Marxism is Democracy

Marx’s communism failed because
He conflated feudalism with modernism

To understand Marx’s philosophy, Marxism, we need to understand his worldview. A passive reader takes his {her} worldview with them when they view, read or even think about the past. Their worldview informs the context of events in terms of their current understanding. I believe Marx was also a victim of his worldview without his realization. Thus, the formation of his philosophy was a rejection of feudalism and the implementation of pure democracy. Continue reading “Marxism is Democracy”

Lie of the Political Spectrum

This well known schematic of the
American Political Spectrum is a Lie

Though I have written on this subject in the past {Government: One Body For All and Fascism: Early Weapon Against Communism as examples} I must admit that my understand of fascism was naive though sincere. Most Americans, I cannot speak to the educational system of other countries, have been taught the above political spectrum. Those who have read my posts know that this view is a deception; it is not correct. In fact, some of my readers may recognize this as a Gaussian {Bell} curve. The two tails, outliers, are considered abnormal, even dangerous We have been deluded. Continue reading “Lie of the Political Spectrum”

Fascism: Early Weapon Against Communism

Fascism Links to Roman Fasces
For Legitimacy and Authority

Fascism! Fascist! Racist! These pejoratives are screamed out as proof of the illegitimacy of those in power by those who are currently not in power. Yet, no one seems to have any understanding of what fascism actually was, and is, and why did fascism become such an epithet for hatred. Continue reading “Fascism: Early Weapon Against Communism”

Economics-Mid Nation-State Development


Marx and Engels Economic Philosophy Appears a Failure
Yet, the Ideas Developed During the French Revolution

Led Directly to the Communist Revolution in Moscow

Understanding economic influences is key to understanding the power transitions that have occurred, are occurring and will occur as long as sinful man, and Satan, seek to impose their flawed philosophy on mankind to destroy the Gospel of Christ leaving man no hope of Heaven. Continue reading “Economics-Mid Nation-State Development”

Jewish Conspiracy or Consistent History?

JFK Jewish Quote

Truth or Wishful Prejudice?

I have been studying Jewish philosophy as part of my studies of human philosophies to understand the truth of the Scriptures. I have been aware for nearly the totality of my Christian salvation experience, nearly 40 years, of the belief in a vast world-wide Jewish Conspiracy. This supposed quote by John F. Kennedy, I could not verify he actually said this quote, seems to legitimize the conspiracy belief. Continue reading “Jewish Conspiracy or Consistent History?”