International Manifest Destiny Rise and Fall

Answer Depends on Propaganda
Message One Believed (Faith)

The last post, Pathway to American Impoverishment, discussed the fallacies of Truman Doctrine and its associated Marshall Plan; together they were America’s international Manifest Destiny programs. They burgeoned into modern foreign aid programs which sought to extend American hegemony but resulted in maintaining dictators and poverty around the world. Truman sought to ensconce Democratic dominance at home and American hegemony abroad via crony capitalism but actually became the  sole author of the Cold War. How did this happen?  What was it hiding? Continue reading “International Manifest Destiny Rise and Fall”

Ad Hominem Logic

Notice the Subtle False Dilemma
Knowledge: Empirical or Inherited

During the current Coronal Virus craze, newscasters seek to propagate their political agendas using science via scientific modeling while using ad hominem attacks against those with whom they disagree. Not only do these sources exhibit ignorance of basic scientific modeling shortcomings but of the scientific method in general. Simply Psychology in the article, Psychology as Science, define empiricism as all knowledge as either gained through our senses or inherited. But scientific empiricism adds the requirement of testability of such knowledge; if it cannot be tested then it is not empirical though it may in fact be knowledge (Science Daily. Empiricism.). The debate of ideas is probably one of the most fertile fallacies propagated in our supposedly scientific society. Continue reading “Ad Hominem Logic”

Fallacy of Natural Law

Natural Philosopher Expert
Pontificating on Natural Law

Every school person knows that America’s Constitution was founded on  natural law. But, what does that term mean? One definition of natural law states, “unwritten body of universal moral principles that underlie the ethical and legal norms by which human conduct is sometimes evaluated and governed. Natural law is often contrasted with positive law, which consists of the written rules and regulations enacted by government (Free Dictionary.).” This definition, as do many others, give the impression that natural law is not a unitary force but a competing force against positive law. I discussed the unnaturalness of natural law in a previous post (Unnaturalness of Natural Law.). Continue reading “Fallacy of Natural Law”

How the West Broke Itself Reflexively

Reflexivity or Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Breaking Western Economies/Societies

Reflexivity may be a new work to most people but the philosophy was developed by Dr. Popper and refined by Mr. Soros who used the concept to break the Bank of England on Black Wednesday, 16 September 1992 (Theory of Reflexivity George Soros – Predicting Financial Markets). Reflexivity is simple the propagation of subjective reality, read: lies, to influence others to an action favorable to yourself. People reacting on these lies make the action come true; thus, a self-fulfilling prophecy. The individual lies that support the reflexive goal are called fertile fallacies. Lies built on supporting lies propagated by willing or unwilling sources become the new normal when believed by key people. Once a critical mass of people believe the reflexive lie, it becomes the new truth. Welcome to the Covid-19 Panic of 2020.
Continue reading “How the West Broke Itself Reflexively”

And the Nations Rage

Why do Nations Rage Against God? (Ps 2)
 God waits Patiently for His Day.

In the first post of this series, How Joseph Developed Socialism, God, through Joseph, gave the King/Pharaoh {priest} all the riches of his people; i.e., they became slaves to him. The next post, How Moses Broke Socialism, showed how God, through Moses, broke the economy of Egypt to impoverish the King and people. In this post I will endeavor to show the guiding rule to determine what God is doing today with the nations and the most common error Christians support because they do not clearly grasped the Scriptures. Continue reading “And the Nations Rage”

How Joseph Developed Socialism

Well known facts about Joseph and Pharaoh but
What were the implications of Joseph’s actions?

Nearly everyone attending Sunday School has heard the story of how Joseph saved Egypt from famine becoming the hero of the story; with God’s help, of course. However, few lessons have been taught concerning the implications of Joseph’s plans for Egypt and for subsequent governments. This post will look at how Joseph developed socialism in Egypt, enslaving the native population and what we can learn about our own governmental actions today in comparison. Continue reading “How Joseph Developed Socialism”

Unnaturalness of Natural Law

America’s Declaration Birthed by
John Locke’s Natural Law

Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by John Locke’s natural law philosophy when he penned America’s Declaration of Independence. This philosophy describes the divide between Conservatives, who believe in natural law, and the Liberals who appear to follow Thomas Hobbes philosophy of legal rights conferred by one’s reigning governmental system. Evangelical Christians have frequently joined the Conservatives because of some supposed belief that natural law is derived from God thus obligating them to adhere to the Conservatives. However, did John Locke draw his philosophy from the Bible? Is there bible verses that support natural law? Christians should care because we are morally obligated to follow Scripture and must be able to discern the truth of this matter to prevent us from inadvertently supporting Satan. This is the heart of this post.
Continue reading “Unnaturalness of Natural Law”

Is God the Tyrant of Heaven?

Theodicy Always Finds God Guilty
Blaming Him for the Evil of Man’s Sin

In Star Trek’s, The Cage, the alien with significant illusionary powers tells Captain Pike, “…wrong thinking will be punished; right thinking will be as quickly rewarded…{paraphrase}” Notice that in science fiction aliens become a substitute for God, gods or demons while noble mankind via science, knowledge, overcomes the superstitions of ancient civilizations? Is this true or is this propaganda designed to keep you from right thinking? Continue reading “Is God the Tyrant of Heaven?”

Shadows of Deceit

For a Society supposedly based on Science
Science is routinely rejected for Scientisms

I was struck by the awful truth of this statement coupled with my personal experience of trying to convince my contemporaries that they should obtain their Coronary Artery Calcium Score (CAC) rather than wait until they have that premature heart attack that permanently injures the heart. Nearly everyone I talked with scoffed at this even though I explained that I obtained my CAC and discovered I had significant Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) though I never had a single chest pain! People would rather die than exchange their truth, their worldview for a fact based truth. This holds true in every facet of this life. Plato understood this over two millennium ago.

Continue reading “Shadows of Deceit”

Churches Abdication to Psych’s Myths

Psych Industry Developed Science Answer
So-called Scientific Theory is Just Scientism

Before the publication of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual {DSM} 3rd edition, so-called psych issues were based on Freudian or Jungian or whomever was one’s favorite myth developer; however, this lack of a scientific approach brought ridicule from the medical community. To combat this, and gain some sort of respectability, the psych industry developed a scientific theory and diagnostic criteria on which to base their labeling of someone’s so-called abnormality. There is one major flaw. Science is the measurability and repeatability, empiricism, to validate, or invalidate, a hypothesis. Psych industry had no research to validate their brain-chemical imbalance; in other words, they sort of made it up. This remains the mainstay of the industry today: a tissue of myths. Continue reading “Churches Abdication to Psych’s Myths”