Incoherence of Evil’s Balance: Except My Own!

Why the Ignorant Think Themselves so Smart

Incoherence of Evil’s Balance: Except My Own!
Dunning-Kruger Curve Applied to Good-Evil Balance

My previous post, Innocence of Evil, sought to explain why Christians can still sin. In fact, I sought to explain why people ignore their own evil, sin, while judging evilness in others. However, this post may have been too esoteric for many. No one believes themselves to be evil; therefore, to get people to grasp their own inherent evilness is incoherent to many. Remember, the purpose of one’s worldview is to make YOU the hero of your own story. Any suggestion that you are indeed evil is unfathomable, incoherent, illogical. Your worldview makes it so; thus, you are captive to a delusion of your own making. Since all begin life as children of Satan, all worldviews are patterned after his own delusional worldview (Jn 8:44; 2Th 2:3-12). This post approaches this subject from a different perspective; i.e., the balance of evil.

Yin and Yang, Gnosticism and all works-based philosophies-religions postulate this idea of balance between good and evil. Surely, not Christendom religions one might suggest; especially these religions. Their adherents believe that their good deeds can balance or outweigh their bad deeds securing them a place in heaven(ish). This is little different from Egypt’s ancient religion which believed in Ma’at or one’s heart being weighted on the scales to determine if one’s good deeds lightened one’s heart from the usual litany of bad deeds. Today’s scientism of psychology seeks to mitigate the effects of guilt by balancing one’s mind from philosophical rhetoric to medicines that dull the mind and thus guilt’s effects. Of course, the greater one’s ignorance the less one is liable to be out of balance.

The Dunn-Kruger Curve illustrates this succinctly. The less knowledge one possesses the smarter one believes him, or her, self to be in any particular subject. As one’s learning increases the greater one’s true ignorance becomes apparent. However, I disagree with this curve’s implied competence based on knowledge. Mr. Einstein was considered a genius based on his Relativity Theory being proved correct {How Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity Was Proven Correct. American Thinker.}. However, the experiment that proved Relativity Theory was in itself incorrect; hence, a false assumption resulting in an expected measurement gave Einstein a position not in science but in scientism {I invite you to watch: Can Stars BEND LIGHT? General Relativity and Gravity with Dr. Edward Dowdye! YouTube.}. Einstein went on to develop his Special Theory of Relativity which was generally accepted; except it was also based on false assumptions {Special Theory of Relativity: Logical Inconsistencies. YouTube.}. The more people learned growing from these false theories, the more ignorant they became while thinking themselves smart. This is demonstrated in the belief of black holes, dark matter and much of what constitutes science fiction {What are Black Holes? Science or Science Fiction? YouTube.}. This same fictional certainty also surrounds Big Bang cosmology and biological evolution. Gaining more knowledge is good only if the knowledge is valid (Ec 12:11-12). Unless the knowledge flows from God, it must be carefully evaluated as man’s perspective is limited to using elements of this Creation to prove God wrong or non-existent {History of the Evolutionary Theory.} (Ro 1:18-25).

Now I have shown how materialists, often with great knowledge, have little clue about the empirical world around them; probably because the empirical is built upon the non-empirical (He 11:3). God uses the visible as metaphors to illustrate the non-empirical or spiritual aspects of His Gospel truths so I have followed suit. Because our discussion of the balance of evil is non-empirical, obviously. Yet, it forms the core of every non-gospel belief system.

Balance of Good and Evil; What?

Philosophically Good and Evil are Necessary
What is Good? Or Evil? What Evil is Acceptable?

Bible tells us that what may be knowable about God is written on our hearts as Man was made in the image of God (Ge 1:27; Ro 1:19-20; 2:14-16). This was in the form of the Ten Words {Commandments} (Ex 20:1-17). Satan, and Man, cannot expunge sin, evil, so they must make allowances for it in their erroneous philosophies; hence, the concept of balance. I believe Cain developed the first government, and laws, to Control the evil which is always seeking to overwhelm all it touches (Ge 4:3-8). After all, his failure to control his own evil resulted in his murdering Abel. Society cannot long exist if evil is not controlled. However, an inherent quality of sin, evil, is its inability to be controlled; it always is in a state of rebellion seeking to overwhelm everything. Bible acknowledges this when it states that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit (1Sa 15:23; Ga 5:22-23).

