America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord

CIA Dir Casey Admits CIA Lies

America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord;
Not First Time America has denied Acts of War

American history is replete with disinformation, lies by morally informed consciences, at least since President Lincoln whose Gettysburg Address rewrote history stating that the people founded the Constitution when clearly it was the sovereign States that agreed to bring the federal government into existence in a limited capacity. Lincoln changed that relationship at the point of bayonet, rifle, canon and blood, lots and lots of blood. He celebrated the blood lost at Gettysburg in a moralizing speech that left everyone stunned at his brazen hypocrisy. Future generations would come to worship this change in American government as it was the lynchpin that made America what is has become today. As one-time Central Intelligence Agency Director, Wm Casey, once observed in the above graphic; the role of American intelligence is not to warn Americans of danger but to dupe Americans into believing their government’s lies! Continue reading “America’s Hypocrisy as World’s Moral Overlord”

Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel

Cultural Marxism is Itself Racist Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel;
Critical Race Subset of Critical Theory Marxism

Though Critical Theory (CT) appears to have come out of nowhere in the past decade or so, it has been fermenting in the shadows since the early 20th century with the failure of Economic Marxism {Karl Marx’s original postulate}. It was growing in the shadows watered by the writings of Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Fabian Society, Herbert Marcuse and several others but its real father was Hegel. However, even further in the shadows were those who slowly financed and nurtured this distorted abomination through several front organizations such as Soros’ Open Society Foundations and World Economic Forum. Today it is known as Wokeness to disguise its true origins, Marxism, and its true goal: Revolution; Slavery of You! Continue reading “Critical Race Marxism: Returning to Babel”

Way of Cain: Techniques Defining Your Experience

Force Failed to Control Dissent

Way of Cain: Techniques Defining Your Experience;
You Become Your Own Best Conversion Agent

I want to tell you why I see the World as a dangerous delusion designed to prevent you from realizing your true danger. I did not develop this view from some special knowledge hidden from mere mortals nor did I receive it by special inspiration or vision. I experienced the truth of the World System first hand from my youth. I want you to know so you can truly determine if you can trust what I write. The purpose of discernment, Christian maturity, is to understand how Satan’s World System penetrates and seeks to organize every aspect of life to prevent you and your loved ones from seeing their true danger and the only solution God offers: Salvation. But, unless you realize your true danger, you will not accept the life ring of salvation and be pulled from the raging seas of sin into Christ’s rescuing arms like Peter (Mt 14:22-33). Continue reading “Way of Cain: Techniques Defining Your Experience”

America’s Hegemonic Protection Racket as Democracy

Hegemony Being Under America's Thumb

America’s Hegemonic Protection Racket as Democracy;
Controlling the World in Name of Freedom(ish)

Let us understand two simple facts. One, Americans do not like history nor do they wish to be bored by historical arguments. Two, Americans think ourselves righteous because we fight for freedom; and occasionally for God. This means Americans are easily influenced by their propaganda informational media outlets to support the next war for freedom {Doherty, G. and Macgregor, J. Hidden History.}. Much of what occurs globally grew out of this Great War and its associated Versailles Treaty; especially the Great War Part Two (WWII) from which America became the dominate power and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) its major hegemonic power arm. This is especially true concerning today’s latest crisis: Russia-Ukraine Conflict! Continue reading “America’s Hegemonic Protection Racket as Democracy”

Incoherence of Evil’s Balance: Except My Own!

Why the Ignorant Think Themselves so Smart

Incoherence of Evil’s Balance: Except My Own!
Dunning-Kruger Curve Applied to Good-Evil Balance

My previous post, Innocence of Evil, sought to explain why Christians can still sin. In fact, I sought to explain why people ignore their own evil, sin, while judging evilness in others. However, this post may have been too esoteric for many. No one believes themselves to be evil; therefore, to get people to grasp their own inherent evilness is incoherent to many. Remember, the purpose of one’s worldview is to make YOU the hero of your own story. Any suggestion that you are indeed evil is unfathomable, incoherent, illogical. Your worldview makes it so; thus, you are captive to a delusion of your own making. Since all begin life as children of Satan, all worldviews are patterned after his own delusional worldview (Jn 8:44; 2Th 2:3-12). This post approaches this subject from a different perspective; i.e., the balance of evil. Continue reading “Incoherence of Evil’s Balance: Except My Own!”

