Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?

MAGA KKK vs Union League

Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?
Do You Know Whose Myth You Are Embracing?

America became inflamed under President Trump’s campaign slogan: Make America Great Again (MAGA)! He became the focus of the most polarizing divisive political polemic and governmental ostracization never before seen in America. His own government sought to obfuscate his policies, keep him from legitimate expressions of power inherent in the office of the Presidency and finally still seeks to prove him guilty of something in order to keep him from occupying the Oval Office again. However, let us remove our focus from. the man and concentrate on the slogan. What does it mean? To discuss it with any clarity we must explore its meaning; i.e., satisfying the Law of Identity. Certainly it can mean different things to different groups. But…what did it mean to President Trump and what does it still mean to You? Is it a truism or simply a propagandistic myth to Control you for other purposes? Continue reading “Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?”

Socialism vs Fascism: Distraction Conceals Fiscal Fascism

Meaningless Political Labels as Distraction

Socialism vs Fascism: Distraction Conceals Fiscal Fascism;
These Political Labels Hide the Real Menace from You

Biblical discernment is more than understanding the meaning of the Scriptures; it is their application to real world issues, especially to discerning right and wrong or good and evil at work (He 5:11-14). We cannot see actual spiritual forces and thus are unable to make absolute, definitive statements. However, we can discern patterns and compare these patterns with Scripture to determine how  Satan is at work in the world. After all, Christ told us that, “…you will recognize them by their fruits” (Mt 7:15-20). He also told us that the world will become worse and worse even with concomitant natural disasters (Mt 24:6-8). Now I am no expert so I am spitballing what seems apparent giving you something to think on as forces about us talk about Resetting all societies; i.e., unifying societies along fiscal lines of control versus historic governmental lines. Without preparing ourselves to biblically understand these influences people may find themselves falling away from the faith in order to survive in the world. The love for Christ of many will grow cold to their eternal regret (Mt 24:9-12). Now is the time to prepare one’s self spiritually and emotionally. Continue reading “Socialism vs Fascism: Distraction Conceals Fiscal Fascism”

Illusion of Choice in Voting

Voting is Democracy's Ultimate Illusion of Choice

Illusion of Choice in Voting;
Democracy’s Ultimate Control

Nothing more defines modern Western culture and nations as democracy with voting as the major methodology by which people are able to express their will and Control their government(s). Nothing more says illusion as the act of voting which occasionally gives the appearance of choice. Our last post, Hidden Enemy We Love, discussed the role of psychology in manufacturing this illusion; however, it is not the only card in Satan’s deck of delusions (2Th 2:3-12). This post will examine three fallacies of voting to express one’s will or Control of government. Continue reading “Illusion of Choice in Voting”

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action. Continue reading “Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion”

Socialism: Control of False Judaism

False Judaism is Socialism

Socialism: Control of False Judaism;
Socialism: Triumph of False Judaism

Socialism: Control of False Judaism, has been well documented during the preceding two centuries and just as carefully tucked away through the auspices of public education systems of every modern nation. False Jews are those who reject Christ as Messiah; those whose hearts have not been changed as defined by Paul (Ro 2:28-29). Paul was referring to an inward change wrought by the New Covenant based on the sacrifice of Christ (Je 31:31-34; Ac 2:1-41; 2Co 5:17; He 10:12-14). True Jews are those, like Paul, who accepted Christ’s sacrifice; however, there remains a remnant of Jews yet to be called forth during the coming Great Tribulation to embrace Christ and evangelize the world despite opposition from the False Jews and the Antichrist (Ro 11:25-31). But, the False Jews and their Judaism has not been idle and today we are seeing their efforts coming to fruition in the form of socialism, or globalization.
Continue reading “Socialism: Control of False Judaism”

Industrial Revolution Built Financier Socialism

Misdirection of Communistic Socialism

False Narrative of USSR’s Fall from Power;
Freedom Won: NO! Financier’s Socialism Won

Industrial Revolution Built Financier Socialism; STOP listening to the false narrative of conservative commentators who spin out myths designed to keep YOU trapped in a false narrative while your socialistic prison is being completed! Free Enterprise did not win; in fact, it lost along with Communism. Capitalism, a socialist word, won! That is, the financiers who were, and are, behind the curtains won by having one governmental system nearly ruin itself to actually ruin another competing financial system. This was little more than the inevitable extension of the Great War, Parts One and Two, to defeat the competing Germanic economic system. Surprised? You should be; its roots go back in history to the Late Bronze Age {LBA} Collapse. Continue reading “Industrial Revolution Built Financier Socialism”

Fascism: Evil Friend of Globalism

Fascism as Pacifism

Confusing issue of Fascism is its Meaning;
Fascism is The Postmodern Term: Means Anything

Fascism: Evil Friend of Globalism because it can mean whatever the user decides; this is the perfect implementation of postmodernism before postmodernism was even a thing! In 1919 Benito Mussolini coined the term, fascism, to designate the difference between his brand of socialism and marxist socialism, since labeled as communism (Answers). Mussolini implicitly used a new term unique to Italian history; he transliterated the Roman fascesas, axe surround by a bundle of sticks, to symbolize the power of the socialistic state as he wanted Italy to join Allies and have a share of the victory spoils. Yet, twenty years late another socialist would equate fascism with pacifism (See above graphic). That is how confused everyone was with the term then; and now! Continue reading “Fascism: Evil Friend of Globalism”

Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT)

For any Conspiracy to be Successful
It must Control access to Information

 Conspiracy theories abound and the term has become a pejorative label against those who use it; however, in our post I shall show that there is an overarching conspiracy theory: Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT). Rachel Maddow had a unique, though honest defense in court: she is not a real journalist; however, since journalist was not defined we really do not understand what she was denying { . Maddow’s “I’m Not a Real Journalist” Defense Prevails in Court. CERNO}. This is important! For any conspiracy to work information must be controlled but in such a manner that it cannot be seen as controlling until it is too late to prevent its success.  I shall present several examples of how information is controlled and then proceed to illuminate spiritual forces at work controlling everything {they think} (Ep 6:11-12; 2TH 2:3-12)
Continue reading “Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT)”

Pathway to American Impoverishment

King Solomon’s Errors Mirror
Errors America Embraces Today

America is not ancient Israel, a theocracy, but there are examples from ancient Israel that can teach the discerning reader the errors of today’s nations. King Solomon was the richest king of his time for specific reasons. Nearly all the Late Bronze Age kingdoms had collapsed; even Egypt and Assyria were greatly weakened. Israel under David had subdued or absorbed all her rivals in Canaan giving her both peace and monopolistic control of the regrowing trade routes through Canaan. Yet, Solomon squandered the peace, wealth and wisdom given him so that united Israel did not last after his death. This is a lesson for America today as she continues on the Pathway to American Impoverishment. Continue reading “Pathway to American Impoverishment”

Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You

Context for spread of Socialism: Equality
Reality for spread of Socialism: Fraternity

While usually discussed in economic terms: socialism being versus laissez faire markets the truth is much broader in scope. The French Revolution was the first to join equality and fraternity together with a form of socialism under the false flag of liberty; a cover palpable to the general populace. This formula is still used today, even in America. However, all the slogans, the promises and the countless millions of lives sacrificed the reality remains the same. Governments fear sinners. Continue reading “Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You”