
Myth of Oil Scarcity

Scarcity of Oil is the Myth
Driving Global Governance

The modern world was built on petroleum fuels and the myth of oil scarcity has been the single largest contributor to keeping prices inflated in relation to the prevailing economy. The myth of scarcity was invented soon after the Geneva Congress on Organic Nomenclature, 1892, defined organic chemistry. Some believe that Rockefeller paid his scientists to argue for the label fossil fuels since petroleum was organic; i.e., hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and therefore must have come from once living things (Fossil Fuel Hoax). However true the reality is that the label fossil fuel stuck. This liquid and gaseous stuff was made by the death of dinosaurs and the associated plant life that occurred in the past and will never be repeated. However, from the beginning of the 19th century petroleum productions were being produced by man. James Young began what today would be called fracking to collect crude oil from sandstone cave roofs and distill it into petroleum products. He was unencumbered by the myth that would soon enslave the world for over a century: the myth of the scarcity of oil.
Continue reading “Myth of Oil Scarcity”

Tyranny of Good for Evil

Nothing is more disturbing than Fairness
Who Decides Fairness? Who gives fairly?

In my post, Fairness: Doctrine of Satan, I warned how this doctrine was actually the opposite of people’s beliefs; a form of tyranny that gains the consent of those being oppressed. I want to show how this is ongoing today under the guise of Fair Wages or the Minimum Wage philosophy. On its face it seems fair and simple to implement; however, ignorance of its true motives seduces the masses to accept this tyranny of good when its results are evil. Continue reading “Tyranny of Good for Evil”

Ad Hominem Logic

Notice the Subtle False Dilemma
Knowledge: Empirical or Inherited

During the current Coronal Virus craze, newscasters seek to propagate their political agendas using science via scientific modeling while using ad hominem attacks against those with whom they disagree. Not only do these sources exhibit ignorance of basic scientific modeling shortcomings but of the scientific method in general. Simply Psychology in the article, Psychology as Science, define empiricism as all knowledge as either gained through our senses or inherited. But scientific empiricism adds the requirement of testability of such knowledge; if it cannot be tested then it is not empirical though it may in fact be knowledge (Science Daily. Empiricism.). The debate of ideas is probably one of the most fertile fallacies propagated in our supposedly scientific society. Continue reading “Ad Hominem Logic”

Fallacy of Natural Law

Natural Philosopher Expert
Pontificating on Natural Law

Every school person knows that America’s Constitution was founded on  natural law. But, what does that term mean? One definition of natural law states, “unwritten body of universal moral principles that underlie the ethical and legal norms by which human conduct is sometimes evaluated and governed. Natural law is often contrasted with positive law, which consists of the written rules and regulations enacted by government (Free Dictionary.).” This definition, as do many others, give the impression that natural law is not a unitary force but a competing force against positive law. I discussed the unnaturalness of natural law in a previous post (Unnaturalness of Natural Law.). Continue reading “Fallacy of Natural Law”

What Makes a Hero?

Hero is an ancient concept
Today it is trivialized as Propaganda

What makes a hero a hero? This term has been bandied about to include entire professions which has changed the historical usage of the term. There may indeed be heroes among us but how is the term defined so that it cannot be used by politicians as propaganda  to cover their ineptness during crises? Let us look at the concept historically and bionically to discern the truth of the concept. Continue reading “What Makes a Hero?”

Knowableness of the Beast’s Image

Obelisk Described King’s Awesomeness
Dating Back to Very Ancient Kingdoms

One of the most intriguing symbols to capture people’s imaginations in modern times is the concept of the image of the beast (Re 13:13-18; 14:9-11). Needless to say many false teachers have captured the imaginations of those poorly trained or immature in discernment in looking for this image of the beast. False teachers do not teach out of the Bible as it would expose them, reducing their income. Yet, the Bible does speak about the beast’s image, especially two examples from the Old Testament. Obelisks were some of the first and most ancient images describing the prowess of rulers and thus qualify as images. However, though obelisks were associated with Egypt our first example occurs after Egypt with Moses who led the Hebrews out of that land of images. Continue reading “Knowableness of the Beast’s Image”

How the West Broke Itself Reflexively

Reflexivity or Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Breaking Western Economies/Societies

Reflexivity may be a new work to most people but the philosophy was developed by Dr. Popper and refined by Mr. Soros who used the concept to break the Bank of England on Black Wednesday, 16 September 1992 (Theory of Reflexivity George Soros – Predicting Financial Markets). Reflexivity is simple the propagation of subjective reality, read: lies, to influence others to an action favorable to yourself. People reacting on these lies make the action come true; thus, a self-fulfilling prophecy. The individual lies that support the reflexive goal are called fertile fallacies. Lies built on supporting lies propagated by willing or unwilling sources become the new normal when believed by key people. Once a critical mass of people believe the reflexive lie, it becomes the new truth. Welcome to the Covid-19 Panic of 2020.
Continue reading “How the West Broke Itself Reflexively”

And the Nations Rage

Why do Nations Rage Against God? (Ps 2)
 God waits Patiently for His Day.

In the first post of this series, How Joseph Developed Socialism, God, through Joseph, gave the King/Pharaoh {priest} all the riches of his people; i.e., they became slaves to him. The next post, How Moses Broke Socialism, showed how God, through Moses, broke the economy of Egypt to impoverish the King and people. In this post I will endeavor to show the guiding rule to determine what God is doing today with the nations and the most common error Christians support because they do not clearly grasped the Scriptures. Continue reading “And the Nations Rage”

How Moses Broke Socialism

Pharaoh’s Government was Socialism
But via Moses His Government Loses ALL

In our last post I discussed how Joseph was instrumental in developing socialism, our modern term, in ancient Egypt {How Joseph Developed Socialism}. In this post I want to discuss how Moses broke that socialism and the insight it gives us into how God deals with the governments of earth. The fundamental assumption is that all governments are of Satan who worked through Cain to establish the first government (Ge 4:16-17). This quickly became violent and nearly wiped out all opposing views in the antediluvian world. God intervened with the Cataclysm {Flood} but saved Noah and his immediate family (Ge 6:1-8). Postdiluvian man quickly returned to the ways of Cain and Nimrod established the first king-priest government over all mankind (Ge 10:8-10; 11:1-9). God intervened resulting in the dispersion of people over the all the lands. Egypt, Mizraim {Two Kingdoms}, was the most enduring of these very ancient kingdoms. One man was both: King of Egypt, head of the government, and Pharaoh, head priest of their works-religion. When a ruler arose who did not know Joseph; i.e., did not appreciate Joseph’s accomplishments, he enslaved the Hebrews who were more free than his own subjects. After several hundred years of this oppression, God heard His people and Moses was developed to be God’s agent to deliver the people; this is the early chapters of Exodus (Ex 6:1-13). Continue reading “How Moses Broke Socialism”

How Joseph Developed Socialism

Well known facts about Joseph and Pharaoh but
What were the implications of Joseph’s actions?

Nearly everyone attending Sunday School has heard the story of how Joseph saved Egypt from famine becoming the hero of the story; with God’s help, of course. However, few lessons have been taught concerning the implications of Joseph’s plans for Egypt and for subsequent governments. This post will look at how Joseph developed socialism in Egypt, enslaving the native population and what we can learn about our own governmental actions today in comparison. Continue reading “How Joseph Developed Socialism”