These are Perilous Times! What is Your Focus?

Society Without God Looks Like This

These are Perilous Times! What is Your Focus?
To Make a Better World or Look for a City to Come?

I wrote a post to explain the phrase perilous times (What are Perilous Times?}. This post explains why these times are perilous times; in fact, every generation has faced perilous times (2Ti 3:1 KJV). The question is not about identifying these times for they will find you. The question you must answer, “What is the focus of YOUR faith during these perilous times?” Continue reading “These are Perilous Times! What is Your Focus?”

Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin

Athens School of Philosophical Tyranny

Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin;
Reality Does Not Fit the Myth of Western Freedom

I would like to tell you a fairytale of Freedom’s beginnings and growth from ancient Greece down to the Enlightenment Era, Age of Reason, in Europe; however, you have already been told this fairytale from birth through schooling and into adulthood. Nothing is more pervasive than in Western culture; yet, nothing is more erroneous. Instead, building upon several previous posts I must take on the arduous and unpopular task of revealing Greco-Roman’s tyranny and its perpetuation into our modern era via the Age of Reason or so-called Enlightenment {Father of the Never Ending Revolution. Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}.}. Continue reading “Greco-Roman-Enlightenment Tyranny to Sin”

Father of the Never Ending Revolution

Rousseau Government's Truth

Father of the Never Ending Revolution;
Blood His Writings Shed Greatest in History

Jean Jacques Rousseau is embraced as the Father of the French Revolution; in truth, he is the Father of the Never Ending Revolution. Much of my material comes from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and a discussion between Tom Woods and Professor Jared Casey who authored, Freedom’s Progress? {The Totalitarian Jean Jacques Rousseau. Tom Woods Show.}. The vast changes occurring in Western cultures, especially America, are not random but flow directly from Rousseau’s disjointed and confused ramblings embraced as philosophy. Within eleven years of his death the French Revolution occurred based primarily upon his ramblings and it has never ended though it has hidden away only to arise in various forms from time to time: Soviet or Lenin’s Revolution, Marcuse’s Liberation Movement philosophy and Postmodernism. Today we know it as Social Justice but its slogans come from Rousseau’s confused writings. Continue reading “Father of the Never Ending Revolution”

Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa

Black Panther's Fist of Racism

Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa;
Began with Black Panthers Violence of 1968

Philosophy, held in contempt by most Americans, has actual and far reaching ramifications that are not readily apparent. The modern Antifa riots during President Trump’s presidency is a direct lineage of the Black Panther Violence of 1968 and onward; even the symbols are similar. Hegelian philosophy interpreted by Herbert Marcuse and introduced into black culture by his student, Angela Davis have arisen in our day as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, the violent arm of liberal change. While Americans danced to their music, played their games, followed their sports and generally majored in minutia; socialism worked behind the scenes to control a political party, elect a president and re-educate American children. While Americans slept, the socialists worked tirelessly to prepare for their revolution. They did not hide in the shadows but basked in the limelight of fame. This is their America becoming Satan’s tool for international socialism; i.e., Control. Continue reading “Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa”

Why is There Law and Justice?

Woman Beginning of Order

Woman’s Quest of Knowing Begat Disorder;
Disorder Begat Violence and Led to Laws

Satan’s deception to Woman, that she could be as God if she could obtain knowledge apart from God began the march into sin, chaos, disorder and death (Ge 3:1-7) {Ancient Battleground: Tree of Knowledge}. Woman raised her first son, Cain {Given of God}, to be the promised conqueror of Satan to return them to their pre-sin state; an impossibility (Ge 4:1-8). However, Cain descended into complete chaos and disorder and murder Abel, the Weak One, whom he was to protect when God chose Abel as patriarch instead of himself {God Offered Cain Control}. Cain left God’s presence and formed his own government in the Land of Wanderers {Nod}. Why, Laws?
Continue reading “Why is There Law and Justice?”