Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?

MAGA KKK vs Union League

Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?
Do You Know Whose Myth You Are Embracing?

America became inflamed under President Trump’s campaign slogan: Make America Great Again (MAGA)! He became the focus of the most polarizing divisive political polemic and governmental ostracization never before seen in America. His own government sought to obfuscate his policies, keep him from legitimate expressions of power inherent in the office of the Presidency and finally still seeks to prove him guilty of something in order to keep him from occupying the Oval Office again. However, let us remove our focus from. the man and concentrate on the slogan. What does it mean? To discuss it with any clarity we must explore its meaning; i.e., satisfying the Law of Identity. Certainly it can mean different things to different groups. But…what did it mean to President Trump and what does it still mean to You? Is it a truism or simply a propagandistic myth to Control you for other purposes? Continue reading “Make America Great Again (MAGA): But Whose Myth?”

Deceit of Nationalism

Deceit of Nationalism: Take Your Pick;
Nationalism or Socialism are Both Evil

In my last post, Zionism: Control Staff of Satan, Zionism was defined purely from a socialistic viewpoint. However, this ignored the inherent contradiction of Zionism as a nationalistic movement until today it is viewed strictly as a nationalism force against socialism and aligned with America, the bastion of nationalism in the world; especially under President Trump. As I investigated this seeming contradiction I discovered that, “…we have all of us been deceived!” {Apologies to JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.} Zionism is not the force of linkage between Socialism and Nationalism; it is the quintessential example of the similarities between these two concepts. This linkage can be seen even in America which is the great example for Zionism’s masquerade. Continue reading “Deceit of Nationalism”

Sin’s Hidden Reality: Control-Enslavement

Sin's Hidden Reality: Control

Sin’s Hidden Core is Control without God;
Covetous as Idolatry Allies with Satanism

Sin‘s Hidden Reality: Control-Enslavement, is the black thread running throughout the Bible in juxtaposition to Christ’s red thread of blood sacrifice. One is designed to enslave people to sin, self and Satan, who would be king. The other is God alone who frees believers from death to be sons of the Living God (Lk 20:34-38; Ga 4:4-7; Ep 2:1-8). But at sin’s core is the grasping after Control which man was led to believe was possible based solely on knowledge gained apart from God. This coveting for Control by self was made by the quintessential king of liars himself, Satan who had already declared his intention to be above God; i.e., to Control this new Creation of Man apart from God for his own ends (Pr 14:28). Thus, Man followed Satan into rebellion, sin, against God only to discover himself enslaved and thus without any control. History is the story of man’s violence search for Control apart from both God and Satan; it is the story of no control. Continue reading “Sin’s Hidden Reality: Control-Enslavement”

Islamic Terrorism Mirrors Zionist Terrorism

Equating Anti-Zionism With Anti-Semitism
Is Logical Fallacy of Conflation: An Effective Tool

The key to winning a historical argument is to control the starting point and its attendant assumptions. This forces a False Dilemma logic fallacy, predetermining the outcome. This is just as true when discussing Islamic Terrorism. I have done more historical research seeking to understand the origins of today’s Middle East violence. Again, I have learned that I was not taught truth but distortion preventing me from understanding this problem that appears to be engulfing the globe. One of my sources is Against Our Better Judgment by Alision Weir ( 2014.). Fortunately for us we know where to begin this discussion as its beginnings are well documented.
Continue reading “Islamic Terrorism Mirrors Zionist Terrorism”