Fantastic Propaganda: Crimes Against You

J.K. Rollings latest “Wizarding World” movie
Propaganda – Not entertainment

Movies have always been the preferred medium of propaganda (Movies as Propaganda) since their inception. This was realized early on by Antonia Gramsci after the failure of revolutionary Marxism evidenced in World War One (WWI). This was embraced by the Fabian Society, Frankfurt School and others who sought to advance their international socialistic agenda via hegemony: manufactured consent of the people to enslave themselves.

The first notable propaganda movie was Birth of a Nation that promoted the rebirth of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) that swept America until World War Two (WWII). President Wilson embraced the movie which advanced its cause: national socialism; but, at the expense of ignoring history. The original KKK was a response against the militarized Union Leagues brought into the Reconstruction South to terrorize Southerns and advance Republican political power. Once Reconstruction ended and the Union Leagues fell into disfavor, the KKK itself became dormant. The New KKK morphed into a popular national socialistic movement that then became the “straw man punching bag” to promote international socialism from the 1960s onward. Such is the less than subtle tactic employed in this movie: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. The true theme of this movie series is racism of national socialists unleashes global racism that only international socialism can control.

Eugenics was not an aberration of Darwin
It was the reason for Evolution: Pure Race

Eugenics is nothing more than the natural result of sin, science and man-centered philosophy (Eugenics: Rose By Any Name). Darwin’s original title, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life, has been nearly erased from collective memory because of its eugenics implications. Though nearly completely rejected in its day, it reemerged during the Progressive Era as Social Darwinism.

Though ignored today, Social Darwinism
Became the justification for Socialism

One cannot watch this movie without an understanding of the prevalent social philosophy of the day and the prevalent social philosophy of today. WWI saw the promotion of national socialism in nearly every Western country in the form of Social Darwinism: superiority of the white race over all other races {Biblically there is only one race, man; Darwin introduced the concept of races based on empirical characteristics with his race being superior}. Eugenics was one plank in the national socialism agenda. Now, if you believe only Hitler promoted eugenics then you are the victim of selective historical teaching.

Margaret Sanger was the face of Eugenics
In U.S.: Abortion was Eugenics favored tool

Churchill promoted Eugenics in England
His hatred of Germany was eugenically based

Eugenics propaganda dotted Fairs to
Educate Americans in favor of Eugenics

Hitler’s Germany simply had the national
Power to implement a Eugenics Agenda

Eugenics, and its concomitant racism, was the prevailing philosophy up through WWII. Interesting that this is the setting for this movie. Yet, Hitler’s Germany, national socialism, had the means to implement directly eugenics programs that other nations could only implement indirectly via birth control and abortion programs; both remain the mainstays of non-spoken eugenic programs today by major nations. However, national socialism, tainted by blatant eugenics revealed by post-WWII propaganda films, withered under the onslaught of international socialism and its ever growing control of the means of hegemony.

These movies {A Fantastic Plot and How to Embrace It} use the Hitlerian motif of bad haircuts, leather trench coats and promotion of “pure bloods {wizards}” over mankind, those without magic skills. The in your face racism appears to vilify the main antagonist, Grindelwald {Germanic sounding}. However, it is the national “ministries of magic” that wear the Gestapo-like attire, torture prisoners and forbid interracial marriage between magic and non-magic peoples that fosters the violence of the plot and literally turns the antagonist into a sympathetic bad guy. The ultimate hero, heroines, are those who are outside of both camps; i.e., offering a third alternative against both nationalism and pure blood wizarding “ism”. This is the position of today’s Social Justice movement which is little more than an arm of the Open Societies Foundation’s promotion of open borders; international socialism.

Grindelwald’s use of WWII imagery of a devastated Europe by aerial attack and of nuclear detonation over Japan supports his claims of self-preservation. It is interesting that both of these motifs vilify the WWII Allied powers which are today’s targets of international socialism. The subliminal message is that your country was guilty of promoting this conflict of racism along with the national ministries of magic of the various Western countries. I would not be surprised to see an international ministry of magic attached to the United Nations at the end of WWII to oversee the national ministries of magic. As an aside, there is no need to vilify Hitler’s Germany since everyone has already been taught that they are the epitome of evil, totally unredeemable {unless they totally embrace the goals of international socialism as they have demonstrated in our time}.

The many “fan pundits” castigated much of the movie for being too expositional, too convoluted and not meeting their favored expectations; however, not one of them eluded to this movie’s subliminal globalization message being slowly built in these first two movies and will reach fruition by the fifth movie of the series.

This is the perfect example of Gramscian hegemony. Public education has already trained several generations of children in correct history such that it cannot even be discussed without suffering vitriolic ad hominem attacks. J.K. Rolling is a well known globalization advocate. Her “wizarding world” works have been her only real success vehicle earning her billions; thus, making her one of the elitists who are qualified to pronounce guidance for the masses. Violent revolutionary socialism utterly failed. But the  manufactured consent of hegemony has succeeded beyond expectations, even when exposed to those who are being duped!

America’s current political climate appears to pit the national socialists, gun toting Constitutionalists, against the international socialists, righteously indignant against racism, white superiority and Hitleresque national socialism. Neither picture is correct just as in the movie neither group is accurate portrayed in order to bring the audience to the desired conclusion {False Dilemma fallacy}. There is a third alternative which is actually a true second alternative. The opposing political groups are actually different sides of the same coin: socialism. Christianity is a true difference that is based on the truth of God. The Gospel is the only alternative that eschews superiority of any type. Man is unable to come to the truth except by the direct intervention of Christ (1Co 2:14). Hegemony is nothing more than God allowing lost people to keep the lie of Satan they desire to possess (Ro 1:18-25; 2Th 2:9-12). It is no wonder that they embrace the manufactured consent; it agrees with their natural nature: survival of the fittest which is of course, themselves. However, this leads to a natural problem evidenced at the Tower of Babel; lost people hate differences, violently. Each person and each group covet the best for themselves by taking away from all others (Ja 4:1-3). Lucifer was the first to practice hegemony {lies} over the Woman which ended in violence (Ge 3:1-6; 4:3-8). His methodology, lies and murder, extends to all who are lost (Jo 8:44).

Hegemony has become so successful that much of evangelicalism has succumbed to the False Dilemma of Social Justice. The focus on illegal immigration and jihadist Islam are red herrings that reveal national socialism as similar to Hitlerian’s Germany and the movie’s national ministries of magic enforcers.{ICE}. The true war, for the minds, has been lost. This is the success of hegemony. Christians can only remain clear visioned by studying the Scriptures to recognize the devices of Lucifer and avoid the siren call of hegemony. Turning to pietism only drives the lost further into the camp of international socialism and not save the lost. Pietism relies on the power of national socialism to force compliance; something the Gospel eschews completely. If Christians take on the methodology of the World {Lucifer} then we become enemies of God to come under His discipline (Ja 4:4). Why would we do that? Awaken!

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