?

I bet dollars to donuts many of you have not heard about the FTX cryptocurrency scandal; and why should you? Most people either have not heard of cryptocurrency or have any inkling of what it is or of what value is it? Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is for the fringe conspiracy-freedom element or the ultra rich who have money to burn. Who cares if they get taken; they probably deserve it being so rich and all. And off you go about your daily business of watching your favorite propaganda show, keeping up with your favorite social media app or even watching the government approved news show. All of these are designed to keep you complacent while the Great Reset occurs around you. This innocuous scandal surrounds you with its spy-like plots guiding you into the great eugenics future of Effective Altruism (EA). Continue reading “FTX Scandal: Hydra at Work Resetting Your World”

Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Two

Money a Roll of the Die for Most People

People’s Perception of Money Resembles Chance;
Money is Careful Manipulation to Achieve the Goal

Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Two continues from, Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part One, which discussed how government relinquished its major claim to sovereignty by giving private corporations, today’s parlance, the right to coinage. This was accomplished using bribes and lies appealing to sinners’ love of money. These tools have not changed; however, corporatism successfully uses people’s ignorance, willful or otherwise, to continue its march toward its ultimate goal: Control {Socialism}.
Continue reading “Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Two”

Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part One

Aristotle's Philosophy of Money
Aristotle Analyzed the Fundamental Question: “What is Money?”

Lydians or Hellenists; depending whom you read, developed Money in the form of coinage about the 7th century (B.C.). When Persia absorbed Lydia they became the first major power to use coinage. However the inquisitive Greeks sought to define money with Aristotle, instructor to Alexander, the Great, detailing money’s qualities separating it from commodities previously used (Aristotle and the Definition of Money). Gold, silver or some other commodity was weighed as agreed for goods or services (Ge  23:16). An American, Alexander del Mar, wrote extensively about money; especially how it was abused preparing us for the Great Reset. Continue reading “Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part One”

China and the Great Reset

China Key to U.S. Economic Ruin

China and the Great Reset will be an Economic Battleground
U.S.’s Trillions of Dollars of Debt will come due with Cryptocurrency

China and the Great Reset is not some fantasy pipe dream but an integral link in the plan to control America via economic means. Mr. Hayek warned of this in his work, Road to Serfdom, written in 1944. Western nations were warned that crony capitalism {today’s terminology} and uncontrolled spending would result in slavery via socialism. This is the lesson Mr. Hayek learned from Mr. Hitler’s Germany and which the Western nations devoutly ignored. The Great Reset will not be a military coup; it will be first and foremost an economic coup that will quietly replace literal currency with digital cryptocurrency. Once the means of economic transactions are controlled, the nation is controlled. That is expected to begin in 2021 regardless of who wins the presidency. Continue reading “China and the Great Reset”

Control Wealth to Control People

Control of Wealth is Control of Government
Unwise Spending Destroys Government

Americans are poorly taught, probably purposefully, about the relationship of money to wealth and of money to government control; i.e., to Control Wealth is to Control People. Samuel detailed to the early Israelites the dangers of wealth to government control (1Sa 8:9-22). God through Moses warned the Hebrews that government should not control too much wealth, military technology or entangling alliances; they were to be different from all other kingdoms evidenced by their submission to God (De 17:14-20). Solomon, who was supposed to be wise, ignored all warnings, overburdened the people as Samuel warned and caused the kingdom to be divided after his death (1Ki 10:23-11:13). This self-destruction of national sovereignty would plague empires in the ancient world and find disciples in the modern world who seek globalization via the control of wealth. Continue reading “Control Wealth to Control People”