
American Idols of Mount Rushmore

Presidents of Mount Rushmore Represent
America’s National Commitment to Truth??

During the Great Depression and World War Two, Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, had the heads of the four greatest presidents sculptured into its granite face. Every school child of the subsequent 20th century were instilled with the righteous greatness of these four men in shaping the godly America of today. Yet, a brief glimpse of the true history of these four presidents dispels the myths to reveal a darker face of today’s America than citizens are willing to face.  Continue reading “American Idols of Mount Rushmore”

Fantastic Propaganda: Crimes Against You

J.K. Rollings latest “Wizarding World” movie
Propaganda – Not entertainment

Movies have always been the preferred medium of propaganda (Movies as Propaganda) since their inception. This was realized early on by Antonia Gramsci after the failure of revolutionary Marxism evidenced in World War One (WWI). This was embraced by the Fabian Society, Frankfurt School and others who sought to advance their international socialistic agenda via hegemony: manufactured consent of the people to enslave themselves.
Continue reading “Fantastic Propaganda: Crimes Against You”

Anger: Thwarted Covetousness

Anger, though disguised as many emotions,
is the base emotion of sinful covetousness

The world system {Lost} has a difficult task to define anger, condemn anger but at the same time use anger to justify its hostility toward the saved of God. The major reason the world cannot bring itself to condemn Islamic wrath against Christians is that the world hates the truth of God. Muslims become the unwitting tool of the World until they are no longer useful. Continue reading “Anger: Thwarted Covetousness”

Reformation: Legacy of Hatred

The Reformation Brought Freedom of Faith
The Reformation also Brought Endless Wars

As a Christian I am grateful to the revival of the true Gospel which is called the Reformation. Yet, it was an unintentional consequence of wanting a discussion of differences between Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and biblical hermeneutical interpretation by individuals rather than by the monolithic RCC via the Pope. The Reformation brought hope but it also entailed several hundred years of unrelenting and merciless wars across Europe. Violence that extends down to today’s political climate in America and across Europe; a climate of unrelenting hostility against those who think differently. Continue reading “Reformation: Legacy of Hatred”

Awokeness: Revivalism of Intolerance

Puritans Came to America to Make a
City on a Hill via Strong Central Government

I do not wish to disparage those beliefs that have the Gospel but errors in their doctrines because that would include everyone. Nor do I wish to give the impression that America’s various revivals were all evil for certainly people were saved. My point in this and other posts is to show how religion and government do not go together (Jo 18:33-37). The world governments quash the True Gospel while using false doctrine to advance their power and keep their citizens enslaved (Jo 16:33). However, Evangelicalism worships the American Awakenings by ignoring their effects on government and society until today it is overrun by the latest such awakening called the Awokeness Revival {Awakening}. Continue reading “Awokeness: Revivalism of Intolerance”

What is the Eucharist?

Everybody, Christian and Christendom,
Celebrates this Simple Ordinance

This simple Church ordinance flies under several different names. Some call it eucharist {blessing}, Mass {mission}, communion {sharing} and Lord’s Supper {more properly refers to the Agape meal of the early church than to the ordinance} {Lord’s Supper}. Beyond the obvious I never gave the celebration much thought as it seemed so obvious: memorial to Christ’s sacrifice for sin. Right? Well, an event occurred that forced me to look closely at this ordinance to discern its true meaning. Continue reading “What is the Eucharist?”

A “No True Scotsman” World

The “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy
Dominates Nearly Every Discussion Today

When a universal (“all”, “every”, etc.) claim is refuted, rather than conceding the point or meaningfully revising the claim, the claim is altered by going from universal to specific, and failing to give any objective criteria for the specificity (Logically Fallacious). In short what means is that nearly every discussion today is couched in “all or nothing” rhetoric; when exceptions are introduced the response is, “no true (fill in the blank) would be an exception. As the above graphic depicts, “All fundamental Christians are politically conservative, gun owners, anti-poor rednecks. Many fundamental Christians do not hold to these absolute views; therefore, they are not true Christians!” Continue reading “A “No True Scotsman” World”

Happy Indigenous People Day?!

Indigenous People Day Celebrates
Return to Ignorance, Poverty & Gnosticism

This week America observed Columbus Day to celebrate the man who discovered the New World for the Western cultures coming forth from the Medievalism of the Dark Ages. This day simply acknowledges the man and his discovery. American public education of the 19th and 20th centuries romanticized the man for their own pietistic purposes; a man who exhibited the ignorance and cruelty of his time. Clearly, Indigenous People’s Day, celebrated on the same day as Columbus Day, is an attempt to rewrite history, again. This is the problem with public education; it becomes a tool in the hands of the government to write history as they see fit. Neither day tells the truth but seeks to justify a political agenda whose end is ultimately: Socialism. Continue reading “Happy Indigenous People Day?!”

Social Justice is International Socialism

Social Justice claims to promote equality
However, it actually promotes inequality

In our previous posts (Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism and Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism) I discussed how the Social Gospel movement destroyed the biblical {absolute truth of God’s moral law (Ten Words)} foundation of most denominations. In a sense it was a blow against the pietism forced onto the population via the power of the state by the minority believers. Postmodernism substituted experience as the criteria for deciding good and evil as defined by each individual; i.e., relative values and higher self-esteem became the norms. However, this unleashed an unprecedented wave of violence, mass shootings, especially among teens who were simply implementing what they had been taught. The Social Justice movement grew out of both the Social Gospel and Postmodern movements to develop a two-prong attack. The first prong: Destruction of national socialism and sovereignty with the consent of the governed. The second prong: Rejection of personal responsibility for one’s current position in life.
Continue reading “Social Justice is International Socialism”

Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism

PostModernism: Bridge between
Social Gospel and Social Justice movements

In our previous blog, Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism, I discussed how the various movements between 1880-1920 coincided with and supported the Social Gospel movement to destroy the true Gospel and the Bible. Since the Bible is the only source of absolute truth, and values, many denominations were cast adrift on the seas of secular humanism and relative values. The abandonment of biblical absolute values segued into the search for relative meaning such as in the Beat movement of the 1950s and the Hippie movement of the 1960s. The result was the birth of Postmodernism which was the abandonment of God in favor of anything but God and its attendant increase in societal violence. Continue reading “Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism”