Antiracism Latest Kafka Trap

AntiRacism is Racism

AntiRacism is the Latest Reflexive Weapon
Denial Proves Your Racism: Kafka Trap

Antiracism: Latest Kafka trap has become a major reflexive ploy to inject socialism into America and replace both political parties with its own agenda. The Kafka Trap is the technique Best described in the article, 7 linguistic tricks people use to deceive and manipulate you. This is the assumption of your guilt of whatever you are accused, denial is simply proof of your guilt. The latest charge is racism. As currently defined by major information {propaganda} media outlets and certain groups such as Black Lives Matter (BLM) all white people are racist, denial only proves your guilt. This technique applies to other movement monikers such as misogynist, fascist, Islamophobic, to name a few. All designed to destroy the family and Christian truths. This is a war for the minds, a cultural war that is being won before most people are even aware there is a battle. This is to remake society in their image. Continue reading “Antiracism Latest Kafka Trap”