
Fairness: Doctrine of Satan

“Double Speak” Denies Fairness as Equality
But as Deservedness: Who Decides?

What is fairness? The term is used nearly everyday but rarely is it actually defined. This clearly violates the Law of Identity muddling the conceptual waters. What is meant by fairness? Many Christians reject the doctrine of Election because they believe it is not fair! If God decides who is saved and who is not, many believe that He is responsible for sending sinners to the Lake of Fire making Him the true evil one for who can resist His will? Is fairness a character trait of God? The above graphic demonstrates the incoherence of discussing fairness by rejecting the obvious meaning of fairness for a social justice meaning of fairness without ever presenting a coherent argument as to the correctness of their assumptions. But, even more troubling, is the unanswered question as to who gets to define what everyone needs. If not God, then whom? Continue reading “Fairness: Doctrine of Satan”

Embracing the Fire of Life

Medicine claims to unify the person
Yet its scientism of healthcare yields death

Man has always sought a solution for the physical manifestation of sin; i.e., illness. The Greek word for moral weakness can also refer to illness and disabilities {ἀσθενής; asthenēs}. Christ debunked the myth that illness, disabilities or even death were the direct result of one’s special sinfulness (Jo 9:1-7). Christ was constantly healing those He encountered demonstrating the link between illness and sin (Mt 9:1-8). It was a mark of His compassion and grace inherent in the coming New Covenant salvation. The development of healthcare grew out of Christians imitating the mercy of Christ toward those sick and injured. During the Enlightenment, man applied logic and scientific methodology to discover the cause and relief of illnesses which culminated in the Golden Age of Medicine in the mid 20th century. However, even in this golden age the forces of ignorance were counterattacking in the form of scientisms {Public Discourse. The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute. Blinded by Scientism.}; i.e., ignorance. Today, medical errors are the third largest cause of death in America {CNBC}. Continue reading “Embracing the Fire of Life”

Shelly: Prophetess of Scientism

Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein novel
Blurring the lines between Science & Scientism

Near the beginning of the 19th century, Mary Shelly wrote a novel that began the horror and science fiction genre of literature; that novel was titled: Frankenstein. It began as a contest But evolved into a novel of immense importance. It gathered the swirling currents of curiosity concerning the relationship between electricity and life, between the dividing line between life and death. Whereas science is limited to empiricism, measurability and repeatability, scientism knows no boundaries. Spurred on by popular media, scientism enters the realm of popular acceptance and then begins to replace science as a mode of investigation into God’s Creation. In other words, scientism is the mechanism that replaces the God of Creation with the merging of science, fantasy and blasphemy to produce a type of patch-work beliefs not unlike the Prometheus monster in Mary Shelly’s novel. Welcome to today. Continue reading “Shelly: Prophetess of Scientism”

Are You Problem Solving or Just Working?

Secret to Success?
Know the 20% to produce Change!

The Pareto Principle was popularized by Joseph Juran, management consultant, based on Vilfrado Pareto, Italian consultant, observation in 1896. Succinctly it states that 80% of effort only solves 20% of the problem. Or, to put it in Shakespeare: there is usually much ado about nothing. This applies to nearly every endeavor in every field including your life and mine. Continue reading “Are You Problem Solving or Just Working?”

Postmillennialism Unchained or False Hopes

Postmillennialism Resurgence: A
False Hope of Bettering the World?

Postmillennialism is the belief that the Church Age will percolate through the various societies ushering in a glorious age of peace throughout the world. This view competes with Amillennialism, belief all things continue as they have also had until Christ returns, for dominance in mainline denominations. The 20th century opened with many Christians believing in Postmillennialism, until it was crushed by the slaughter of the Great War (Part One) otherwise known in America as World War One. Postmillennialism is one of those beliefs that simply will not go away. It is a case of, hope springs eternal. Continue reading “Postmillennialism Unchained or False Hopes”

Behind the Joker’s Mask

Joker Movie Disturbing Due to Truthful
Revelation That He is Anyone, Now

One of the clearest and most disturbing revelations in Scripture is not in Revelation but in Second Thessalonians (2Th 2:3-12). Societies have rejected Christ as Savior choosing to live a nihilistic philosophy that is incoherent, illogical and deliberately anti-Bible. They are content in this endeavor because they accept the delusion that God allows Satan to send to them which condemns them as it shows their true nature. The Joker movie is disturbing to many not because of its violence, far less than most action movies these days, but for its honesty. The Joker is not the exception; he is the rule. Continue reading “Behind the Joker’s Mask”

Destruction of the Church by Fear

George Lucas (Star Wars) got it wrong
Fear Leads to Murder & Destruction

The Gnostic philosophy of George Lucas, creator of Star Wars, missed the mark in expressing the truth of fear. Anakin Skywalker got it right, fear of losing his mother and then the loss of his mother expressed the right conclusion; fear led to murder. This is embodied in the commandment, “Do not kill” (Ex 20:13) as Christ explained the fullness of this commandment in His Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5:21-26). Why does one hate? The quick answer is “fear of God’s judgment” (1Jo 4:18). Continue reading “Destruction of the Church by Fear”

Paradox of Laws

Paradox of Law: Laws Define Good
To Reveal the Evil When Laws Broken

Societies and parents define and enforce evil via laws, rules. Without the law people cannot know what is defined as evil; i.e., expected behaviors. Children cannot perceive acceptable behaviors unless rules are promulgated and consistently applied. However, this very process produces the very behaviors societies and families seek to avoid; a paradox that Paul discussed in Romans. A paradox that challenges one’s worldview of self-goodness. Continue reading “Paradox of Laws”

Remaking the World for Socialism

The Present is built upon the Past
Redefining the Past Channels the Future

It began with Western 20th century fratricide (Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. Buchanan, PJ. 2008.) : The Great War in two parts that not only destroyed its Judeo-Christian ethos but then unleashed its major religious opponents: atheistic Socialism which is eroding the gains of free market economics and maniacal Islam which is eroding the very basis of this culture supplanting it with its own incoherent values of slavery. Behind the scenes are the elites who have no fear to publicly state their goals—to remake the world in their image. The mechanism to make this palatable to the general population to gain their consent, and thus reduce violence, is climate change. Continue reading “Remaking the World for Socialism”

Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance

Graphic shows the presuppositions of
All movements based on Critical Theory

In my last post (Social Justice: The New ReligionI showed that Social Justice, and Critical Theory from which it is based, is hardly a new philosophy but a very ancient spurious  paradigm sprung from the lost person’s sin nature which rejects God and any truth associated with God. It has gained traction in many previous societies under the guise of paganism, gnosticism and even Christendom religions that wandered from the biblical Gospel into worldly philosophies. The Bible predicted such incoherent musing as gaining traction because people rejected God and His truths and actively decided to follow myths according to their own passions (2Th 2:9-12; 2Ti 4:3-4). Continue reading “Willful Perpetuation of Ignorance”