The Happy Chained American

Just as Scrooge Could Not See His Chains
Neither Can Most Americans See Their Chains

I love the scene in the Christmas Carol (Dickens, Charles. 1843) when Marley, Scrooge’s deceased business partner, confronts Scrooge on Christmas Eve seven years after his death encumbered with heavy chains and money boxes. Marley tells Scrooge that his chains are even more ponderous. Scrooge looks at his hands and says he sees nothing. Marley informed him that they will be invisible until the moment of his death; i.e., the accumulation of his life’s work will then be irreversible. Welcome to today’s America where the combined effect of national socialism has been invisible until the day of its revelation.
Continue reading “The Happy Chained American”

Americanism and Religion

Americanism is the Religious Fervor
Justifying American Expansionism

Americanism is a custom, trait or belief peculiar to the people of the United States {America} ( This post will examine several major religious events that impacted American and world history; probably not for the better. Continue reading “Americanism and Religion”

Revolution Without Bullets – Welcome to the New America

Religion Cause of Unity

Religion is the Cause of Unity
(Click Graphic to See Video)

I believe that the problem people are having with explaining their confusion in understanding the presidential primaries is their starting point. Let me explain; nearly all disagreements do not disagree as to the concrete facts but center on disputes about differing assumptions. Continue reading “Revolution Without Bullets – Welcome to the New America”