Hubris of Satan, Man and Scientists {Priests}

Alfven Understanding of Peer Review

Hubris of Satan Man and Scientists {Priests}
Scientists, Our Priests, Want Security Not Truth

What is a scientist? Simplest answer is, “person who practices science!” In essence, every person is a scientist because each has developed a hypothesis of life {Worldview}; consistently tests and alters the Worldview based on experience and changing circumstances and resists innovation that may challenge or falsify the Worldview. The Modern Era coupled with the Industrial Revolution has elevated a certain elite group of people to priestly status of guidance and truth. But, some rare few have resisted this allure of power such as Hannes Alfven, a man central to our discussion but unknown to most people. Yet, I digress to gain your attention.

My previous four posts have dealt with Man and the General Will as it impacts each person and society {IS ROUSSEAU’S “GENERAL WILL” VALID TODAY?; FALLACY OF SCIENCE TRUTH AND SCIENTISM’S CONTROL OF YOU; SCIENTIFIC BATTLE OF GENERAL WILLS OF ENSLAVEMENT; and ECONOMY CONTROLS GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS AND YOU.}. These discuss how Satan and sinful Man covet Control over everything and everyone. They seek a world not Controlled by God. This is the essence of ungodly {asebeia (Gk)}. God gives everyone the opportunity to realize such a neighborhood, town, society and country; He gives them up to have what they desire (Ro 1:18-28). God does not force them to live under His rules but allows them to develop their own rules. The result is, not surprisingly, is: degradation and violence based on deception and lies (Jn 8:44; 2Th 2:3-12). Eschatology is nothing more complicated than Satan, using Man willingly or unwillingly, to achieve such a society. This comes to fruition in what is commonly called, The Great Tribulation; a time of persecution, famine, disease and wars with all ends culminating in widespread death (Mt 24:15-22; Re 6:1-11). This is the great society built without God. However, God then demonstrates the great limits of their Control by ever so slightly easing His Control over Creation demonstrating to them their true powerlessness (Re 6:12-17).

Scientists and the sciences they developed built a world without God; welcome to the Modern Era. But along the way Science, observational measurements and repeatability, kept pointing to God (He 11:3). Hence, science gave way to scientism which was not governed by facts {science} but by Worldviews. And though godly men had already warned of the folly of Uniformitarianism over 2,000 years ago Satan and sinners were not deterred by Truth (2Pe 3:3-7). Hence, scientists were the new priests of the modern era who showed everyone that God was unnecessary and therefore did not exist. Well, some scientists such as Mr Alfven revealed how God could use Creation to accomplish both Noah’s Cataclysm and its reversal during the Great Tribulation even though they themselves did not acknowledge God. This post will touch on this facts which will display only a minute fraction of God’s power in Creation.

Solar Poles Flip Producing AC Waves

Sun’s Poles Flip Every Eleven Years
Producing Alfven Waves of Energy

Mr. Alfven postulated that the sun was producing plasma waves that coincided and were caused by the flipping of its magnetic poles every eleven years. This solar wind was composed of ionized plasma. The above graphic depicts this in three dimensions. In addition, the sun also produced direct ionizing winds via coronal holes, solar flares via sun spots which follow this eleven year cycle and coronal mass ejections (CME) which all bombard the planets.  In fact, each of the trillions of stars also produce such outputs. The galactic winds are an aggregation of the sum total of all the energy its stars produce.

Magnetic Force Reinforcing Ionizing-Electrical Forces

Sum Total of All Stellar Magnetic Energies
Produce a Galactic Magnetic Polar Field

These plasmas aggregations or winds form an intricate network of electromagnetic forces akin to cellular network tying all these bodies together into an interdependent tapestry. Our solar system travels through this energetic galactic current sheet (GCS) once every 12,000 years according to Suspicious Observers and may account for historic catastrophism. Now, this group has an evolutionary worldview so I will disagree with their conceptual model; however, our current observational science facts are undeniable. I believe that earth’s passage through this galactic plane may cause intense electromagnetic distortion forces that affect earth. This is how God used His Creation to produce Noah’s Cataclysm. This phenomenon occurred at God’s timing and not simply a random act as lost man postulates {See Graphic Below}.

