
Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism

Common Definition of Social Gospel
However, It’s assumptions were incorrect!

From Rousseau came the French Revolution which became the basis for Marxist Socialism {commonly misnamed Communism} that later became the Soviet Revolution. However, socialism did not begin nor end with violent socialism. In England as in America a Middle Way socialism came into being. It sprang from several springs nearly simultaneously such as Progressivism and the Social Gospel movement; however, these all merged into national socialism which was labeled the Progressive Era. America’s socialism hid behind the flag of two world wars and several minor wars before emerging as today’s Social Justice movement. Thus, while national socialism was defeated in Europe, Germany and Italy, it quietly grew stronger in America and its Western allies. Today the battle is not between liberty and socialism as some would have you believe. The battle is simply between flavors of socialism; i.e., national socialism or international socialism, commonly labeled as globalism. Continue reading “Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism”

Fallacy of Random Chance

Scientism depends heavily on Random
Chance to explain causality without God

Scientisms, especially evolution, depend heavily on changes occurring in a random chance fashion such that the end result is always the current reality. Since the end point must be the current reality random chance is an incoherent explanation. If random chance exists then any outcome would, of necessity, also be randomness based on chance, beyond one’s influence. Let us look at the world of random chance. Continue reading “Fallacy of Random Chance”

POW/MIA: The Few, The Proud, The Betrayed

Unspoken Contract Between America and
It’s Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen

The unspoken contract between America, indeed any nation, is that it will never abandon those who fight for their country. America has asked, nay, demanded {draft} that its citizens fight for the interests the nation considers important. In return the nation is to never abandon nor forget those who were captured in the performance of their missions. However, as evidence mounts to the heavens it has become clear that America will not hesitate to abandon its fighting forces to secure a temporary peace. Continue reading “POW/MIA: The Few, The Proud, The Betrayed”

Looking at Labor on Labor Day

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient
World probably since days of Cain

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient World for one very salient reason: many occupations were not productive unless a large and cheap labor force was available. Agriculture, mining, artisan production and even wealthy households could not function without a cheap labor supply. With the emphasis on cheap slave labor was the usual source of cheap labor. Certainly it was one of the goals of conquest to capture a large labor supply for the conqueror and any surplus was sold abroad. Life for a slave could range from very brutal conditions, gallery oarsman, to very comfortable conditions, steward of a wealthy house hold like Joseph in Egypt (Ge 39:1-5). Without slavery the Ancient World would not have developed and our lives would be very different today. Continue reading “Looking at Labor on Labor Day”

Brief View of the Ascending Sacrifice

First Sacrifice in the Bible Was the
Ascending Sacrifice usually called “Burnt”

Animal sacrifices today are an aberration since the death of Christ on the stauros {tree}. Let us briefly look at the original sacrifice in the Bible and follow its path in the Bible until we arrive at an unholy sacrifice because of the ignorance of its participants. Continue reading “Brief View of the Ascending Sacrifice”

Dirty American Hands Brought Hijrah

Islamic Hijrah Threatens Western Cultures
The Same Cultures Who Began the Process

Across the Internet and throughout popular media comes the call to repel the Islamic immigrant invaders who threaten to engulf the nations of Western culture and convert them to medieval Islamic caliphates under a Caliph. The violence caused by these immigrants is repulsive upon their innocent victims is repulsive; however, the ones who caused this to occur take no responsibility for their own perpetuation of violence. This includes America. Continue reading “Dirty American Hands Brought Hijrah”

Fruits of the Spirit is Forgiveness


This Representation of Forgiveness
Christ the Sinless One Forgiving Men

One of the most misunderstood teachings of Christ was the washing of the Apostles’ feet (Jo 13:5-20). Over the centuries many have argued for this ceremony to be included in church ordinances; however, Christ gave no such injunction. Christ did say we are to “wash each other’s feet” but not in actual washings. He was urging His Apostles, and us, to practice His metaphor, not perform His metaphor. Christ washing the feet of His Apostles was a metaphor of forgiveness which can only come from the Logos of God and each born from above person has the indwelling Logos of God (2Co 5:17).
Continue reading “Fruits of the Spirit is Forgiveness”

Who Was Judas Iscariot?

Who was Judas Iscariot?
Incarnation of Evil or Ordinary Sinner?

Judas Iscariot is forever remembered as the betrayer of Jesus resulting in His death at the hands of the Romans and the Jews. But, who was this man? Was he the embodiment of extraordinary evil? Why did he betray Jesus? What was his character? The Bible gives scant information but I believe there is enough to give us insight into this man and the reasons for his actions. This study will also give us insight into millions of people today who would have done the same deed had they lived at that time.
Continue reading “Who Was Judas Iscariot?”

Logos of God or Logos of Man?

Logos of Man Oft Confused With
Gnosticism – False Knowledge

Isaiah’s ministry was to relay God’s message to he is contemporary Jews to blind them to the truth of God and harden their hearts against His gospel (Is 6:10). If this is true then the obvious conclusion is that God becomes the unjust Judge of sinners. Or, perhaps one is not reading the passage correctly and it is a symptom of one’s Logos that man find guilt with God to excuse his own sin.
Continue reading “Logos of God or Logos of Man?”

Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You

Context for spread of Socialism: Equality
Reality for spread of Socialism: Fraternity

While usually discussed in economic terms: socialism being versus laissez faire markets the truth is much broader in scope. The French Revolution was the first to join equality and fraternity together with a form of socialism under the false flag of liberty; a cover palpable to the general populace. This formula is still used today, even in America. However, all the slogans, the promises and the countless millions of lives sacrificed the reality remains the same. Governments fear sinners. Continue reading “Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You”