Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism

Hegelian Dialectic Alchemy Process

Noble Savage to Gods via Hegelian Hermeticism;
Rousseau-Hegel-Marx-Great Reset’s Old Religion

My last post, The One True Faith Always Present, Oft Ignored, I gave a brief synopsis of ancient Hermeticism from a biblical perspective. As this is a Christian post, this should be no surprise to any readers. As interesting as this may be to some, it is of little interest to modern readers who demand a 20 second synopsis in sweeping video before moving on to the next mildly interesting Tik-Tok phenomenon. This post will briefly cover from Rousseau to Hegel to Marx to Schwab to promised coming events such as the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset {their title, not mine}. These financed political innovations actually spring from faith-based Hermeticism articulated by Hegel and later modified by: Marx; Gramsci; Fabian Society; Rhodes Round Table; Frankfurt School; and the front organization for the behind the scenes financiers-World Economic Forum. In addition to reading the articles referenced in the preceding links, I would encourage the reader to watch Sovereign Nations, Mere Simulacrity Conference video #12, As Below, So Above, presented by Dr. James Lindsey, not a Christian. The remainder of this post will refer to the above graphic as to the process put in place to ensnare all peoples to the oligarchic elites at the very top of the hierarchal pyramid: The Eye that Sees All because it Controls All (Wealth) {See American Dollar}; especially with the adoption of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).

The French Revolution was the first modern attempt to put Rousseau’s philosophy into practice or praxis. Rousseau was famous for his noble savage view of ancient Man; i.e., Man was Good but society {economics} has corrupted Him. Rousseau posited that a strong central government was necessary to enforce, The Social Contract. The French Revolution was the first attempt to implement a rudimentary socialism to make Man good again. Subsequent social revolutions followed the same path of force resulting in massive numbers of murdered citizens; especially in the 20th century. However, Hegel had a different understanding of the French Revolution.

Hegel and the French Revolution, gives modern readers insight into Hegelian thought; however, it falls short in that the author either ignores or does not recognize that Hegel’s Dialectic is patterned after ancient Hermeticism whose function was to bring about the Alchemy, Change, of Man. Hegel was not a philosopher, he was not seeking knowledge; he believed he already found absolute knowledge. His writings were dispensing his found special gnosis by reintroducing Hermeticism to post-medieval, post-renaissance, modern mankind. Modern philosophers have difficulty understanding Hegel because they have divorced him from his hermetic framework. It is impossible to understand Hegel without this conceptual foundation. In addition, Marx flowed from Hegel as did all the above people and groups referenced in the introduction. Thus, socialism appears simply as a sterile, non-religious, even atheistic, economic philosophy which refuses to disappear despite its apparent failings. Why? Because it is not a philosophy; it is an ancient religion with roots in every major religion other than biblical-based salvation. It is the One False Religion that unites all faiths because they all have hermetic principles embedded in their rules. It is against this One False Religion that the One True Faith stands against. Not in a dualistic hermetic harmony but as The Truth that provides the Light to understand The Lie and its already prophesized, inevitable end (2Th 2:3-12; Re 20).

Hegel sought to make the promise of Man to be as god(s) a reality (Ge 3:5). Hegel’s dialectic was the process to make Rousseau’s Social Contract an enforced set of rules favoring the elite, usually but not always governments; which are enslaved to those who Control the finances; central {private} banks. Hegel’s Agenda is the Hermetic pathway to proceed from the Human plane through the Etheric and Astral planes to reach the Spiritual plane or to be as god(s). Hegel’s disciples, even today, identify the Thesis, those elements in society that are divergent from the stated goal which today is inclusivity and equity. Through the Control of Academia and informational services people are trained to reject the stable thesis and embrace the its Antithesis; think, propaganda. Critical Theory is simply the most modern means of bringing people to embrace the desired antithesis by continually criticizing the thesis based on lies, Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies advanced by George Soros, a disciple of the London School of Economics {Fabian Society}.

