General Will to General Welfare to Democracy Achieving Socialism

Propaganda of General Will as General Welfare Promoting Socialism

General Will to General Welfare to
Democracy Achieving Socialism

It has dawned on me that while Rousseau’s directly applied philosophy in France failed; it spectacularly succeeded indirectly in America! Americans have been educated, propagandized, to believe that the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are similar, and thus, compatible philosophical documents. The Declaration of Independence embodied Locke’s Social Contract based on natural or God-given rights; a concept not grounded in the Bible as declared by its advocates. The Constitution took a different bent and thanks to the diligence of the Federalists became the successor to Rousseau’s Social Contract vision. What the Federalists envisioned and the Republicans began, today’s Democrats are completing. Though clothed in different vocabulary, Rousseau’s General Will never died but morphed through various terminologies to become today’s Critical Theory agitating for tomorrow’s Socialism under the banner of Democracy. Continue reading “General Will to General Welfare to Democracy Achieving Socialism”

John R. Lewis DoubleSpeak-NewSpeak Voting Rights Debacle Bill

Black Lewis Salve to White Power Structure

John R. Lewis DoubleSpeak-NewSpeak
Voting Rights Debacle Bill Steals Your Vote

The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Bill claims to be about preserving YOUR voting rights; especially if you are defined as one of the minorities in America. This is reaction to Democratic rhetoric that Republicans will try to steal votes to win the next election to rob America of its Democracy. This is classic DoubleSpeak at work, language intended to obscure its actual meaning. It would be laughable except it is supported extensively by NewSpeak, Controlling the narrative so people accept YOUR viewpoint as the only viewpoint. In essence this bill will give the federal government absolute Control over all state elections to determine which elections were legitimate; i.e., legally binding. This would remove the Courts from the equation since they cannot be relied upon to give the correct rulings every time; bypasses packing the Supreme Court. Even the above graphic is Doublespeak. This bill is supposed to protect minority votes; yet, it is largely supported by the dreaded white supremacy power structure. It begs the question of why whites would support a bill to give power to minorities; unless it actually does the opposite. The DoubleSpeak goes even deeper than that; it seeks to completes President Lincoln’s complete destruction of State autonomy and your liberty. Continue reading “John R. Lewis DoubleSpeak-NewSpeak Voting Rights Debacle Bill”

Homage to Orwell: Agreeable Slave {Socialism} Language

Mandela Example of Successful NewSpeak

Homage to Orwell: Agreeable Slave {Socialism} Language
Mandela Successful Worldwide NewSpeak

Nelson Mandela was a self-admitted successful, murderous terrorist in South Africa convicted of murdering people for political gain; and he was rightfully imprisoned. He was also an admitted socialist; meaning, murder was simply a means to gain Control. Through unrelenting NewSpeak highlighting South Africa’s apartheid culture, which was unjust, world’s informational services turned this admitted terrorist into a hero and eventually into the leader of South Africa. His government, Socialism, was worse than the government he replaced and remains so today long after his death. This is Orwell’s NewSpeak in action for everyone to see. We will look at several successful Orwellian figures of Socialism Control as a homage to this conflicted visionary who embraced Socialism himself while horrified at its reality. He never repudiated Socialism meaning he was also part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Continue reading “Homage to Orwell: Agreeable Slave {Socialism} Language”

Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death

Scientific Method's Bed of Assumptions

Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death;
Battle of Assumptions and Love of Money

Since the Enlightenment Age {Age of Reason or Modern Era} the Scientific Method and Science in general has been hailed as the great giver of knowledge {light} and prosperity. It has become a religion in its own right even while decrying religions as anti-intellectual or reason! Science by definition is empirical; that is, it is based on what can be detected with the five senses. However, these observations, facts or measurements, are meaningless without a context or theory to explain the why of the facts. Theories come from testable hypotheses which are based on assumptions, elements that are assumed to be true though are unprovable {Assumptions of science: 5 reasons you should be skeptical.}. This was clearly understood in the Enlightenment’s early days when Science was known as Natural Philosophy. Science and philosophy separated in the 19th century when it was realized that Science could not reveal Truth, which was Natural Philosophy’s intended goal! Thus, Science became a means of fitting discoverable facts into an acceptable conceptual framework. As the conceptual framework became the main determiner of correct facts, Science morphed into Scientism which sought to suppress undesirable conceptual frameworks and even its supporting facts. Nowhere has this become more disastrous than in healthcare resulting in millions of deaths by ignoring inconvenient facts and theories. We shall look at two competing theories of healthcare and their impact on your life; and death. Continue reading “Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death”

Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand

Nothing New Under the Sun: Socialism

Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand;
Monarchy: Form of Socialism-Central Control

Bible teaches that nothing is new in history! Everything we experience today is simply repetition based on rejection of God’s truth for Man’s lies (Ec 1:9-12; Ro 1:18-28). Ancient Israel demanded a king like the other nations (1Sa 8:4-20). In essence, they were demanding a strong centralized government over the limited local government they had since God led them out of Egypt. Why? Because they believed that it afforded them protection, security, while remaining in rebellion against God. This is Socialism by another means. The Covid-19 pandemic has raised similar demands in non-socialistic countries. People demand strong centralized healthcare to force people to receive questionable health treatments or suffer consequences.. This reinforces veracity of the Bible and its relevance to today’s issues. Continue reading “Government Healthcare Socialism by Demand”

