General Will to General Welfare to Democracy Achieving Socialism

Propaganda of General Will as General Welfare Promoting Socialism

General Will to General Welfare to
Democracy Achieving Socialism

It has dawned on me that while Rousseau’s directly applied philosophy in France failed; it spectacularly succeeded indirectly in America! Americans have been educated, propagandized, to believe that the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are similar, and thus, compatible philosophical documents. The Declaration of Independence embodied Locke’s Social Contract based on natural or God-given rights; a concept not grounded in the Bible as declared by its advocates. The Constitution took a different bent and thanks to the diligence of the Federalists became the successor to Rousseau’s Social Contract vision. What the Federalists envisioned and the Republicans began, today’s Democrats are completing. Though clothed in different vocabulary, Rousseau’s General Will never died but morphed through various terminologies to become today’s Critical Theory agitating for tomorrow’s Socialism under the banner of Democracy.

Rousseau hated religion because Roman Catholicism (RCC) rejected the biblical salvation by grace for the tyranny of force via works; much like the Sadducees and Pharisees of Christ’s time. In fact, this tension between believers and non-believers masquerading as believers is one of the major themes of the Old Testament and continues down to today in Christianity. RCC aligned itself with the corrupt monarchy to form a type of socialism that unabashedly kept the masses enslaved while the elites bathed in luxury. Rousseau developed his philosophy to change the dynamics of power from an unalterable dynastic form that prevented any outsiders from effecting change to a form that sought to destroy the old order. This would allow the emerging industrialized elites to gain access to Control over the masses. Like all good philosophers, Rousseau had to develop a believable mythos; hence, his noble savage, state of nature foundation.

Ignoring the Bible, Rousseau claimed that Man began as free with a healthy self-love. It was the invention of ownership, property, along with societal rules, laws, that corrupted people. This allowed some people through force to control, enslave, most people. A careful reading though reveals that the noble savage also lived by force to obtain whatever he could and this inherent contradiction was ignored. Rousseau defined the Social Contract as people giving up their natural freedom to take whatever they wanted to achieve social freedom or security as everyone works to remove injustices so as to eliminate the need for government. Then everyone will again be free. The General Will is the moral guidance to achieve this ultimate goal, one step at a time. The General Will is not based on the agreement of the majority and will change as necessary to move society toward the desired end of equality. Now this may sound suspiciously like Socialism moving toward is utopian goal of Communism; it is and Rousseau laid its foundation.

Ad Baculum Enforced Rousseau's General Will

French Revolution Employed Ad Baculum;
Forcing People to be Free via – General Will

What most remember about the French Revolution is its violence. The masses were guided by the General Will, as defined by the ruling body, Committee of Safety, to participate in and acquiesce to wholesale arbitrary deaths for the moral good; i.e., General Will defined by: Equality, Fraternity and Liberty. In Rousseau’s words, this is making people be free. This use of force was the hallmark of Marx’s Socialism and has come to be known as, Ad Baculum. Now, if this discussion was limited to Marx’s Socialism then it would perpetuate the myth of American liberty based on Lockean natural rights.

Hamilton Rousseau's American Disciple

Hamilton’s Curse Explains Rousseau’s
Influence Inserted into the Constitution

I strongly encourage you to read this book by Thomas J. Dilorenzo to understand how the Federalists inserted key clauses into the Constitution to be used to expand the power of the Federal government. Alexander Hamilton was the First Apostle and Chief Apologist outlining arguments that are still in use today! With Rousseau, “no aspect of human life is excluded from the control of the general will;” this was transformed into the general welfare clause. It was deliberately undefined so that it could mean whatever it needed to mean. Hamilton laid this foundation by stating that the Constitution contained implied powers as well as enumerated, defined, powers. From Chief Justice Marshall to Chief Justice Roberts this has been used to advance the General Will of implied Socialism under the guise of Civil Rights, a form of the General Will. In fact, this was the direct purpose of taxation as well as the common defense; think ad baculum. It was Hamilton who goaded Washington to lead an army from New York into Pennsylvania to quell a so-called rebellion against paying whiskey taxes. Lincoln would later use this same mechanism to invade the South. Lincoln used Hamilton’s argument in his Gettysburg Address to prove that States did not form the Federal government but the people did; think, General Will.

