Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System

Peer Review Stifles Innovation {Appeal to Authority-Majority}

Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System;
Peer Review Uses Logical Fallacies to Maintain Matrix

Public education has been one of the greatest assets to developing the Industrial Revolution Middle Class society that raised mankind out of millennium of grinding poverty. It has also become one of the most potent weapons of the Oligarchy to return societies willingly to the crushing burden of socialism based on ignorance masquerading as science. This is Modern Man’s latest iteration of the Hermetic Dialectic but you would know it better as Scientism. Let us look at two aspects of Science used to drive you into accepting Socialism in the name of Progress. Continue reading “Illogic of Scientists: Carbon Debit Social System”

Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth

Unified Plan of God Man Can Understand

Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth;
Or, Remaining in the Cave, Living The Delusion

I began these posts to understand, using the Bible, the Truth of Christ, Man and Sin in the World. Several of the posts show a shallow grasp of events while others, I hope, show a more thoughtful, mature view of how Christ works in the World bringing about His Kingdom. Every week events display the Truth of Man clinging to The Delusion, The Lie, despite exposure to God’s Word (2Th 2:3-12; 2Pe 3:3-12). People willingly bury themselves in their carefully, though carelessly, constructed worldviews built on logical fallacies, ancient hermetics and modern dialectics. I have developed an interesting view of the relationships between the non-empirical to the empirical using a chemical process known as Saponification by which soap is made to remove dirt from clothes. I will then show how this model is ignored by discussing oil sources from a science and a scientism viewpoint illustrating the use of three devices to keep one’s self blinded to the Truth. Yet, what has come to be so obvious to myself is oblivious to my family who read the posts and continue without deviation in their worldviews. It is as if God’s words to Isaiah still ring true today, “Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed” (Is 6:8-12; Ac 28:25-28). Paul believed the Gentiles would listen; today, no one wants to listen lest it disturb their Delusion of how they want the World to be. Continue reading “Looking Behind the Simulacrum Discovering Truth”

Man’s Fractured Nature Remade into Christ’s Image

Pre-sin: Weak Flesh Controlled by Relationship with Christ

Man’s Fractured Nature Remade into Christ’s Image;
Process of Unifying: Man’s Way or Christ’s Way

The previous post looked at scientism’s view of Man’s nature {Evolutionary Psychology “Locks in” Hermetic Dialectic Thinking.}. This post examines understanding Man’s nature from the biblical perspective. However, because modern education has propagandize people into believing this pits religion {ignorance} against science {knowledge} I must address this logical fallacy. The Truth is that we are pitting knowledge against ignorance knowing that the advantage lies with ignorance! Continue reading “Man’s Fractured Nature Remade into Christ’s Image”

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real

Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real:
Demanding the Lie over the Truth (2Th 2:3-12)

This post builds immediately on two previous posts {Understanding the Balaam-Jezebel Effect. How Churches and Nations Ruin Themselves Securing Security}. Whereas these posts looked at specific techniques used to undermine true faith in Christ, this post analyzes the overall plan of deception at work since Garden of Eden and Original Sin (Ge 3:1-8). Simulacrum simply means a copy of the original; however, Satan’s copy distorts God’s original Truth-Reality because sin (Ro 3:10-18). This is the Principle of Contrasting Dualities throughout the Bible highlighting the differences between Faith in Christ and Faith apart from Christ. I derived my current understanding from Sovereign Nations Mere Simulacrity Conference and Dr. Lindsay’s presentation, The Negation of the Real. Continue reading “Satan’s Ouroboros Simulacrum-Negating the Real”

Science is Faith Inevitably Yielding Socialism and Scientism

Science Begins in the Mind; Hence, is Faith

Science is Faith Inevitably Yielding Socialism and Scientism
Masquerading as Facts These are Ungodly Linked Faiths

What is Science? We must answer this to satisfy the Law of Identity lest we too become victims of incoherent confirmation bias to arrive at any conclusion we deem appropriate. “Science begins with the null hypothesis, which assumes that the claim under investigation is not true until demonstrated otherwise…Failure to reject the null hypothesis does not make the claim false, and, conversely, rejecting the null hypothesis is not a warranty on truth” {What Skepticism Reveals about Science: A skeptic’s journey for truth in science. Scientific America.}. Skepticism is one of the cherished qualities of scientific inquiry; i.e., do not trust to that which cannot be tested by scientific experimentation. However, the author of our article notes that not everything can be tested. Thus, to rely on hypothesis that cannot be tested requires faith. What this means is that those who believe science the only means to define the knowable begin from a position of faith for assumptions are accepted as true though unprovable. Those who reject biblically based Christians as believers of myths are themselves guilty of doing the same. Thus, they consistently violated Law of Non-Contradiction. Continue reading “Science is Faith Inevitably Yielding Socialism and Scientism”

Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything}

Scientific Method Cannot Prove its Own Validity

Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything};
Scientific Method Cannot Even Prove its Own Validity

The Lost, those not saved according to the Gospel of belief in Christ as the only way to be with God throughout eternity future, frequently demand proof that God exists  (Ro 10:9-11). The atheists sneer that without proof there is no foundation on which to base the truth of God’s existence. They confidently point to the many, many accomplishments of Man using the Scientific Method that have no only improved daily life but have also given Man great insights into the heavens, into the atoms and even into man’s evolutionary development. Hence, they postulate that there is no need for God; ergo, He does not need to exist. This post looks briefly at their basic premise and three supporting so-called scientific proofs. I believe we will discover that they require greater faith to believe their position than the Christian needs to believe the Bible! Continue reading “Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything}”

Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death

Scientific Method's Bed of Assumptions

Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death;
Battle of Assumptions and Love of Money

Since the Enlightenment Age {Age of Reason or Modern Era} the Scientific Method and Science in general has been hailed as the great giver of knowledge {light} and prosperity. It has become a religion in its own right even while decrying religions as anti-intellectual or reason! Science by definition is empirical; that is, it is based on what can be detected with the five senses. However, these observations, facts or measurements, are meaningless without a context or theory to explain the why of the facts. Theories come from testable hypotheses which are based on assumptions, elements that are assumed to be true though are unprovable {Assumptions of science: 5 reasons you should be skeptical.}. This was clearly understood in the Enlightenment’s early days when Science was known as Natural Philosophy. Science and philosophy separated in the 19th century when it was realized that Science could not reveal Truth, which was Natural Philosophy’s intended goal! Thus, Science became a means of fitting discoverable facts into an acceptable conceptual framework. As the conceptual framework became the main determiner of correct facts, Science morphed into Scientism which sought to suppress undesirable conceptual frameworks and even its supporting facts. Nowhere has this become more disastrous than in healthcare resulting in millions of deaths by ignoring inconvenient facts and theories. We shall look at two competing theories of healthcare and their impact on your life; and death. Continue reading “Tale of Two Theories of Health and Death”

Covid-19: Separating Science from Scientism

Propaganda's Purpose

Covid-19: Separating Science from Scientism
{Controlling You via Scientism-Socialism}

Sars-CoV-2, or Covid-19, did not suddenly,  magically, appear taking the world by surprise. Neither was it a weapon of enemy governments against freedom-loving peoples. Covid-19 was the product of financier-multinational corporatism-government(s) to advance the Control-Socialism Delusion of democracy with YOUR consent. The colluders are not particularly concerned with how much you know. Under the guise of Science, they have used Scientism to unleash a multi-pronged attack designed to reduce humanity to serfdom. Christian discernment requires the believer to understand the times in order to avoid the Delusion (Mt 16:1-6; 2Th 2:3-12; 2Ti 3:1-5).
Continue reading “Covid-19: Separating Science from Scientism”

America: Home of BioTerrorism

Most Modern Weapon of Mass Destruction

America: Home of BioTerrorism;
America Allied with Communist China

Americans have been taught by public education to believe that the United States was the home of the brave and by extension, the free. Public education, coupled with information control {Propaganda} has been the home of Gramsci-style Socialism throughout the 20th century while masquerading as free. Two great Socialism powers, America and Communist China {ChiCom} partnered to give a natural virus unnatural abilities. The basics can be found in Dr. Richard M. Fleming’s book, Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? {Skyhorse Publishing. New York. 2021.}. “We have met the enemy and he is US” {This Day in Quotes. Pogo Comic Strip.}. Continue reading “America: Home of BioTerrorism”

Hubris of Satan, Man and Scientists {Priests}

Alfven Understanding of Peer Review

Hubris of Satan Man and Scientists {Priests}
Scientists, Our Priests, Want Security Not Truth

What is a scientist? Simplest answer is, “person who practices science!” In essence, every person is a scientist because each has developed a hypothesis of life {Worldview}; consistently tests and alters the Worldview based on experience and changing circumstances and resists innovation that may challenge or falsify the Worldview. The Modern Era coupled with the Industrial Revolution has elevated a certain elite group of people to priestly status of guidance and truth. But, some rare few have resisted this allure of power such as Hannes Alfven, a man central to our discussion but unknown to most people. Yet, I digress to gain your attention. Continue reading “Hubris of Satan, Man and Scientists {Priests}”