Government + Finances = Control: Socialism Slavery

Government+Finances=Control: Socialism Slavery – Truth Ignored for The Utopian Lie

Utopian Promise

Governments are AntiGod Theocracies of Control, discussed God’s revelation to Man what governments do in the hands of sinful people. Since all people are conceived in sin, even the best intentioned will not be able to Control government; it Controls them for behind all governments stands the father of all sinners: Satan, the Accuser (Ps 51:5; Jn 8:44; Ro 3:23). The post briefly looked at the first three kings to discover if God’s warning was true; it was painfully true. Saul, desired, desired to be liked by the powerful men who voted him into power. Therefore, he pleased them rather than God; not a good plan. David, beloved, was the strongest king but he also compromised his values to expand his power; and used his son to correct his oversights. Solomon, peace, did not bring peace but division through his many compromises which were hidden behind the great wealth that came to the Jews under his leadership. In the end God’s warning was proved true in Rehoboam’s reign; the sins the father’s taught to their sons came to fruition in the third generation (Nu 14:18). This holds true today with a vengeance! Continue reading “Government + Finances = Control: Socialism Slavery”

Hidden Enemy We Love

Psych's Propaganda Light

The Hidden Enemy We Love;
Psychology Makes Socialism Possible

Psychology grew out of the Enlightenment’s belief that man can gain Control through Reason. Nothing was as devastating and enigmatic as what came to labeled as mental illness. Since the spiritual is not empirical and works-based religions powerless, Man seemed condemned to suffer these inexplicable bouts of madness. Asylums were developed to house, imprison, those afflicted under the most brutal conditions imaginable. As if that were not enough, treatments were merely disguised forms of torture; some of which are still being used today. Was there no hope? Was there no cure? Then two men showed the way out of this morass; or did they? Sigmund Freud and Ivan Pavlov separately developed workable methodologies that promised to alleviate the suffering. However, the Twentieth Century proved that far from being cures these men developed the very tools necessary for YOU to accept and embrace Socialism. What promised to cure actually Controls the healthy by making them appear mentally ill Continue reading “Hidden Enemy We Love”

Religion of Science Behind Science

Food Pyramid Scam

Religion of Science Behind Science;
Illustrated by America’s Food Pyramid

Science is a defined as a methodology of unbiased investigation to obtain facts to understand the subject under study. Since the French Revolution Science, or Reason, has been touted as the only means to understand the world apart from religion which is non-science; which is true. This implies that Science will give actual facts making it more reliable than faith which is subject to interpretation and manipulation. The modern Food Pyramid promoted by U.S. Department of Agriculture {MyPyramid} is the shining example of science that is not science but faith making is a scientism; a scientism actually backed and promoted by a religion: Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA). Continue reading “Religion of Science Behind Science”

Religion of Science {Reason}

Science Religion

Religion of Science {Reason}:
Socialism’s Lie of Liberty

This is a third post based on Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism and French Revolution: Birth Pangs of Socialism. Socialism claims a scientific basis freeing Man from religion’s tyranny Instead I will show how Socialism turned Science into the religion of Scientism to impose tyranny. I have shown that people’s willful ignorance of proper biblical hermeneutics and man’s philosophies made them easy prey to Satan’s lie of LibertyEquality and Fraternity. Two main Scriptures will guide this post as will Aristotelian Laws of Logic and Logical Inference. Two major Scriptures will guide this discussion consistent with the purpose of this post: learn biblical discernment. God, through Paul, shows the fallacy and progression of Man’s Reason apart from His Truth (Ro 1:17-32). Hebrew’s writer gives a fundamental truth to guide all observation: “what is seen was not made out of things that are visible” (He 11:3). Continue reading “Religion of Science {Reason}”

French Revolution: Birth Pangs of Socialism

Liberty Equality Fraternity Contradictory Motto

French Revolution: Socialism’s Birth Pangs
Extant Today On the Bodies of Millions