God has no problem containing evil since He is untouched by it (Ja 1:13). Why is there evil? Because Man wanted knowledge apart from God in order to be as God, redefining good and evil so Man is always depicted as good and God as evil (Ge 3:5). God did not FORCE Man to reject evil but gave Man up to follow evil: fleshly choice. Man has been dead in sin ever since unable to break free from sin (Ro 6:5-7; 8:6-8; Ep 2:1-3). Even today God does not beat up the Lost but allows them to live the life they desire, a life without Him; hence, God gave them up (Ro 1:24-28). What has this revealed about evil throughout time?

Evil cannot be controlled. Evil tolerates NO balance! Evil seeks to overwhelm everything! The delusion is that one is able to Control evil forcing it to coexist with good, as Man defines good. God allows this delusion. God allows Satan and Man to build a world without Him; i.e., not based on His truth (2Th 2:3-12). Isaiah prophesied that the more one pursues evil, the more one is consumed by evil (Is 59:1-15). As Modern Man has become more powerful in physical forces, the more uncontrollable his societies have become until the abnormal is normal and violence is honored while good is scoffed as insignificant (Ro 1:18-28). Still Man embraces balance even while suffering violence.

Righteous Morality by Force

Modern Myth of Warriors Bringing Balance
Using Violence Causes Violence to Themselves (Ps 7:12-16)

The expectation that evil can balance good is nihilism imbedded in every philosophical-religious paradigm since sin began! It persists because each and every person embraces their own evil as good; i.e., via their worldview! They cannot and will not voluntarily condemn their own evil; remember Cain? He killed rather than acknowledge his anger as evil. Even saved Christians do this under the guise of secret sins; as if anything is secret from God. Thus, even Christians are guilty and continue in sin (1Jo 1:8-10). If the Christian who has Christ seeks to keep his, her, worldview intact and thus their secret sins; what can be the state of the Lost but worse?

Every single Lost person speaks of balance between good and evil only because they will not give up their own evil. But, there is no balance either extrinsically nor intrinsically. As society suppresses Christ’s truth, the incoherence of evil becomes more apparent permeating every aspect of life. The more parents ignore their own evil impulses the more they excuse the violent and self-centered impulses in their children; even when their children bring violence to peers, strangers and even members of their own family. Since societal laws are increasingly ineffectual, and Churches discounted as havens of hypocrisy, society becomes increasingly reliant on drugs: legal and illegal. Big Pharma in lockstep with financiers and the cooperation of governments becomes today’s saviors even while they prey upon the people for their own ends.

The true delusion is that one has no inherent evilness, only goodness and light. One’s family and extended family is goodness personified! One clings to blindness to Truth because to see otherwise requires one to recognize one’s own sinfulness. Fear of judgment is ever present as one comes closer to death (Lk 16:22-31; 1Jo 4:18). Woe be to those who reflect the truth seeking to turn you to Christ. They become the real enemies even as they seek to keep you from the second death (Mt 5:11-12; Ro 3:23; 6:23; Re 20:11-15).

Nearly everything you have learned in this life, even under the guise of science, is a lie! You are not good. If you are saved, you are still not good. Christ dwells in you with His Spirit who guides you into truth (Jn 14:15-17; 16:6-15; 1Co 2:14; Ga 2:20). The beginning of Truth and Liberty begins with admitting your own sinfulness and seeking grace from Christ in humility. The Lost become saved and the Saved grow in maturity practicing discernment (He 5:11-14). Both see Satan’s delusion rejecting it for Christ’s truth. Our goal is not a better world. Our goal is the heavenly Jerusalem to come in the New Heaven-New Earth which Abraham also sought (Ga 4:21-31; He 11:8-10; Re 21:1-5).

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