Covid-19: Separating Science from Scientism

Propaganda's Purpose

Covid-19: Separating Science from Scientism
{Controlling You via Scientism-Socialism}

Sars-CoV-2, or Covid-19, did not suddenly,  magically, appear taking the world by surprise. Neither was it a weapon of enemy governments against freedom-loving peoples. Covid-19 was the product of financier-multinational corporatism-government(s) to advance the Control-Socialism Delusion of democracy with YOUR consent. The colluders are not particularly concerned with how much you know. Under the guise of Science, they have used Scientism to unleash a multi-pronged attack designed to reduce humanity to serfdom. Christian discernment requires the believer to understand the times in order to avoid the Delusion (Mt 16:1-6; 2Th 2:3-12; 2Ti 3:1-5).
Continue reading “Covid-19: Separating Science from Scientism”

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains

Politicians Enslavement to CBDC

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains;
Universal Income Equals Universal Enslavement

When President Biden nominated Ms Saule Omarova for Comptroller of the Currency he was signaling the Federal Reserve’s intention to absorb America’s financial institutions as the means to Control self-caused inflation. However, the not-so-hidden agenda was to signal to government that the world’s central banks will become the sole determinants of correctness via financial Control! No freedom movement, no liberty agitation can long survive when the access to monies is Controlled. It was probably no accident that while your attention was focused on the United Nations Climate Conference (COP26), the World Economic Forum (WEF) was meeting in Dubai, UAE, coordinating what Mr. Klaus Schwab termed, The Great Narrative. What? Not familiar with these terms or movements? That is exactly what they are counting on to. As magicians they focus your attention on Mr. Schwab and Cop26 but hidden from your view they have planned a coup of unimaginable proportions. And, our greedy politicians are playing right into their hands with your consent! Continue reading “Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Enslavement Chains”

Exponential Growth of Convenient Religions or Luciferianism {Socialism}

Geo Floyd as Savior of Works

Exponential Growth of Convenient Religions
or Luciferianism {Socialism} {

As I wrote in a previous post, Black Lives Matter Hidden Religion, Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader, Patrisse Cullors, worships a Nigerian Gnosticism known as IFA. As her private religion I have no quarrel as no one should Control what a person believes. However, her incorporating IFA into this political movement demonstrates her contempt of and wish to replace America’s love affair with Judeo-Christian morality with Nigerian Gnosticism without openly informing her adherents. Her religious practices have also attracted the attention of others to alert the unsuspecting public of their peril {BLM leaders practice ‘witchcraft’ and summon dead spirits, black activist claims}. With BLM’s flagging popularity since President Biden’s election, as they were no longer needed, efforts have been made to repopularize the movement with religious icons such as the above painting of George Floyd as Christ entitled, Mama, suggesting that Mr Floyd died for Black people’s ?sins? since Christ died for sin; i.e., their salvation (Ro 3:21-26). this confused motif exhibits the confusion of the Lost in understanding the Bible. All works-based, non-Christian, faiths stumble under the same misperception: that Salvation can be purchased via good behaviors.(Ro 4:1-5). By embracing religions, hidden or otherwise, BLM advertises that socialism is religious based which validates its values of good and evil. Continue reading “Exponential Growth of Convenient Religions or Luciferianism {Socialism}”

Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopian Reality

Entryism Reflexivity Fertile Fallacies Strategy

Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopia;
Revealed in Metropolis Movie; Ignored by Masses

As I discussed in my previous post, Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today,  Entryism is the infiltration of a major group by a lesser group to achieve the lesser group’s goals. Entryism works in conjunction with Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies, both of which are lies, so that people’s action are altered to make the lies become true; self fulfilling prophecy. Let us apply Entryism to Robotics to determine the true goal from the propaganda goal designed for your acceptance of your own enslavement (Ro 6:6-11). Continue reading “Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopian Reality”

Universal Income IS Government Control! Which Government?

Universal Income Missing Key Element

Universal Income IS Government Control!
Which Government? Do YOU Care?

Years ago I was a wee lad in government controlled public education as were the majority of children. However, I was different. My father was a military man and transferred to a colloquial county in a somewhat Southern state. I had already been to Germany and started grade school in DOD schools in Japan. My experiences were vastly different from those of my class mates who had barely ventured out of the county. I was different and I stuttered; thus, I was classified as mentally retarded, term used in those days. I was ostracized by the students and the administration; singled out for public ridicule and physical abuse for nothing more than being different. I had no support even from my parents who were also colloquial in their own way. It was a terrible experience I hoped never to relive; except, today I am reliving it again on a massive scale. Government Control demands everyone be the same and seeks to root out those who are different with the express intention of making them the same or negating their affect on society {Removing them}. For me it is, Deja vu! Continue reading “Universal Income IS Government Control! Which Government?”

Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment

People Advocating Their Enslavement

Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment;
These Workers Advocating Self-Enslavement

I was grocery shopping in a major outlet which allowed me to connect to their Wi-Fi and with their app I could scan my purchases on the fly as I bagged them then scan a barcode at the automated register, pay and walk out of the store. This great convenience allowed me to get in and out quicker than using a human teller or the usual self-checker devices at the check-out counter. I was thinking, “Modern advantages of the digital age; ain’t it wonderful!” Then I got to thinking not only of how many tellers were replaced by automation but how many tellers was I replacing for my convenience? This was a result of the evil Minimum Wage push engineered during the 20th century which harmed the very people it was supposed to help. Duped by Socialism; again. Continue reading “Minimum Wage Self-Impoverishment”

Economy Controls Government, Business and You

Socialistic Propaganda Ignores Personal Responsibility

Economy Controls Government, Business and You
Socialism Propagandizes Fixed Division: Its Goal

My previous post, Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You, showed the fundamental role of energy Control played in Controlling YOU! Yet, while energy Control affects every aspect of society, there is something even more fundamental that affects even energy; the economy. I eluded to this toward the end of that post when I mentioned Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); the coming globalized Control of Everything {THE GLOBAL PLAN TO CONTROL SOCIETY WITH CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES. Carter Heavy Industries.}. This post postulates that Man has always embraced socialism as the preferred economic form. This is becoming increasingly preferred by those people it controls due to the effective use of propaganda in various forms including government funded education! Continue reading “Economy Controls Government, Business and You”

Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You

Energy Control Based on Scientism

Fallacy of Science Truth and
Scientism’s Control of You

Modern ecology movement, green earth utopia, targeted so-called fossil fuels as a major contributor destroying earth. It was further demonized in Climate Change models by contributing carbon dioxide (CO2) which supposedly abnormally warmed the earth leading to catastrophic death of Man and the environment. We have a serious problem as fossil fuels provide the energy to power industry that lifted Man from slavery to Middle Class as never before in history. In fact, petrochemicals are the basis for nearly every aspect of modern life and health. Since the 1960s people have been sounding the alarm that we are selfishly using up a non-renewable resource to leave future generations to shiver and die in the misery and cold because of our selfishness. But, is their basic assumption correct? Are petrochemicals derived from fossil fuels? Are these resources nonrenewable and thus limited? What is the science? Continue reading “Fallacy of Science Truth and Scientism’s Control of You”

Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement

Melting Pot Concept Not Defined

Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement;
Myth of America’s Melting Pot Unification

In my previous post, Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?, I introduced the revolutionary concept of Satan pitting different General Wills against each other to obtain the strongest General Will or government for his purpose; enslavement of Man. While we see this play out on the world stage as national socialistic governments are being merged into regional socialisms on the path to globalization; I make the case that this modern experiment was first begun by Satan with the colonization of America. Satan, ever the experimenter, tested the feasibility of this concept in our country using the Melting Pot Concept, just as he used America’s Constitutional “United States”  to test the feasibility of the future United Nations globalization government first advanced by President Wilson as the League of Nations. Let us see history through God’s eyes (2Th 2:3-12). Continue reading “Scientific Battle of General Wills of Enslavement”

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?

Rousseau Government's Truth

Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?
It is the Heart of Rousseau’s Concept of Truth

I have dealt with this concept of General Will beginning with, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, Rousseau. History is the key to understanding today but Satan is the master of delusion; is the concept of General Will valid or relevant for today and if so, under what label does it persist? Postmodernism claims to be new but in fact its lie was evident in the first sin when Satan deliberately misrepresented God’s words to Woman creating doubt in her mind to tempt her to substitute her truth for God’s truth (Ge 3:1-5; Ro 1:18-28). Today it flies under the radar by another name, worldview. It is in this iteration that it has entered Christianity to wreck havoc in the Church {Pergamum and Thyatira for examples} (Re 2:12-29). Rousseau would have been proud of his work. Continue reading “Is Rousseau’s “General Will” Valid Today?”