If there his any one event that shows the need to understand philosophy and proper biblical hermeneutics, it is the French Revolution which was a product of ungodly {asebeia} philosophy (Ro 1:18). Continuation of our previous post, Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism, we will briefly explore the roots of this germinal revolution that very understand even today as its propaganda continues to advertise it as a revolution of freedom like the American Revolution; nothing could be further from the truth. The French Revolution was Satan’s, and Man’s, first attempt at modern absolute Control {Sin: Coveting Control}. Continue reading “French Revolution: Birth Pangs of Socialism”

Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism

Ubermensch Nietzsche

Ubermensch Reborn in BLM
Ancient Concept Inherent in Sin

While I have discussed Nietzsche’s Ubermensch in previous posts, I will show that Nietzsche did not develop this concept himself and it is still alive today with Black Lives Matter (BLM) simply being the fastest iteration {Evolution of Prometheus.}. In the linked article discussing Ubermensch, notice that Nietzsche believed that Napoleon was an Ubermensch; in fact, this linked Nietzsche to Hegel in that both admired Napoleon who was a product of the French (Socialist) Revolution. While I wanted to show the philosophical concepts that resulted in the French Revolution and our modern society; I believe it best to discuss how this is relevant to today’s headlines. Continue reading “Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism”

Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa

Black Panther's Fist of Racism

Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa;
Began with Black Panthers Violence of 1968

Philosophy, held in contempt by most Americans, has actual and far reaching ramifications that are not readily apparent. The modern Antifa riots during President Trump’s presidency is a direct lineage of the Black Panther Violence of 1968 and onward; even the symbols are similar. Hegelian philosophy interpreted by Herbert Marcuse and introduced into black culture by his student, Angela Davis have arisen in our day as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, the violent arm of liberal change. While Americans danced to their music, played their games, followed their sports and generally majored in minutia; socialism worked behind the scenes to control a political party, elect a president and re-educate American children. While Americans slept, the socialists worked tirelessly to prepare for their revolution. They did not hide in the shadows but basked in the limelight of fame. This is their America becoming Satan’s tool for international socialism; i.e., Control. Continue reading “Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa”

Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken

Clear Choice of Advancement

Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken;
Economic Freedom vs Equality Slavery

In my last post, Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion, I developed the contradiction that the modern black movement built upon the works of Germanic, white philosophers {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. I promised to, “…show how later adherents reinterpreted Hegel to put socialism back on track without totally discrediting Marx’s contributions….and to show the importance of the volkgeist into mobilizing the blacks into endorsing their own continued slavery.” It is important to discuss the development of black volkgeist before proceeding into Black Lives Matter socialistic roots since it is primarily a black religion espousing socialism than a socialism built on a moralizing religion. To grasp the completeness of historical choice I could do no better than use Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken. Continue reading “Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken”

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action. Continue reading “Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion”

Socialism: Control of False Judaism

False Judaism is Socialism

Socialism: Control of False Judaism;
Socialism: Triumph of False Judaism

Socialism: Control of False Judaism, has been well documented during the preceding two centuries and just as carefully tucked away through the auspices of public education systems of every modern nation. False Jews are those who reject Christ as Messiah; those whose hearts have not been changed as defined by Paul (Ro 2:28-29). Paul was referring to an inward change wrought by the New Covenant based on the sacrifice of Christ (Je 31:31-34; Ac 2:1-41; 2Co 5:17; He 10:12-14). True Jews are those, like Paul, who accepted Christ’s sacrifice; however, there remains a remnant of Jews yet to be called forth during the coming Great Tribulation to embrace Christ and evangelize the world despite opposition from the False Jews and the Antichrist (Ro 11:25-31). But, the False Jews and their Judaism has not been idle and today we are seeing their efforts coming to fruition in the form of socialism, or globalization.
Continue reading “Socialism: Control of False Judaism”