Science of Lies

Ancients believed space filled with ether
You were taught space is empty: Wrong

Turns out the ancients were right in concept but limited in technology. Space is not empty but for a few grains of occasional dust and a comet or two. The problem is that government and science knew this also, since early days of rocket exploration of space (Magnetosphere. Science Direct). The above graphic shows our solar system crossing our galaxy’s plane in our galactic orbit exposing us to a slew of forces invisible to the five senses. There is another secret: it is these slew of space forces {ether} that determines much of our weather. Shh! You are not suppose to know this! Continue reading “Science of Lies”

Science’s Feet of Clay and Iron

Sir Isaac Newton the Great Physicist
Was also the Father of Deism

I remember sitting in churches in my 30’s, as a relatively new believer, hearing how Christianity could lay claim to Sir Isaac Newton thus refuting the claim that believers in the Bible’s Gospel were birthed from an ignorant stock of idiots. Over the years I have come to doubt much of what I was taught in the fundamental Baptist movement which had a propensity for its own forms of propaganda over truth. Unfortunately, the truth of Sir Isaac Newton’s beliefs have come to light. He is probably the father of the Deism of the Enlightenment and today (Kollerstrom, N. The Dark Side of Isaac Newton. 2018. Pen and Sword History. Havertown, PA. pp.21-22.). Continue reading “Science’s Feet of Clay and Iron”

Unbiased Worldviews are Incoherent

World Equates Biases with Prejudice
Unbiasedness Must Therefore be Good

This of course is the False Dilemma logical fallacy forcing a conclusion which appears correct but is in fact incorrect. Both the Lost and Christians charge into this false dilemma based on false assumptions, incorrect worldviews and willful ignorance of history.  In fact, without bias one cannot have a coherent worldview of any sort! Continue reading “Unbiased Worldviews are Incoherent”

Government Without Socialism?

Rousseau’s Social Contract
Direct Pathway to Socialism

The father of the French Revolution, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, framed his argument as a social compact (contract in today’s language) between government and its citizens. However, he usually violated Aristotle’s First Law of Logic  (Law of Identity) by not defining his terms; a common problem amongst politicians even today. It’s easier to have the listener define the terms, usually incorrectly, leaving the speaker free to commit the logical fallacy of reification (changing definitions as convenient to his (her) argument. Continue reading “Government Without Socialism?”

False Premise: Chasing One’s Tail

Premises Determine the Conclusions
False Premises Yield False Conclusions

Last week’s post (Fallaciousness of Autonomy) began with the premise that Lucifer beguiled Woman into accepting a false premise leading to a false conclusion that led to her making a fateful decision to sin. This week I want to explore this relatively simple but profound concept and its implications for all of us today. Continue reading “False Premise: Chasing One’s Tail”

Fractals Killed Scientific Atheism

Mandelbrot Changed Man’s Perspective
About Science more than he realized

Benoit Mandelbrot, Polish Jew, was the man who developed the concept of fractals and singlehandedly changed how man would view science. His family moved to France pre-WWII and he specialized in mathematics. He had the ability, talent, to view algebraic formulas in three dimensional figures. Continue reading “Fractals Killed Scientific Atheism”

Foolishness of God or Men

Integration of Science and Magic
Is the Integration of Gnosticism

The power of modern media to legitimize the integration of science {string theory} and magic {gnosticism} reveals the foolishness of men who reject the what they call the “foolishness” of the Bible {Gospel}. Continue reading “Foolishness of God or Men”

Science is the Trap of Doom

The Glittering World of Science
Snaring Mankind in his Sin

The last two posts discussed the fallacy of modern science. These posts were somewhat involved as I explained why science cannot answer the questions that many claim that it does answer. Thus, these posts may have fallen on deaf ears because as a people Americans do not have the attention span to grasp the elementary principles of a complex discussion. Continue reading “Science is the Trap of Doom”