Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth;
Or, Remaining in the Cave, Living The Delusion
I began these posts to understand, using the Bible, the Truth of Christ, Man and Sin in the World. Several of the posts show a shallow grasp of events while others, I hope, show a more thoughtful, mature view of how Christ works in the World bringing about His Kingdom. Every week events display the Truth of Man clinging to The Delusion, The Lie, despite exposure to God’s Word (2Th 2:3-12; 2Pe 3:3-12). People willingly bury themselves in their carefully, though carelessly, constructed worldviews built on logical fallacies, ancient hermetics and modern dialectics. I have developed an interesting view of the relationships between the non-empirical to the empirical using a chemical process known as Saponification by which soap is made to remove dirt from clothes. I will then show how this model is ignored by discussing oil sources from a science and a scientism viewpoint illustrating the use of three devices to keep one’s self blinded to the Truth. Yet, what has come to be so obvious to myself is oblivious to my family who read the posts and continue without deviation in their worldviews. It is as if God’s words to Isaiah still ring true today, “Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed” (Is 6:8-12; Ac 28:25-28). Paul believed the Gentiles would listen; today, no one wants to listen lest it disturb their Delusion of how they want the World to be. Continue reading “Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth” →