Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism

Marx's Socialism Led to Fascism

Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism;
Enigma of Fascism Arises from Marx’s Ignorance

My previous post, Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism, sought to cover Fascism from Adam to today from a government-centric perspective. However, this is also a modernistic bias cooked into our discussion. For most of human history, there were no differences in governmental forms, merely differences in ethnicities evidenced by religi0-moral forms; i.e., state-sponsored gods. This form reached its apex in the Roman Empire but remained seriously lacking in power and scope to Control the world. With the gradual collapse of the Western Roman Empire I believe Satan reset the entire Western culture which is today known as the Dark Ages or Medieval Period. From the Renaissance through the Reformation into the Enlightenment, Age of Reason, differing governmental forms appeared: republic-democracies and secular scientisms as nation-states. These antagonistic forms competed to determine which could discovery and apply technologies as well as advance the most vital aspect of any empire: fiscal control. This post will look at quotes from three different social-government-fiscal philosophers to understand Fascism.

Marx did not develop his empirical scientism fiscal governmental philosophy in a vacuum. He borrowed from Hegel who borrowed from Rousseau who, through a longer chain, borrowed from Plato. The French Revolution was the first expression of secular government based simply on Reason, by their own admission. It should be noted that they were deluded since any moral value flows intrinsically from religion; i.e., system that defines right and wrong. While the French Revolution was an interesting first step; it was too ambitious for its premature socialism and came under the sway of a self-imposed monarchial form: Napoleon. Marx postulated that democracy, rule of the majority, would become organized and lead to socialism which would lead to communism; a form of socialism that no longer needed government. This shows the incoherency of Marx’s thinking. People do not give up Control; rather, Control becomes concentrated into fewer and fewer hands until a limit is reached between those in Control and the numbers of people they can effectively Control. He believed that the workers, whose labors created the wealth, would pool the fruit of their labors for everyone to enjoy. Obviously, he did not learn from American, pilgrim history when such socialism nearly eliminated the Massachusetts Bay colony.

Fascism Arose from Impoverished Communism

Hayek, escaping German Fascism, Warned
The West of Their Embracement of Fascism

In addition, Marx was also ignorant of financiers’ role in wealth management. Just as energy is the core ingredient of any work; financial control is essential growth and stabilization of government and technology. Those socialisms based on his model eventually failed because they had no inherent mechanism for wealth creation or management. Fascism, a form of socialism, lay dormant due to Marx’s ignorance. In fact, his communistic socialism and fascism remain mortally antagonistic. Communist China survived its Marx communism because it eventually grasped fascism as the means to keep its socialism from imploding as occurred to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR); yet, without acknowledging it as fascism.

Friedrich Hayek saw the Anglo-Saxon democracies embracement of centralized government control over government, industry and education as the first steps into Fascism. His warning came decades too late and unwanted. Great Britain and America had already succumbed to governmental socialism beginning with the Progressive Era and forced its acceptance on their respective societies during the Great War Part One. The Great War Part Two simply reimplemented those controls that had been rolled back and sought to eliminate its greatest competitor, German fascism. For this purpose these governments used the USSR to both wear down the German war machine and to weaken this socialistic competitor. Communism’s poor grasp of financial management meant that they would eventually implode under their own ineptitude. The trick was to prevent the USSR from grasping its error and also prevent a military strike that would eliminate their control; hence, the Cold War. These major conflicts were not fought to secure freedom or liberty; they were fought to extend Control over competitors in order to expand their own fascism over much weaker nations that were rich in resources. They have been successful.

All Governments Based on Religion

Mussolini, Developer of Fascism’s Philosophy
Knew Fascism was the Core Religion of Socialism

The Western peoples have swallowed the deception that government can exist without religion; however, without a coherent basis for defining right and wrong they have become incoherent to the point that people cannot even define what is a woman (or man)! Such a people cannot guard themselves against socialism’s incursion into the very fabric of family life to perpetuate common values. This becomes the mission of the State education system according to its every changing agenda.