Ad Baculum Threat of Government Force

America’s Gradual Implementation of
Rousseau’s General Will like boiling a frog

Lincoln’s victory began the emasculation of the States’ Control over the Federal government. The Progressive Era began with the Republicans but quickly became co-oped by the Democrats who were more adept with the new forms of propaganda now available since Pavlov and Bernays. Now it is a competition over who can Control the best. Republican liberal conservatism became militaristic Neo-conservatism in small non-wars, police actions, competing with the Democrats appetite for global wars. It was the Republican President Hoover who popularized military language for social civil issues; again, co-opted by the Democrats with the War on Poverty under President Johnson. Under the guise of battling social emergencies, Americans have traded personal liberty for social freedom as defined by the General Welfare, General Will. Crony corporatism was begun with the use of the Commerce Clause under Hamilton and grew especially powerful during the Progressive Era under the guise of fairness; think stifling competition! The various ad baculum wars and emergencies have expanded both American corporatism and militarism.

Simulacrum Illusion of Utopia for the Masses

Simulacrum: Illusion of Common Man
Expanding into a Glorious Utopia of Science

Critical Theory, simply a newer form of General Will {Welfare} aggressively challenges the last vestiges of the old Constitutional philosophy of limited government. Racism is not based on skin color but on adherence to the General Will and violence, Antifa, is allowed to bring those outliers into line. However, no resistance, however token, will be tolerated against the General Will; think January Sixth. Since 9/11 laws have redefined the General Will so one is considered guilty until proven innocent. These have been supported by Democrat and Republican; Conservative and Liberal. Public educationally trained under Rousseaunian General Will philosophy, people willingly trade old liberties for security. Everywhere simulacrum abounds. This ranges from the unreal semblance of white people claiming to confess their privilege to the illusion of protected speech necessary to quash disinformation.

The greatest simulacrum is the vilification of Nazism and the label of fascist applied to everyone who rejects the General Will. In fact, the government Herr Hitler erected was a futuristic projection of current Anglo-Saxon Western governments which he admired! The General Will became embodied as the Leader; hence, the German people were him and he was Germany. While the Nuremberg Trials appeared to punish crimes against humanity, clandestine projects like Operation Paperclip imported German technological geniuses. The unspoken goal of elite socialism is not Communism, where they have to share with the masses; that is the simulacrum. Their goal is revival of Hitler’s type of socialism in which the leader is worshipped by the elites while the masses are enslaved in work camps, neighborhoods, supplying needed labor for wanted pleasures. This is Satan’s Delusion allowed by God (2Th 2:3-12).

Current man-made pandemics, genetic modification of food crops and mismanagement of chronic health issues through chemicals are simply attempts to exercise Control while reducing the surplus population, according to their philosophy on the Georgia Guidestones. Propaganda turning the vaxxed against the unvaxxed are exercises of specific aspects of the General Will. This is simply the eugenics that moved from Great Britain and America to Germany being refined for the elites of the coming regime. It masquerades as healthcare research to achieve its goals of Transhumanism to Posthumanism. Nazism did not die; it was taken from the Germans, who were not Anglo-Saxon, to be implemented gradually until the time is right: Then it will be implemented forcefully.

This world is literally passing away being devoured by their unquenchable lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life which increases their debauchery and violence (1Jo 4:16-17). The moralists, like false prophets of old, would call us back into the world with promises of creating a heaven on earth. Cast out the philosophy of the Lost who are slaves to their own desires and who hate all who are not enslaved themselves. This is not God’s plan. This is why as Christians we look for a city to come whose maker is God like Abraham (He 11:8-10; 12:22; Re 21:2-4). A city where we will truly be free forever (Ga 4:21-31).

Will of the People Equals General Will

John Adams Will of the People is the
General Will; Not of God’s Government

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