Modernism equated to Enlightenment
Yet, it ushered in Postmodernism Darkness
Modernism simply put is the philosophical position that man does not need God though it stole its ethical morality from the Bible. Though equated to Enlightenment the Modern period ushered in Postmodernism which is simply spiritual darkness and its attendant confusion of morality. Churches were to be the bulwark against the encroaching darkness of the world; however, true to the church letters of Revelation churches are succumbing to then promoting the morality of the darkness. This confusion is evident in the Revoice Conference (Dangers of The Revoice Conference. Sovereign Nations.).
Apostate churches have long sought to cover themselves with pietistic self-righteous morality to cover their hatred of the Gospel of Christ. They hid behind the use of force demanding that everyone live solely by their pietistic morality even using the power of the state. This is the sad path of church history. Today, evangelicalism has lost its light, becoming a paragon of darkness of empty self-righteous postmodern ethics. The Revoice Conference organizers, “say they ‘want to see LGBT people who adhere to the historic, Christian sexual ethic flourish in their local faith communities.'” In “doublespeak” this means they want Christians to ignore the Bible and accept people in their congregation who are unrepentant. Paul chasten the Corinthians when they followed this same path by allowing a man who married his father’s wife in the congregation; i.e., accepting his contra-biblical morality (1Co 5). Paul counseled the church to purge the couple out of the church until they repent. However, Paul also counseled against pietistic morality in the same passage. The church was not to isolate itself from sinners. The church is here to live Christ’s morality in the world. The church is not here to force the world to live according to a morality it does not believe in. This is exactly the error of conferences such as these. They educate Christians to accept sin the Bible condemns counter to the plain teaching of the Bible. They do this by tampering with God’s word, a thing Paul refused to do (2Co 4:2). They seek to achieve this using worldly philosophy.
Problem with Relative Morality?
Justifying the basis for morality!
Modern man ended by rejecting God; the French Revolution was an expected result of the Enlightenment. However, the Bible clearly states that knowing and rejecting the truth of God does not bring Enlightenment, it brings darkness into the heart and mind of man (Ro 1:18-32). Man, thinking himself wise, actually demonstrated his foolishness. By rejecting God and His morality, Ten Words (Ex 20:1-17), man had no basis for morality and therefore no basis for laws (government) {laws govern morality by defining legal right and wrong}. Seeking some justification man worshiped objects of nature, then man himself and finally the perversion of man and woman in a direct march into nihilism. Apart from God man has no basis for right and wrong. The use of pietistic morality is simply stealing God’s morality, parts of it; making it your own with modifications; then forcing it onto others under the guise of religious culturalism. When cultures clash on morality, wars are the result (Ja 4:1-4). The end result is the expression of violence at every level of society.
Plethora of Gobbledygook Terms
Excuses Rejection of Biblical Morality
God created man in His moral image; thus, man alone has a moral sense. Since God is immutable, His morality is immutable, unchanging or absolute. Since God is the only source of morality it is universal. Thus, biblical morality is absolute and universal. Sinful man rejects God’s morality; however, man must have order to control sin’s violence. Man knows God exists, man knows he violates God’s morality {basis for guilt} and man knows that his moral system is actually immorality, running counter to God’s Ten Words. Thus, man seeks to legitimize his moral system to prove it is better than God’s system. Unfortunately, each culture has developed its own justification system. Wars are basically one culture imposing its own moral system over others further justifying its superiority. One cannot expect the lost to accept God’s moral system for that is the very definition of being lost: anti-God. Christians are in various stages of Christ-like maturity as we learn to live God’s morality which is endemic to our new nature (2Co 5:17). Churches are to teach its members the Scriptures so they can facilitate this growth which is foreign to all of us (1Co 13:12). However, when churches abdicate this responsibility they teach their members worldly morality; i.e., they teach wrong is right and right is wrong. This is sweeping across Western culture today resulting in confusion in values and acceptance of those who actively seek to dismantle any remnant of biblical morality.
Christ is the only door to God and
He does not accept the unrepentant
Oft times people claim that Christ accepted all who came to Him forgetting the account of the Rich Young Ruler (Mk 10:17-27). This man believed he was living God’s morality when in fact he was living his morality, pietistic morality. He came so Christ could tell him how good he was, justifying himself. Christ told him to become poor so he could see himself as the sinner he was in need of saving (Mt 5:3). Christ did not accept the unrepentant. He rejected the rich, the poor, the Sadducees, the Pharisees, and all who did not repent of their inner sin. Christ in the Sermon on the Mount actually upheld God’s morality, explaining to the Jews the error of their understanding of the Mosaic Law; for this they executed Him. He gave them truth and they gave Him death. This is exactly what these churches are doing today. People come to find life and are given only death, something they already possess.
Every person saved has sin in the flesh. The Holy Spirit teaches you how to live God’s morality giving you freedom from expressing that sin. The Revoice Conference seeks to legitimize sin in the flesh. God did not compromise with sin though He did make a way out of sin for those who repent. Continuing to live at peace with one’s sin is not repentance and therefore is not acceptable to God. One would have difficulty defining one’s self as save by actively continuing in that sin. These churches would have you embrace your sin even as the world tells you that your sin in no sin at all; as long as it does not hurt anyone. Truth be told, sin always hurts someone: first, the sinner, second, those in contact with the sinner; and finally, the culture is tainted by its acceptance of sin. Welcome to the confused world of today; the result of rejecting God’s morality and substituting man’s immorality. The result: horrendous, unmitigated violence on a scale never imagined. It will get worse, much worse as this trend continues.