From Adam to Cain to Nimrod to Plato to Rousseau to Today

Schematic Shows Fascism the Bridge
Between Ancient to Modern Socialisms

This schematic clearly shows the similarities between ancient and modern societies based on Satan’s ever evolving socialism control. Plato’s gold, silver and bronze tiers mortared together with Rousseau’s General Will so each person becomes willingly fixed in their own niche. The reason Fascism is so difficult to define it that it is not wedded to a particular flavor of socialism of governmental form. Fascism is the bridge or the means by which financiers gain Control behind the scenes through industry-education-information-technology over governments: ALL governments. This occurs because of one quality Marx ignored: Nationalism!

Nation-states define themselves not so much by ethnicity but by legal though artificially defined qualities. Citizenship, and thus passports, fix you to a certain nation. Marx’s workers would not die to implement socialism but they would, and did, die wholesale even for governments that they despised. But, while nationalism had its uses in the 17th-20th centuries, it was only the first steps toward focusing allegiances. Financiers are not nationalists; they are a group unto themselves. Fascism is their bridge into the various national governments to provide the necessary regional Control bureaucracy. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and its related national central banks work within their own network to accomplish their own agenda. Fascism is the network that binds all financial systems to itself regardless of government.

Great Reset Unveils Western Financier's Fascism

Mussolini Told America it had Fascism;
Today Fascism has a New Label: Great Reset

Satan has been building toward this goal since enticing Man to sin. Though he has been thwarted several times in the past, he is ready to realize his goal. Fascism has been vilified to keep people from realizing how they were being encircled. It is the old magician’s trick; watch the obvious hand while the trick is being performed with the unobserved hand. People taught to hate fascism which has been ethnically defined for them, are less apt to discern fascism in their own government or nation. They become more willing to embrace their slavery fighting an evil that they think they see. The BIS’ Great Reset is simply the refocusing of fascism from national governments to its fiscal Control. The concept is still national in that it incorporates the financiers as the Controllers rather than governmental leaders who are being controlled.

Therefore, Fascism is a systemized approach of fiscal Control over people, usually through debt-based currencies {no cost} to organize the industrial-technological, medical-psychiatrical, informational-psychological and educational-sociological aspects of each culture to gain Control of each population with their own organized consent willingly exchanging security for liberty to accept it as natural or normal their place in the revealed hierarchy {Above Schematic}. The incoherent motto, “strength through diversity,” trains people give up their unacceptable diversity and accept fascism’s inclusivity which rejects no one from being incorporated back into serfdom. Agenda 2030, “you will own nothing and be happy,” is not a motto but a promise of their vision for your coming future; as soon as they can practically and controllably bring it to fruition.

Fascism is successful because it plays upon covetousness, root of ALL sin (Col 3:5). This love, covetousness, of money is the root of all evil (1Ti 6:10). History has shown the truth of these Bible verses. Christ said the Lost slaves to the love of money while the Saved are kept in Christ (Mt 6:24; Jude 1). Fascism is not hard to understand once it is disconnected from governments and seen in its true light of a universal monetary system encompassing all governments. This is the goal of Central Bank Digital Currency. This is the Great Reset. This is: Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism.

Fascism will come slowly, relatively speaking; but, it will come inexorably as slowly flowing lava engulfs entire neighborhoods in its path. This is why the Bible showed that being allowed to live, buy and sale, is contingent upon acceptance of Fascism’s World Order (Re 13:16-17). The Lost will sale their souls to stay alive; to be deceived. The Saved will save their souls in Christ though it means their death; not unlike Christ who died for them as their example (1Pe 2:21-25). There can be no diversity of established dogma; Christianity will be eliminated as hate speech even though it is the only true source of love (Jn 3:16-21).

Do you fear these coming times? Then you do well; but, what is the alternative? Remembering that everyone will stand and give an account before Christ. You think these times are to be feared? What about standing before Him in judgment with no defense of salvation (He 10:30-31)? If you fear now it is because you are not in prayer with Him who will strengthen you (Ph 4:13; Ep 6:10; 1Pe 5:10). It is not enough to believe; your belief must be evident by your choices (Ja 2:19).

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