The Thesis and Antithesis appear to be opposing dualities, same substance but different in degree, when in fact they are contradictory elements such that there is no third alternative; i.e., excluded middle choice. Bible states: male and female make a marriage (Ge 2:21-24). Sinful man rejects God, rejects God’s Truth(s) and takes the body God designed for one use forcing it to be used for opposing uses (Ro 1:18-28). This forms the basis for LGBTQAI+ movements as one example of Hegel’s Dialectic at work. The Agenda drives the process such that the Synthesis or proposed solution was always present, even if hidden from the public, until they were ready to embrace it as their reality. Now, Hegel, a man of his time, saw Germans as the great people to lead this change, as did Nietzsche; but they were mistaken. They concentrated on Control and even Marx thought Control thought he posited an economic foundational change. He mistakenly believed change began with the bottom, powerless, masses. The British were well aware that Finances drives all change; especially in modern nation-state, industrial manufacturing societies. They subdued the German rise to Control through the establishment of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) which controls all national, but private, central banks and war! Welcome to the 20th century synopsis!

People will not embrace nor die for sterile, abstract concepts; especially for someone else. They will willingly sacrifice themselves in droves for religious fervor as Paul discussed (Ro 5:7). A series of steps were developed to bring people into line with the Hermetic goal of transitioning to the next plane of existence. Through Bernay’s Propaganda techniques, and psychology, they control the milieu, the overall structure of presented society. Americans believe their society to be holy and just as does every other citizen of every other nation; propaganda. Mystical manipulation gives the milieu an aura of heavenly virtue which legitimizes the praxis or practices, that are necessary for change to occur. For example; while Great Britain condemned German concentration camps after World War II, they ignored their development and use of these wholesale death camps during the Boer War in South Africa. Even the Soviet Union sat in condemnation of Hitler’s Germany even though it also operated political gulags throughout its history! All were justified by the rightness of their cause.

If you oppose their cause(s) then you are not pure and profane the unity of the group. You must be made to recognize your error against the group over and over and over…until you and they believe you have repented; this is the Cult of Confession. Knowledge is the secular measure to Truth which today is science; yet, science is agenda driven making it not science but scientism. Only approved science is allowed. Dissenting science is misinformation and should rightly be suppressed. Finally, the problem with you is YOU; you are obsessed with you and not with the group. You violate the Social Contract because you want for you. You must lose yourself in the unity of the group to find true acceptance. This applies to families, religious groups, governments, societies and especially to advance Man into the next plane.

Ouroboros of Luciferianism

Ouroboros: As Above, So Below;
Special Gnosis Devouring Adherents

Those techniques have been used historically. However, due to modern government public education and psychology these techniques have been applied to citizens wholesale to make them compliant and to make they accomplices in their application against dissenters! British soldiers and civilians were as complicit in their concentration camps as were Germany’s soldiers and civilians as were Soviet soldiers and civilians and the list goes on and on and on. Under Lincoln’s War rules, habeas corpus was suspended and thousands languished in prisons and many died under this harsh imprisonment; all at the hands of soldiers and civilians. Why? To advance the Control of Centralized government otherwise known as Rousseau’s Socialism which was simply an extension of Plato’s Justified Philosopher-King.

The WEF’s Great Reset is simply the expectation that Control gained through digital-technical-informational integration has advanced so that Man as a unified group, is willing to make the next step to the plugged-in Etheric plane. After millennium of simply being human and dying and the failure of medicine and chemistry to achieve immortality, nano-digital technology provides the best hope for this advancement. But, all must come together; none must be left behind lest they seek to disrupt the transition robbing mankind of this religious opportunity to evolve into better people; better societies not hampered by outmoded Christian absolutes. These must be purged! The Intolerance of Tolerance is required if Unified Man is to leap forward together. One can almost hear the, “Amen” in the background as Christians are slaughtered in self-righteous indignation.

This revived Hermeticism applied globally holds the certainty increasing violence and degradation as whole societies reject God’s Truth for Satan’s Delusional Lie! Americans have already seen significant increases in personal violence in the 21st century with our society agitating for less policing action and decreasing accountability which rewards the violent. All cultures are coming together to devour themselves in their self-proclaimed enlighten progressivism. People actually want to enter the MetaVerse, the Matrix, to escape their plight of enforced poverty. In the MetaVerse they do not need healthcare, hence it is universal; they do not need to eat rich foods, all foods can be made to taste and look rich; and they do not need money for their wired in minds will be given appropriate stimuli compared to their compliance with their status in the universal society. You will own nothing and be happy or you. will be unplugged. Welcome to the next level of Hermetic Heaven. Each person devouring themselves by rejecting Truth until death claims them, then comes the Judgment; but there is an alternative in Christ who died so individuals could actually be free in Him (He 9:27-28). Do you want to the illusion-delusion of being as god or would you rather have Christ in you as a true new creation for all eternity (2Co 5:17)?

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