Deceitfulness of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Deceitfulness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or
Promised Pathway to Posthumanism

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? The concept is not new but an old stock in trade sci-fi trope since at least the 1920’s in film {Metropolis. 1927.). Isaac Asimov, perhaps the best known sci-fi robot writer even had an all encompassing AC (Computer) replacing God which is the ultimate form of AI; “And AC said, “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” And there was light…” {Robot Dreams. 1986.}. The media-informational-academic-governmental outlets have pushed AI into the forefront of Western thought. Will it Control mankind? Can it be Controlled? Is it good or will it be evil? Is it even a thing? The hype has reached such a crescendo as to appear as propaganda rather than serious discord designed to provoke reasonable consideration. What really lies behind the hype or is it simply filler designed to fill empty time with meaningless rhetoric keeping you glued to the channel for advertising dollars? 

Let us begin with the Law of Identity. What is AI? According to Merriam-Webster, “…capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior”. According to IBM it is, “…task of using computers to understand human intelligence…” But according to Alan Turing (1950), father of computer science, it is really the question of, “Can Machines Think {Computing Machinery and Intelligence}?” Certainly the former are reasonable but it is the latter that underly the media blitz preparing the public for what will be revealed in the not-to-distant-future in some form yet to be unveiled. Let us answer the most fundamental question.

What can computers do? At their most fundamental binary language level, computers do one thing very, very well; they add zeros and ones. All information is ultimately broken down into zeros and ones with a speed no human can hope to match. As the technology reduced the size, increased the speed and reduced the power requirements for these devices, they became ubiquitous in nearly every device known to man. The past 30 years have seen the amazing developing of the Internet which in its simplest form is the interconnectedness of all digital devices with and without the direct intervention of people. No government has to mandate you carry an immediately taggable, traceable device; you demand to buy this interconnected device giving you access to unprecedented outlets of information unimaginable to all previous generations combined! But, is this thinking? Is this creativity? Is this really intelligence?

AI's Control

Digital systems have become the cornerstone of all forms of data and information management. In the past these activities were separated by industry, by company and even isolated from other in-house informational systems. However, this has been slowly changing. You want your photos the same on every. device and your data provider is happy to oblige as it gives them access to every photo every taken. The same applies with music, documentation and so forth. When you search for subject or product, you will receive directed links guiding you to the information they desire you to learn. They read your messages, your emails and can even eavesdrop on your video and audio inputs. These devices are linked into massive networks that are able to correlate and index data with unimaginable speed. But, is this intelligence?

AI SciFi Illusion

Under the convenient guise of AI, every aspect of your life is trackable, traceable and recallable! This is not limited to individuals or even organizations. It includes industries, governments and more importantly, financial institutions which are the basis for all other forms of societal existence! The fact that nearly every government is planning on introducing its own central bank digital currency (CBDC) should alert the slowest thinker that AI is less about intelligence and more about Control at every level of every aspect of every society. That is the long-term plan. The short-term plan is to have you not only accept this control but demand it out of convenience and comfort rather than privacy and personal security. You are even encouraged to subscribe to digital search services so you can investigate your friends, your neighbors, your business associations, spouses and the list keeps expanding. It is considered dating malpractice to not do a digital search on someone you are thinking about dating. It raises the specter of every person being a sexual deviant ready to pounce on you. Live in Fear! Live in Fear! This is not to say that danger does not exist as the modern psychological medical model replaces true faith and biblical morality as behavior norms. As the LBGTQAI+ dialectic hermeticism permeates throughout society, sexual deviancy is embraced as the normal with its attendant degradation, debauchery and violence becoming all too prevalent. But, is this AI?

AI is simply evolutionary thinking repackaged to keep people off balance. Biological-physics evolutionary philosophy floundered in the 1990s because these disciplines could not answer the simple question, “How does evolution produce new information?” How does random chance produce new information? How can random chance build irreducible systems that must come into existence simultaneously in order to ensure the life of the organism? The human clotting system requires all 13 steps simultaneously as well as all supporting biological systems to keep the person alive! By definition, random chance builds nothing! It cannot produce new information. By the same token, AI cannot develop new information. Hence, it is not intelligence! It is simply a tool for those who possess intelligence to direct the technologies for their own ends! In other words, we should not be afraid of that the machines will control us; we should be very concerned about the humans behind the machines who are determined to control everyone!

AI Creativity?

You are meant to think that the machines are the danger. Your attention is being focused on the inanimate objects which storage, recall and disseminate your personal data. You are being conditioned to think in fear even as you are encouraged to use the very devices that make such control possible; in fact, they are becoming indispensable to modern life in every society! You focus on the machines who have no eyes, no voice, no intelligence. These are the ancient idols of the modern world (Ps 115:4-8; Re 9:20-21). But you are being controlled by those who control the machines with the ultimate human controllers being the financiers through their financial-corporate-government agencies. Yet, these too are being deceived through their own idolatry of covetousness (Col 3:5).

AI Deception

We do not fight against flesh and blood, though that it the usual enemy people are pointed against; i.e., each other (Ep 6:10-12). The true battle is against Satan and the spiritual powers of Darkness that underlie and corrupt every aspect of life to keep you deceived, to keep you from the Light of Christ (Jn 1:1-5). The only true intelligence in existence is the Father as expressed through the very image of His Son (He 1:1-3). We, being made in His image though corrupted in sin, are the only agents able to lay claim to intelligence (Ge 1:27). It is not artificial but innate as a matter of parentage. Satan and evil masquerade as agents of light but are in fact harbingers of death to deceive you, keeping you from true life in Christ (2Co 11:14). It is not Christ who keeps you from truth and knowledge; it is your sin and Satan’s deception of evolutionary uniformitarianism that blinds you and binds you to Death and Hell (2Pe 3:3-10).

Do not be deceived by AI or stampeded by fear into their entrapment of your mind and soul. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved into Light, into Truth and away from Darkness and Fear (Ro 10:9-10). Come!

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