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains

Politicians Enslavement to CBDC

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains;
Universal Income Equals Universal Enslavement

When President Biden nominated Ms Saule Omarova for Comptroller of the Currency he was signaling the Federal Reserve’s intention to absorb America’s financial institutions as the means to Control self-caused inflation. However, the not-so-hidden agenda was to signal to government that the world’s central banks will become the sole determinants of correctness via financial Control! No freedom movement, no liberty agitation can long survive when the access to monies is Controlled. It was probably no accident that while your attention was focused on the United Nations Climate Conference (COP26), the World Economic Forum (WEF) was meeting in Dubai, UAE, coordinating what Mr. Klaus Schwab termed, The Great Narrative. What? Not familiar with these terms or movements? That is exactly what they are counting on to. As magicians they focus your attention on Mr. Schwab and Cop26 but hidden from your view they have planned a coup of unimaginable proportions. And, our greedy politicians are playing right into their hands with your consent! Continue reading “Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains”

Exponential Growth of Convenient Religions or Luciferianism {Socialism}

Geo Floyd as Savior of Works

Exponential Growth of Convenient Religions
or Luciferianism {Socialism} {

As I wrote in a previous post, Black Lives Matter Hidden Religion, Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader, Patrisse Cullors, worships a Nigerian Gnosticism known as IFA. As her private religion I have no quarrel as no one should Control what a person believes. However, her incorporating IFA into this political movement demonstrates her contempt of and wish to replace America’s love affair with Judeo-Christian morality with Nigerian Gnosticism without openly informing her adherents. Her religious practices have also attracted the attention of others to alert the unsuspecting public of their peril {BLM leaders practice ‘witchcraft’ and summon dead spirits, black activist claims}. With BLM’s flagging popularity since President Biden’s election, as they were no longer needed, efforts have been made to repopularize the movement with religious icons such as the above painting of George Floyd as Christ entitled, Mama, suggesting that Mr Floyd died for Black people’s ?sins? since Christ died for sin; i.e., their salvation (Ro 3:21-26). this confused motif exhibits the confusion of the Lost in understanding the Bible. All works-based, non-Christian, faiths stumble under the same misperception: that Salvation can be purchased via good behaviors.(Ro 4:1-5). By embracing religions, hidden or otherwise, BLM advertises that socialism is religious based which validates its values of good and evil. Continue reading “Exponential Growth of Convenient Religions or Luciferianism {Socialism}”

Science: Hubris of Ignorant Control

Science: Hubris of Ignorant Control;
Ignores Science’s Limits Embracing Ignorance

Today’s mantras “Follow the Science;” or “Science says;” and even “Scientists says” which are supposed to shut down those who appear to oppose Science. I submit that those who repeat such dribble are themselves guilty of the ignorance they ascribe to their detractors. Each of the mantras above, so common in journalism and everyday conversation today, contain logical fallacies. Man, since the age of Modernity, has surrounded himself with the religion of Science in order to justify his ignorance of God. Thus, the true Modern Man: Hears nothing from God; Sees nothing of God in nature nor Speaks nothing about God for Science is his only god. Modern Man uses Science to justify his rejection of God while vilifying those who exhibit faith in God. They put their ignorance on display while decrying the Christian’s ignorance (Ro 1:18-28; 2:1-5). Those who worship Science require more faith to cling to their ignorance than those they oppose. Continue reading “Science: Hubris of Ignorant Control”

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization

Social Contract Redefined in Great Reset

When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization!
Pandemic Relief Linked to Globalized Financial Goals?

Conspiracy Theory is a pejorative to delegitimize opposition without having to logically defend one’s position; hence, it becomes a logical fallacy that shows the weakness of one’s true position. This is the purpose of secretive plans; to prevent detection until such time as detection no longer matters; or, to put it more succinctly, “Resistance is futile!” Our last post, The Social Contract Myth, discussed the foundational mythology to keep the masses distracted while Control was slowly consolidated through various mechanisms. Hence, conspiracy theories abounded. I would not be surprised if the powers that be were not also encouraging these to keep you distracted from the ultimate goal. Now however, these powers that be are writing the articles revealing, in stages, their immediate goals for you. The Conspiracy Theory turned Reality in your time! Continue reading “When Conspiracy Theory Becomes Reality: Globalization”

The Social Contract Myth

Locke's Social Contract Republicanism

The Social Contract Myth Underpins Modern Age
Becoming Foundation for Democracy and Socialism

The concept of The Social Contract has become the de facto justification for allegiance to government in the Modern Age, post Dark Ages through today. It coincided with the rise of the nation-state and grew out of the Enlightenment Age’s need to justify why citizens should accept this new form of government on the brink of the Industrial Age which would bring serfs prosperity, education and a greater participation in government. In other words, the Social Contract was simply Satan’s ploy to short-circuit the benefits of the Industrial Age and return people to slavery; or serfdom if one prefers a more polite word. Continue reading “The Social Contract Myth”