Undulating {AC} Waves of EMF Energies Summed from all the Stars' Outputs

As Earth Passes Through a GCS Wave
EMF Forces Could Cause Our Cataclysms

We may be approaching another passage through the GCS. In addition, the solar system is entering a clear patch in our surrounding dust cloud which means greater galactic energies will impact us. Already the earth’s magnetic poles are moving and may themselves flip in the next 50-100 years; in addition, our magnetosphere protection against these highly energetic plasmas is weakening. This could amplify these forces causing great disruption of our complex technocracy societies {See Below}.

Tremendous Energies Impacting Earth

Also, recently discoveries suggest earth may have significantly greater waters below than previously thought. This is significant as water is highly susceptible to the ionizing plasma increasingly impacting earth. These waters could account for the changes discussed in Revelation by accelerating the movement of continental plates {Plate Tectonics} {See Below}.

Waters Below as in the Bible

Also, this same plasma is postulated to energize the magma contributing to significant volcanic eruptions and devastating earthquakes. Earth does not operate in a vacuum but is interdependent upon its space environment energies which form a circuit that affects even our weather patterns {See Below}.

Solar-Earth Energy Climate Circuit

These space winds are funneled through our poles into planet via the atmosphere penetrating deep within the mantle. Not only do these forces develop cells within the atmosphere, they also determine wind and ocean currents in a fluctuating matrix that varies with earth’s orbit about the sun; i.e., the seasons. As the Alfven Waves fluctuate so also does the intensity of our climate in a chartable cycle manner independent of state sponsored models {See Below}.

Climate and Volcanic Change Cycles

Scientists, however defined, claim science can never reveal truth, it can only refine theories. This means scientific facts cannot confirm truth; they must be put into a conceptual matrix for meaning. However, the hubris of many scientists in their pronouncements actually speak as if they were handing out holy truth that mere people should never question because of their ignorance {scientists casting shadows on Plato’s cave wall keeping those chained in ignorance}. They function as ancient pagan priests whom they deride. They seek to maintain their established status quo by Controlling information creation and dissemination by Controlling research funds via government agencies in an unholy partnership of ungodly Control. These are elitist intellectuals who legitimize their fallacies upon which the modern world is built. Dissidents are marginalized, vilified and even professionally silenced.

True Face of Government Healthcare

Modern Scientist Priesthood Guiding YOU
Into Satan’s 
Delusion: Controlled Socialism

Now, let us be clear. I am not saying that the end of the world or the Great Tribulation is coming or is a result of these forces in the near future. Christ said No One will know when these events will occur but the Father (Mt 24:36-39). I am saying that God’s Creation is much more complex than Man can imagine. Modern scientists boohooed ancient people for believing in an ether; yet, the interconnectedness of the plasma energies in the universe legitimize the ancients while modern scientists appear ignorant. They speak from their ungodly, unbiblical uniformitarianism priestly hubris by hiding truth for their own gain (Mal 2:7-9). They have taken on the role of Pharisees, in Christ’s day, claiming to have absolute knowledge while preventing others from investigating their claims (Mt 23:1-7, 13-15). These are the handmaidens of Satan legitimizing Satan’s Delusion of Death that have led countless multitudes into Hell. They are the voices of Ignorance and on them is written, “Doom” {Apologizes to Mr. Dickens}.

Their tendrils of ignorance extend into every aspect of modern knowledge: medicine; physics; engineering; etc. while legitimizing the scientisms of: education; psychology; psychiatry; sociology; etc. These are the builders of today’s Socialism leading to Global Governance. Without them Socialism’s General Will would be easily dismantled by its own fallacies and failures. Yet, based on their pronouncements the Reflexive Lies supported by Fertile Fallacies become the mantra of even the well educated who should know better. In the end these will cry for the rocks to fall on them to hide them from Christ because their feeble fallacies will fail in light of His power when He allows Creation to reveal them as priests of lies. We wait for Christ to come. We look for a New Heaven and Earth as does Abraham and the faithful of the Old Testament (He 11:13-16; 2Pe 3:8-13; Re 6:14-17). We await for something they do not believe, Jerusalem from above while the Lost have chosen to remain enslaved to earthly Jerusalem of dead works leading to eternal Hell (Ga 4:21-31; Re 20:11-15).

Wisdom Recognizes God
Wise Scientist Recognizes
Science Points to God

(Ps 19:1)

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